
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

CHAPTER 39 - Sei Molfer's Fury.

CHAPTER 39 - Sei Molfer's Fury.

Desperate, Mei can't stop crying and pleading for Frima to help Kei and revive him, but Frima just stays silent, not knowing exactly what to do.

Frima really wants to help Mei, but Near is the leader, she can't disobey Near's orders.

"Please, I don't want to lose my brother! He's the person I love the most! Please, revive my brother! I'll do anything!"

Mei didn't want to give up, but Frima couldn't disobey Near.

Frima closed her eyes and took a breath, to say some last cold words to Mei.

"I'm sorry, girl."

"N-no... P-please..."

Why did Near attack Kei? Because Mei ruined it. She was to blame... Well, something like that.

A few minutes before the arrival of the heroes, Kei was preparing for their arrival, taking preventive measures in case the situation got out of control.

"Attention, soldiers!" Mei and the maids were standing in front of Kei, and he was speaking as if he were the leader of a group of soldiers. All of them had their hands on their heads in a military salute, waiting for Kei's orders.

There were five maids in the house, including Treka and Mia. All of them were Class A adventurers, famous throughout the country, but they were mere insects compared to the heroes. Kei knows perfectly well that it's impossible for them to defeat the heroes if they try to kill them, but he's preparing them so that they can at least convince the heroes to stop and not kill them.

Knowing Near's bad reputation, she could kill Mei or Kei without hesitation, regardless of how useful they could be in the future. Kei is preparing them to avoid angering the heroes and surviving.

"Mei and I skipped school today because it's necessary for us to prepare. The heroes will come tonight. If we want to stay alive, we must plan what we will say and do. One mistake can cost us our lives. Near is crazy, she will use any excuse to hit us or even kill us. The Molfer family is world-renowned, and you all know perfectly well that my mother has been busy all these years training her children, especially Mei, the future leader of the Molfer family, which is why she hasn't had the opportunity to meet the heroes. The same goes for my grandmother, who has only traveled the world all these years and is just returning to the country to continue her work as a warrior. The Molfer family is world-renowned for being one of the most powerful families in the world, and I'm more than sure that Near won't waste this opportunity to humiliate us. She wants to prove to the world that no one surpasses her, so we must prepare to avoid death at least."

"Fufu. Although I doubt she'll defeat Sei Molfer," one of the maids said.

"My mother is powerful thanks to her experience, but if we talk about total power and status, she's even below Mei and me, who belong to the generation of false heroes. In a normal fight, my mother couldn't defeat Near, not even Charlotte, who is the least powerful hero," Kei said.

"But the odds aren't zero, brother. My mother knows perfectly well where to hit to generate more damage. If Near lets her guard down and trusts herself too much, our mother would beat her without hesitation," Mei said.

"Yes... You're right..."

Kei remembered an occasion when his mother defeated him with a single blow. She hit him in the stomach and pierced him, but not only that, but because of that blow, most of his skeleton's bones were broken, and he was in a coma for a whole week due to the injuries.

"It's possible to defeat a more powerful enemy if you know how to use power correctly, but we're talking about heroes, women who surpass us by a lot. It would be difficult for me to imagine Sei Molfer defeating Charlotte."

Mei raised her hand.

"What's up, Mei?"

"Speaking of Sei Molfer, what about our parents? I think it would be better to plan a strategy together in case Near tries to kill us."

"They left. They left two hours ago. They said they would talk to the Queen. I suppose they will try to get her help and prevent Near from killing us..."

Unexpectedly, the main door opened and Kei felt a chill run through his body. But it wasn't just a simple chill, it was a feeling of terror and panic that flooded his being, as if the shadow of death was hovering over him.

His body began to shake aggressively and he was afraid to turn around.

"I-Is it fear? W-What's happening?"

"B-Brother... they're here."

Kei opened his eyes wide when he heard that and quickly turned around to see his guests.

They had arrived, the heroes, although they were supposed to arrive at night.

Kei exchanged glances with Near and stroked his hand to calm himself down.

Near looked at him without any importance, but that only made Kei more afraid.

"T-They're the ones..."

He swallowed and, putting aside his fear, approached them, as it would be rude and dangerous not to welcome the heroes.

