
Harem or Nah

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Looking at her Herrscher persona acting like a spoiled kid, Mei sighed in defeat. "Raiden… can you not treat Urien like that?" she asked her other personality.

"What are you talking about, crybaby?" Inside their mindscape, the two of them are sitting face to face.

"You got jealous of Urien, didn't you?" Not backing down, Mei asked Raiden. "You got jealous of Urien's closeness with Kiana-chan. So, you are making him jealous by using my body to flirt with Kiana-chan," she added.

"I think there is some misunderstanding here," without batting her eyes, the Herrscher retorted. "It's our body," she added.

"Wha…," Mei was lost for words.

"You should be glad that I'm kind. Unlike other Herrschers, I'm not forcefully taking over your body but is coexisting with you," sipping the tea, the Herrscher replied.

"*Cough* *Cough* Urien *Cough*," without missing a beat, Mei snided.

That made the Herrscher's eyes widen a little. "You knew?" she asked.

Nodding her head, Mei confirmed the Herrscher's thought. She already knew that Urien was a Herrscher.

"How? Well… just think of it as the girlfriend's intuition… or not. Even without your help, I can still sense other Herrschers," noticing what Herrscher wanted to ask, she answered it.

"Then why don't you tell him?" This time, Raiden wanted to know why Mei didn't tell Urien the truth.

"That's why you are still single," Mei might be gentle toward others, but she is pretty ruthless toward her Herrscher consciousness. Who told her to use her body to flirt with Kiana-chan in front of Urien?

"You!" Trace of anger flashed through the Herrscher's eyes. She didn't know why the crybaby in front of her became another person whenever they talked about Urien.

"As his girlfriend, it is my job to support his choice," Mei closed her eyes as she replied. "He'll tell me about it when he feels secure about it, and it is my job as his girlfriend to wait for that moment," she added.

"Just like when he returned my feelings," she glanced at the Queen of Thunder with a smile. "I'll just need to support him like I always do, and he'll tell me his secrets one day when he trusts me enough," she continued.

Looking at the speechless Herrscher, she added, "You also know that, right? My feelings for Urien are not just something simple like puppy love. If I have to choose between the world and him, I'll turn my back on the world without a second thought." It was as if she was rubbed off by Herrscher's temperament, her eyes became sharp.

Raiden kept looking at the girl in front of her. The girl she thought to be a crybaby turned out to have this thought. Well, who was she kidding? She already knew, but she simply refused to admit it. Those are Mei's feelings, not hers.

"Humph," the Herrscher snorted. "Do you seriously think that my feelings for Kiana will lose to your feelings over Urien? Think again," with that said, the two of them continued their usual staring contest.

"Okay… how about this then?" It was the Herrscher who calmed herself first. "I heard something about Urien from that weird girl," she started. The weird girl, Houraiji Kyuushou… she felt something akin to the Herrscher of the End from the girl, but it disappeared quickly. Since the aura of the Herrscher of the End cannot appear from a random girl, she quickly dismissed the thought.

"Hmm… Kyuushou? What did she say?" Mei asked. Her feelings about Kyuushou are… quite good. That girl didn't outcast her whenever she came to visit Urien. Moreover, the Savior tends to give her tips about pleasing her now-boyfriend.

"I heard her saying Urien likes to read the harem genre," the Herrscher replied. "So, how about giving him one?" she smirked.

"Absolutely not!" It was an instant denial. "I… I can't… just because of that…," Mei stuttered.

"You don't hate Kiana, right?"

"Why should I hate her?" There is no way Mei would hate the white-haired glutton.

"Then, why are you having a problem? It's not just his harem; it's yours too," walking beside Mei, Raiden whispered into her ears. "Just think about it. Urien on one side and Kiana on the other,… isn't it a paradise?" she coaxed.

"I…," A trail of blood streams down from Mei's nose. But then, she quickly regained her composure and wiped her nose. "Why are you suggesting this to me?" she asked.

"Because it's a win-win situation. We won't get anywhere if we argue who we should get together with," Raiden replied as she walked back to her seat.

She is doing this for herself. If things go on like this, she is sure that she won't be able to get Kiana. So, she'll have to take a step back and let the crybaby in front of her do the job.

"How is it? Do you agree?" Raiden asked.

"I… I'll need to think about it," Mei finally replied after giving it a thought. She doesn't hate Kiana, but she doesn't see the whitehead the same way as her other self. So, it'll take time for her to accept it.

