
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

CHAPTER 13- Engaged.

CHAPTER 13- Engaged.

"W-wait, mother! I already told you that I don't want to be noble! I will be an adventurer! I'm not interested in being a boring nobleman who just keeps writing reports and feeling superior to commoners! I hate people like that!"

"I'm sorry, Kei, but you'll have to accept."

Seeing Mei's behavior, Sei Molfer decided that Kei should get married. She doesn't want Mei to be romantically attracted to Kei. Cousin marriages are not frowned upon, but Kei and Mei are siblings, it was impossible to accept such a relationship. She knows that Kei loves his sister in a "normal" way, but Mei loves Kei in a romantic way.

"Mother, Kei doesn't want to marry, you can't force him!"- Mei said angrily.

When she found out about the marriage proposals Kei received, she couldn't help but feel sad, but she was glad to hear that Kei rejected the proposals.

But now her mother was forcing him.

"That's right, you can't force me! I want to choose my couple!"

"I'm sorry, but you can't turn them down."

"But... Wait…"

Kei remembered his mother's words: "You will accept two marriage proposals."

"Two proposals? Wait… The princess's cousins?!"

"Yes. Their mothers asked me that you consider marrying their daughters. They are crazy for you... You're lucky with women, Kei."

"This is cliché! Mother, I hardly know them! I just saved them! They don't really know me! What if I was a fucking rapist and murderer?! They fell in love simply because I saved them! They must consider their actions!"

"Donations to orphanages and poor villages, you cured the adventurers who were left invalid, your good treatment of commoners, your incredible strength and your kind personality. Their mothers investigated you. They consider you a good boy. If you accept, you can marry them when they turn 15 years old."

"I feel stalked!"

"Besides, they offered to make you an adventurer without having to wait 3 more years."

Kei's anger and despair disappeared upon hearing that.


In this world, only people who are over 15 years old can become adventurers.

"Yes. They promised."

"I can advance the "Slave companions" plan ... I must accept, but ... That would also affect me negatively ... But there are more benefits ... Well... It is decided. Debo aceptar."- Kei thought.

Kei wanted to get only powerful companions, so as not to waste time constantly protecting his companions. But if he married weak girls, he would always have to protect them.

"But... They have royal blood ... If I train them, they will become powerful ... Benefits increased. Ah, Zius, espero que valores lo que hago. (Ah, Zius, I hope you appreciate what I do.) I am sacrificing my dignity."- Kei thought.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Okay... I will marry them."

"Wait, brother, think better of it!"

"I want to become an adventurer ... I must accept ... Mother, I will marry them, but I will be an adventurer. I want you to explain to them that I will not be a noble."

"No problem with that. They have older sisters, they will also cease to be noble when they marry you."- Said his mother.

"I will not accept this!"

Mei gets up from the table and walks away.

She is crying and her parents sigh.

"We should talk to her."

Kei's father notices that Drin is crying.

"Is Nia crying?"


Drin jumps into Kei's face and hugs him.

"She's nervous about something ... It is said that animals can see ghosts... Maybe the ghosts of the bandits are around me ... It sounds scary, but they can't do anything to me ... I'm sorry, I'm retiring."

Kei gets up from the table and pats Drin.

"Yeah, yeah, nothing's wrong."

Kei walks away and sighs.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do it. Have I already told you about the plan called "Slave Companions"?"- Kei said in a low voice.

"No."- Said Drin.

"I'll explain it to you in my room."

After entering Kei's room, Drin returns to her human form, as a little girl.

"Did you like the shape?"

"I want to look your age too."

"I see... Well, let me explain. In my world, in stories of fantasy and magic, adventurers who buy slaves and train them become more powerful beings. In one of the stories I read, a female slave became so powerful that she was even able to fight a God and win. In most stories, female slaves become very powerful. My plan is to buy criminal slaves and train them. I want to buy Dark Elves or Demi-humans. A dog girl would be nice ... But I'm also interested in bird girls ... I'll think about that later."

"Do you think it works?"

"I guess... It's very cliché, but I want to do it ... And since adventurers can buy slaves to use as companions, accepting to marry will benefit me and I will have more time to train them."

"I understand... That's why you agreed to get married, darling."

"I plan to train them as well. It will be difficult, but it is not impossible ... My harem is increasing ... Honestly, I feel bad doing this, but it's necessary."

After all, Kei is a gentleman. He would hate a man who had two girlfriends. But Kei left that thought behind, for he considers it more important to save this world than his dignity as a man and a gentleman.

Third girl: Freiya, "the pig girl."

Fourth girl: Neil, "the girl with tentacles."