"I'm sorry, hero ladies, you were supposed to arrive at night. The banquet is not ready and my parents are not here... Is there anything I can do for you?"

Kei knelt down before Near and smiled at her.

"My name is Kei Molfer, it is a pleasure and an honor to meet you. Let me tell you that I admire you with all my being."

"Oh, how cute," said Sepgrar, stroking Kei's head as if he were a little child.

"Thank you, miss. It's an honor to be stroked by a hero."

"And he's a polite boy. So cute. I could eat him up with kisses."

"Eh? K-kisses?"

Sepgrar got on her knees and gave Kei a kiss on the cheek, making him even more nervous than he already was.

"Wh-what?! I-I didn't dislike it, I-It's just that I d-didn't expect it."

"Fufu. Do you want another one?"

"A-another one?"

"Tsk. Pathetic," said Near.

Near looked at him with disgust and Kei swallowed.

"Y-yes, I'm somewhat pathetic, but I think..."

"Is that all? I thought he was a stronger boy. He's trembling with fear... Pathetic. Did the Queen really worry about this useless thing? She just made me waste my time!!"

She tried to hit him, but Kei reacted in time and stopped her fist with his hands.



Near was surprised, but Kei was even more surprised. His body moved on its own, he didn't want to do it, as it would only make Near angrier, but his survival instinct forced him to protect himself.

"I'm an idiot! Why did I stop the attack?!" he thought nervously and more scared than ever.

He tried to use [Teleportation] to escape, but he couldn't, as Near wanted to fight, and he had a heart attack when he realized he couldn't use that skill.

Quickly, he used his healing magic to prevent his heart from having a heart attack and swallowed more saliva than before.

"Well, well. You're not so useless."

"I-I just got lucky! Y-yes, beginner's luck!"

"Fufu. Well, well. You're an interesting boy, Kei Molfer. Not everyone can stop an attack from Near," said Gelisha, the hero.

One of them got too close to him.

It was Gelisha, the hero of the wind. Her divine power is called [Dragon's Breath]. She possesses the most powerful wind magic.

She's a flat-chested girl who wears black oval glasses and has short black hair.

An average-looking girl, but Kei found her very attractive.

Gelisha is considered the least popular of the group because she's not as beautiful as her teammates, and her aggressive personality makes her annoying.

"How cute," Kei thought, completely sincere.

She and Kei exchanged looks, and he smiled at her in a cheerful and not at all nervous way.

"Thank you, Miss Gelisha. I really appreciate your words. It's an honor to hear that, especially coming from one of the heroes I admire most. Please accept this!"

Kei took a bouquet of red flowers from his [magic storage] and offered them to Gelisha.

The heroes looked on with great interest at the [magic storage] as Kei gave Gelisha the flowers.

"You're one of the coolest, most beautiful, interesting, and awesome women I've ever met in my life! I want to be like you someday! Please accept this humble gift!"


Gelisha took it, and Kei kept talking.

Kei really admires Gelisha, he's not lying, because Gelisha is one of the less popular heroes, but has more interesting stories to hear for Kei.

The other heroes are famous for their huge powers and kind actions like Frima creating orphanages and schools or Charlotte building hospitals, but Gelisha has more interesting stories for Kei, such as conquering dungeons using only her right fist and with her eyes closed or flying around the world in less than 30 minutes.

Gelisha has fun doing impossible challenges, and that's something Kei loves, he even imitates some of Gelisha's stories.

In other words, and although Kei won't admit it, Gelisha is... Kei's crush. A woman that Kei really admires for her personality and beauty, because Gelisha fulfills all the things that Kei considers attractive, such as flat chest, women who wear glasses, and short hair.

Kei became a fan of Gelisha mainly because of her appearance, and that's why he loves listening to stories about her achievements.

"Could I have your autograph, please?! You were amazing in the battle against...!"


Kei covered his mouth and nodded quickly to avoid angering her.

After observing him for a few seconds, Gelisha sighed disappointedly and punched Kei in the face with her right fist.

Kei went flying and crashed into Mei, who caught him.


Mei caught him and used healing magic on him while Gelisha crossed her arms.

"I don't feel any divine power or special powers in him... He's useless after all. He's still inferior."

"Ouch. That hurt more in my heart," Kei thought.

"H-Hey, he's just a kid," Bandia said.

