
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 10- A date with two girls.

CHAPTER 10- A date with two girls.

Kei is a good person, who is willing to help people who need his help. In his past life, he was one of the kindest people in his class, helping anyone who needed help with their homework and even helping to organize events. Kei is a person who feels great about helping others... But that doesn't mean Kei hates the idea of killing.

Kei may be a good person, but when the situation requires it, he becomes the nightmare of any enemy.

"No, please spare my life!"- Said a bandit, crying on her knees, putting her hands together, asking for mercy.

Mercy that will not come.

"No."- Kei said, feeling no remorse, as Drin watched him in awe of his actions.

With an attack with his ice sword, Kei cuts off the head of a bandit.

The head falls to the ground and Kei licks the blood that soiled his sword.

"Well, we finished ... I think they are the bandits my mother was looking for."

Kei was attacked by a group of bandits. They planned to kidnap Kei and kill him, as Sei Molfer killed their leader. What they didn't know is that Kei is more powerful than his mother, though only in terms of status.

Around him, there are corpses without legs, without arms and without heads. Kei did this and left a message on the bodies that read: "Bandits, if you keep stealing and killing, you will also die this way."

An action worthy of a generic villain, but it did the hero of this story.

"You'll never stop surprising me, darling."

Drin, in her human form, approaches him. She is wearing glasses, although she doesn't need to, she only wears it to please Kei.

Her clothes are stained with blood, but she is smiling sweetly. She is more than used to this kind of thing, so to her it seems like the most normal thing in the world. The only thing that surprised her was how sadistic Kei can become.

"Are you finished, Drin?"

"Yeah, darling. I had to torture her a little more than I thought."

"Where is their hiding place? I think they have a new leader."

"In the capital. The hideout is located in a restaurant, in the red zone."

The red zone, the most dangerous area of the capital. There are brothels, gun shops, criminal slave shops, and the poor live there, because the houses are cheaper.

An area that no nobleman in their right mind would visit, out of simple disgust and to take care of their own personal image, but Kei does not mind being seen in that place.

"I see... When we finish our date, let's kill the bandits."

"Wouldn't it be easier to give this information to your mother and have her capture them?"

"No. If they are caught, they will become criminal slaves ... They will work in mines or, if they are lucky, they will become servants ... But I don't think they deserve to live ... Unlike my original world, human rights do not protect criminals. If I kill the bandits, they won't arrest me. I'd rather kill them."

Drin was silent for a few seconds, as she watched her beloved Kei, looking at the decapitated head of the bandit with disgust and revulsion. A look no good guy should have.

"Wow... Darling, I thought you were a good boy, but you have a sadistic side."

"If they killed, the destiny that awaits them is death. They have caused a lot of damage. Besides, my mother told me that bad people do not deserve to live ... And as she told me when I was 3 years old, I grew up with that teaching ... I think that's why I don't feel bad killing them. Obviously, I'll kill them if they deserve it. If they just steal, I will not kill them, I will just capture them. Even I have my moral limit."

"And how do you know they just steal? Can you detect lies, darling?"

"I use my magic to detect lies, although it only works on humans. I'm still improving it."

"I see... Is that why you asked them if they killed?"

"Exactly... And they have all killed ... They deserved this fate ... Well, let's go. Este escenario es asqueroso. (This scenario is disgusting.) And clean your clothes ... By the way... As it will be a date, I want you to change form."

Drin and Kei walk together down the main street of the capital.

Drin transformed into a 12-year-old girl. It is similar to her adult form, only with violet hair. Kei asked her to use that form, as it would be quite suspicious for an adult woman to behave so affectionately with a 12-year-old boy. Since it's a date, flirting is inevitable, so he asked her to use that form to make it less suspicious.

"The capital is bigger with this size... By the way, darling, do I look pretty?"- Drin said, while she has an adorable smile on her face.

"Yes, Drin, you look pretty, although I prefer your normal form... How many times will I have to say it?"

"I'm sorry... But I love that you call me pretty. You look very handsome today, darling."

"Ah, I wish I was really handsome."- Kei thought.

Kei gets a bad feeling and stops.

Drin stops and looks into his eyes.

"What's up, darling?"

"This feeling of danger and shyness ... She is near."


Even before entering school, Kei made some preparations for the future, and that includes women with enormous potential.

"Kei!! Kei, it's me !! I missed you!!"

A 6.6-foot girl runs towards him.

If she wasn't 6.6 feet tall, she'd look like an 11-year-old girl.

Her hair is as long and red as a lake of blood, and her eyes are pink.

"Hi, Diama."

Diama bends down and hugs him tightly. A big difference in stature. By the way, Kei is 5 feet tall. He is small, but he is only 12 years old, he will grow more.

"I missed you, Kei! Why don't you ever visit me ?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I have to go to school and study, I don't have much free time."

Seeing Kei being hugged by another girl in front of her, caused Drin's bloodlust to be about to kick in and kill Diama, but if she did that, Kei would be furious with her, so she immediately controlled herself, but her jealousy remained in her.

Drin pouches to get Kei's attention and crosses her arms.

"Kei, who is she?"

"She is Diama, a friend. I met her 2 years ago."

"Nice to meet you, miss… Who is she, Kei?"

"Her name is Drin, she's a friend."

Hearing the word "friend", Drin felt that her heart had been crushed by Kei's hands mercilessly, but she remembered that Kei keeps their relationship a secret, so Kei did not say that with the intention to hurt her, but because it is necessary. Being called a simple friend hurt her, but she can't reproach him, because she knows perfectly well how important it is to keep their relationship a secret, so they will prevent Sei Molfer from investigating Drin.

While Drin tried to control her jealousy and frustrations, Kei talked quietly with Diama, but inside, he was scared and very nervous.

"Uwaaaah! Why did I tell Diama that her name is Drin?! I'm an idiot!"- Kei thought.

Kei committed the great stupidity of revealing Drin's name, so he decided to start from scratch with Drin's identity another day.

"Diama, I was planning to visit your father later. I promised Drin to go eat with her. See you later."

"May I accompany you, Kei?"


Kei turns to see Drin, waiting for an answer.

"It would be nice to eat with friends, wouldn't it? After all, we are just friends, right?"- She said smiling sweetly, but her aura is sinister.

She is clearly angry that Kei said they are friends and not boyfriend and girlfriend.

But Kei is an idiot and he doesn't get the hint. He thinks she really wants Diama to eat with them.

"You're right, eating with friends is nice. Come on, girls, I know a good restaurant."- He said smiling.

Kei walks away and the girls walk behind him.

"My date is ruined!"- Drin thought.

Furious, she looked up to see Diama in the eyes. Diama simply smiled at her and waved her hand. Drin returned the greeting, but in her mind, Drin is imagining that she is killing Diama. It was a way to vent her anger.

Drin may behave in a polite and loving manner with Kei, but that does not take away the fact that she is a demon addicted to the suffering of others.

Drin is a monster who even ate human babies in the past and tortured little children to death for simple fun, but for simple love, she behaves in a completely different way.

Love changes people.

Kei and the girls enter a middle-class restaurant. Kei hates fancy and expensive restaurants because he considers it a waste of money and feels uncomfortable, so he prefers simple restaurants. The food is delicious and cheaper, so it's perfect for a glutton like Kei.

This restaurant is adapted for different human species.

Dwarves, Titans, Elves, Undead, demihumans, and fairies.

By the way, Diama belongs to the Titans species. Adults can measure more than 10 feet.

Kei, on entering, caught a lot of attention, after all, Kei is not only a nobleman, he is a Molfer, he belongs to one of the most important families in the world. He would obviously draw attention to himself by his mere presence, although he prefers to ignore that and pretend nothing is going on.

Kei inhaled deeply and sighed.

"It smells so delicious. I'll eat till I burst!"

They sit at a table and wait their turn.

"By the way, how did you meet? Did he save you too, Drin?"

"We met at… a party… By the way, did Kei save you? What do you mean?"

"Kei is my hero! Kei defeated some bandits who were trying to steal from us! My father was easily defeated, but Kei arrived in time and defeated them."

Kei turned red for being called a hero and Drin noticed, so she decided to take revenge for being called a "friend."

Drin gave him small blows with her elbow, as she laughed sweetly.

"Fufu. You're quite the hero, huh?"

"I-I don't know."

Of course he is! He is a hero! I'll tell you the whole story!"- Said Diama.

"It will be a pleasure to listen to it."- Drin said, while pinching Kei's cheek, who was getting even redder.

(2 years ago.)

Diama's father was standing in front of her, protecting her.

Two bandits were mocking him. They belong to the race of Titans. There are 16 bandits behind them, but they belong to different races.

Diama's father is a merchant. Merchants are sometimes attacked by bandits, that's why they hire adventurers. Unfortunately, the adventurers he hired were defeated.

He was seriously injured, but he was still standing, to continue protecting his daughter. Unfortunately, he is a man, no matter how hard he tries, he will never be able to defeat them.