"Yes, don't hit him, Gelisha," Luna said.

"Silence. Speak when I tell you to," Near said.

They looked down and clenched their fists tightly because, although they want to help Kei, they can't disobey Near.

But there's a girl who dares to challenge Near to protect him, even though it's useless to try and defeat a hero.

"No one hits my brother!"

"Uwaaaah! Wait, Mei! Don't do it!"

A fireball thrown by Mei hit Gelisha's face, but it did nothing to her, not even a scratch.

"Was that supposed to hurt me? Pathetic."

Gelisha approached them.

Kei and Mei felt her bloodlust. Mei began to tremble in fear and Kei lowered his gaze.

He knew he couldn't escape... If he fought, he would die. They wouldn't accept apologies... There was only one option left... Buy time.

Why doesn't he use [Teleportation] to escape? In this world, there are people who can use [Teleportation], which is why Fravi created a celestial law called "No escape." What does it consist of? In a fight, you cannot use the [Teleportation] spell. If you try to use it, it won't activate. You can escape by running or flying, but you cannot use [Teleportation] to escape. It's impossible, unless the other person doesn't want to keep fighting.

Knowing that it's impossible to escape, Kei made a difficult decision.


Kei caressed her head and smiled at her.

"Run while you can. I'll buy some time."

"N-no... No, wait!"

Red lightning surrounded Kei's body. He jumped and attacked Gelisha with his left fist.

She tried to dodge his fist.

She dodged it, but Kei used his right foot to kick her in the face, an attack that worked, surprising Kei as he thought it would be more difficult.

She went flying and went through a wall.

"Run, Mei!"

The reason why Kei doesn't try to escape is that he knows it's useless. If they want to kill him, they will kill him. There's no escape. But he wants Mei to survive. He will fail his mission if he dies, but he wants to die knowing that he at least protected his beloved sister.

"I won't allow them to touch my sister! Take your positions!"

The maids used their magic to create swords and prepared to fight, without any sign of doubt or fear on their faces.

"Well, well. Are you sacrificing yourself for your sister? It's a shame that the law "No escape" exists, isn't it? You can't escape with her," said Near, smiling.

"Brother, I won't leave without you!"

"Mei, run, you idiot!"

"Attack," said Near, coldly.

The group of heroes began fighting with the maids... But it was a meaningless fight... They weren't rivals for the heroes. Their attacks didn't even hurt them.

One by one, the maids were easily defeated, and Near approached Kei.

The maids only survived because the heroes felt pity for them, and because Near didn't order them to be killed. The heroes weren't as evil as Near, so they wouldn't kill unless he forced them to.

Kei's legs were shaking, but he stood firm and stared into Near's eyes, not showing any fear in his gaze. If he was going to die, he would die with dignity, without giving Near the satisfaction of seeing him cry.

"I'm going to have fun with you."

"Leave my brother alone!"

"No, Mei!!"

Mei hit Near in the face... a grave mistake. She had touched Near's face... And that made him furious.

"Did you touch my pretty face?"


Near tried to hit Mei, but Kei pushed her out of the way and took the blow for her.

With his right fist, Near pierced Kei's stomach, the same attack Sei Molfer used on Kei in the past that left him in a coma. But this time, even though his whole body was burning with pain, Kei refused to lose consciousness and a small laugh escaped him.

"Hehe. H-Hey, did you say 'pretty face'? Sorry, but to me, you're not pretty. I give you a 7 out of 10. You're not ugly, but you're not beautiful either... You're average... But with that attitude, you lose points. I give you a final score of 4 out of 10." Kei said with a smile, while bleeding out.


Near punched Kei in the face and sent him flying. Kei jumped back to avoid having his head destroyed and managed to get pushed away by Near's attack, rather than pierced.


"Don't do anything! Go, Mei!"

Kei used his healing magic and closed his wound.

"I've used up too much magic power..."

Kei tried to get up from the ground, but Near put his foot on his head.

"Don't get up. If you do what I say, I won't kill that girl."

"Yes... Okay. I hope a hero has honor and keeps their word."

His sword appeared in his hand and Near smiled.

"I'm going to have fun with you."

And so, Kei was used as a toy by Near, but someone would soon come to his rescue.

[Sei Molfer... The heroes are... here.] was the message Mia sent to Sei Molfer through the [Thought Communication] ability before losing consciousness completely.