Kei is one of the few exceptions to powerful men. 99% of the men in that world are so weak that even a little Goblin could defeat them.

Diama's father was still alive and standing because the bandits were only playing with him, believing he was capable of fighting them.

"Inferior, don't you know when to give up ?! You're funny!"

"An inferior could never defeat us!"

"Leave my father, please!"- Diama said crying.

"Ah, let's get this over with, I'm bored."

One of the bandits tried to cut off her father's head, and Diama shouted with all her might a simple word.


Word that was enough for him to hear.


Kei landed in front of him and used his ice sword as a shield.

The swords collided and Kei sighed in relief.

"Ufff, I arrived on time... Cliché... Sorry ladies, but I will have to capture you. Dead or alive, you decide."

His sword disappeared and he smiled.

"I will not kill you for now."

A bandit tried to hit him, but Kei caught her fist easily with his hand.

Kei jumped up and hit one of the bandits in the face. A blow so powerful, it not only broke her nose, it fractured her skull and left her on the verge of death. And she was pretty lucky, because Kei controlled his strength so as not to kill her.

He gained momentum using the bandit's body and punched the other bandit in the face.

The Titans fell to the ground unconscious, leaving everyone in the place amazed.

"H-he defeated them?"- Diama's father said.

"Wow, wow... That was disappointing."

The bandits tried to attack him, but he dodged their attacks easily and defeated them one by one.

Bandits declined in numbers rapidly.

When there were only 3 left, they gave up.

"W-we give up!"

"Don't kill us!"

"I beg you!"

"That will depend on your past actions ... I want you to lie down on the floor. And don't try to escape or I'll kill you."

The bandits lay down on the floor and Kei turned to see Diama's father.

The reason Kei didn't kill them was because Diama was present and didn't want to traumatize a little girl.

"Sorry for waiting… Which attribute do you use? I need to know in order to heal you."

"The attribute of ground, child."

"Okay. Give me your hand."

Kei took him by the hand and his wounds quickly disappeared.


He watched Diama. She was watching him too much. She was very nervous and scared, for Kei was someone dangerous, she didn't know if she could trust him. Kei was not only powerful, he was a man, an existence that should not exist. Anyone who saw him for the first time would be terrified.

"Miss, are you hurt?"

"N-no... I-I'm fine."

"I'm glad... Well..."

Kei jumped and climbed onto the roof of Diama's father's carriage.

"Sir, go your way. You are going to the capital, aren't you? I need to buy something in the capital."

"Thanks child… What's your name?"

"My name is Kei Molfer."

"I am Makiar, and she is my daughter, her name is Diama."

"Diama? It's a cute name."

"C-cute?"- Diama said in a low voice.

'I nearly forgot... The bandits ... I'll take them to my mother."

"Your mother?"- Makiar said.

"Oh. Don't you recognize the Molfer last name? I think our reputation is diminishing, huh?"


They both returned to reality. Because they were surprised to see a little boy defeat the bandits, they were not thinking well and did not realize that he had said "Molfer".

The Molfer family has a reputation for fear. The Molfer family is characterized mainly by their methods of torture and sadistic fighting. There is a phrase that perfectly reflects the Molfer family name, a phrase that bards include in the songs they create about the Molfer family.

"To have a Molfer as an enemy is a fate far worse than death itself."

Diama and her father were about to kneel, but the bloodlust they felt stopped them and they looked up in fear.

Kei stared at them. A look that paralyzed them. A look that reflected the Molfer's evil. They felt that, if they moved or looked away, they would die.

"Don 't kneel. I hate being treated like I'm someone superior. I'm just a little boy who wants to go to the capital, that's all. Let's go."


Kei hates the discrimination suffered by commoners on the part of the nobles, so he does not act like one. He acts like a nobleman just to get benefits, like getting information.

Kei was completely red and Drin touched his cheek with her index finger, to embarrass him further.

"Wow, wow... Kei's pretty cool, huh?"

"He is very cool and powerful!"

"W-with training, anyone can be powerful. By the way, how's your training going, Diama? Did you do what I told you?"- Kei said, clearly deflecting the topic of conversation.

"I'll show you the results at my house. I got stronger!"

Kei looks into her eyes and smiles.

"A companion of the race of Titans ... It sounds good... If her results are good, she will be my new companion."- Kei thought.

Kei tries to have companions of different races. He already got an Elf and a Demon.

The reason for his decision is simple: The variety of techniques. If his companions are of different races, their attacks will be more difficult to predict and there will be more combinations in team fights.