After Kei's death, Mei felt very guilty for his death. She managed to escape and promised to avenge the heroes. In her adventure, she met powerful people and formed a legendary group. She killed the heroes and avenged her brother, becoming the protagonist of the story... or so Kei thought would happen. He was still alive and imagining what could happen if he died.

"Would Mei become a cold and emotionless protagonist? Would she have a reverse harem? I don't know... but I don't plan on giving her my spot," he whispered, while trying to gather enough energy to stand up.

He slowly got up from the ground. His clothes were covered in blood, and he felt like all his bones were broken. He could barely stand, but thanks to his willpower and his desire to protect his sister, he managed to stay on his feet and slowly advance towards Near.

"Hey, heroes...," he called out to them.

The heroes were surprised to see Kei still alive and wondered, "Isn't he dead?"

Meanwhile, Mei began to cry even more.


"I'm not giving up yet!" Kei said.

Red lightning began to surround his body again.

"Just a little more..."

Unfortunately, he no longer had the energy to continue.

The lightning disappeared, and he began to vomit blood.

"I can't do it anymore..."

Seeing this, Near began to laugh and approached Kei.

"I'll finish this. I'm bored now."

Kei was about to fall to the ground, but he saw something that gave him hope and he remained standing.

Trying to maintain his balance, Kei smiled and raised his hand, waving to someone behind them.

"Mother, can you fight for me? I can't do it anymore..."

Kei sat on the ground, and Mei hugged him.

"Brother, hold on!"


Sei Molfer entered the house and saw the horrible scene. The maids were on the ground, and her son was almost dead. And upon seeing the large pool of blood that Near had left after torturing Kei, Sei Molfer took a deep breath and sighed.

"The famous Sei Molfer, huh? I thought you'd be taller. Yes, I almost killed your son. What are you going to do? Kill me?" Near said mockingly.

Sei Molfer clenched her fist and smiled.

"Hehe. Yes, I will."

With a speed that even the heroes couldn't see, Sei Molfer approached Near and gave her a powerful punch in the face.

Near was sent flying and broke through several walls, then exited the house and crashed into the ground multiple times.

Upon leaving the house, she tried to stop, but only succeeded after 7 attempts, finally coming to a halt at the wall surrounding the mansion.

"What...?" Frima said, surprised by what she saw.

"Her stats are... dropping rapidly," Luna said.

Sei Molfer pulled out 5 magical energy potions from between her breasts and drank them all.

"I'll be back soon," Sei Molfer said without feeling any fear in her being.

Near's legs were shaking, and her nose was bleeding profusely without stopping, which scared her a little.

"What? What's happening to my body?" Near asked, worried, as her body had weakened considerably with just one punch from Sei Molfer.

Sei Molfer followed her and punched her in the face again.

Near's head hit the ground and destroyed a large part of it, causing the entire place to shake, surprising all the heroes, while Kei simply smiled.

"I'll never forgive you!"

"You'll regret it!!" Near shouted.

Meanwhile, the heroines didn't know what to do.

"Did you see that?" said Bandia.

"Her speed... her strength... It's incredible," said Charlotte.

"Her stats are lower than her son's. Kei is supposed to be more powerful than her... Is it an error?" said Luna.

Luna can see people's stats with her eyes, so she's the most confused by how illogical this situation is. How is it possible that someone much weaker has inflicted so much damage on someone like Near?

"It's not an error... My stats are better... But my mother has more experience," said Kei.

"Don't talk, brother. Rest," said Mei as she stroked Kei's head.

He was resting in Mei's lap, recovering from the beating he received from Near.

"Yes, thank you."

"We have to help her!" said Riafra, the ice hero.

Her divine power is: [Dragon Skin]. Thanks to her skin, she can use the most powerful ice magic without any problems.

"Are you cowards? It's an individual fight. Let her fight alone... Do you think she'll lose? Are you that afraid of my mother?" said Mei.

While stroking Kei's head, small red sparks surrounded her hands and eyes.

Kei noticed that and was surprised.

"This magic... Unknown magic... Special magic... Mei... Do you have special magic?" thought Kei.

(Author's note: A small spoiler. Mei = Sandra. Those who read "Humans Against Demons" will understand. :v)