"Then so be it. I'll wait for the good news," with that, the Queen of Thunder disappeared, and Mei woke up from her sleep. Looking through the window, it is already morning, and she should get up to make breakfast.


With Urien,

Looking at the scenery far away, Urien sighed.

"What's the matter, Urien?" asked his partner.

"Nothing, Kyuushou. I'm just remembering my old acquaintance," he replied. A young girl with sky blue hair appeared in his mind.

"Hmm? Mind talking to me about it?" Noticing the depressed Urien, the Savior asked.

"I don't mind," Urien agreed, grabbing the coffee cup from the tray beside. The girl beside him knew almost everything about him. And he was pretty sure she knew about his reincarnation. So, it doesn't hurt to take a load off his heart.

"I have many regrets," he started. "If I have to list one of them, it should probably be related to that one girl. Her name was Griseo," Urien smiled. "She likes to express her thoughts through paintings, but I didn't really care about her back then and ignored her. I don't get to see her often after that with things happening. It should probably be one of my biggest regrets. I didn't get to apologize to her and appreciate her paintings," with that, Urien stopped. Noticing his depressed state, Kyuushou also went silent.

"You are loved by God," he remembered the fanatic worshiper of Honkai telling that to him when he visited the other members of MOTH. Aponia… She was the Flame Chaser like himself, and her ranking among the Flame Chasers was Third.

"Why? Why would God love you? Why did God drag you down from Heaven to Earth? Why does God create so many hardships in your life? Why did God want you to succeed in all those hardships? And why… are you lying to yourself?" came many questions from Aponia.

At that time, he regarded Aponia's rambling as her usual crazy talk, but now that he thinks about it, strange things happened to him that can be considered Honkai's doing. Reincarnating? It is Honkai's doing. Kyuushou's 3 Herrscher powers? It is Honkai's doing. Him randomly teleported into Nagazora even though there are many other places? Yup, that's Honkai, without a doubt. "Oh boy… Honkai had its hands in shaping my life," Urien muttered.

Shaking his head, Urien put away the unnecessary thoughts. Looking at the soothing scene above the clouds, he tried to calm his mind.


Taking out his phone, he called one from the contact list and put it through the monitor.

"Hello, Mister Urien," On the screen, Einstein's face appeared.

"Nice to see you again, Doctor Einstein," Urien replied back with respect.

"What pleasure do we owe you?"

Without beating around the bush, Urien gets straight to the point. "We got the report that Anti-Entropy mechas are on their way to Singapore, and I wonder if it is Doctor Einstein's doing?"

"Hmm…? Why didn't we know about this? Please wait for a moment," Leaving the camera open, Einstein walked away from there. Urien didn't know what she was doing, but the screaming was coming from the other side.

After a while, Einstein came back with another person. She has red hair that is tied into two twin tails with red bows.

"So, you are the one who cleaned up the clone?" The redhead asked him without introducing herself.

"Yes, I did. The name is Urien Gregorios. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Urien replied without getting mad and introduced himself. He was used to dealing with hotheaded people.

"Oh… right," Only then did she remember she was pretty rude back then. "I am Frederica Nikola Tesla. You can call me Doctor Tesla or just Tesla," she introduced back.

"Doctor Tesla then," Urien nodded. It is good etiquette to call someone by their title.

"Now, back to the topic. This mophead said that you got mechas shipping to Singapore, correct?" she asked.

"Correct. My team was deployed to intercept those mechas," Urien answered.

"That's the thing. None of our… wait…," the redhead suddenly stopped. Taking out the tablet, she started screening through the list. After a while, she sighed. But immediately after that, her furious scream can be heard,

"That damn woman! Cloning Welt is not enough; she even tried to create another Impact in Singapore! There is a reason why we separated from Schicksal!" And profanity follows.

Leaving the cursing Tesla, Einstein talked with him. "Mister Urien, you must hurry up! Cocolia is trying to create another Nagazora incident!" she informed Urien, making his eyes wide.

"What?! Where is the first Herrscher?!" Urien asked. If the 1st Herrscher is still there, that idiot won't be able to be this daring.

"He is inside the Sea of Quanta," Einstein replied.

"Wha…?" That made Urien shocked. "I am not prying into your group's activity, but what is he doing in there?" he asked.

"We were exploring the Sea of Quanta, but we were blocked by a terrifying serpent," she answered.

Urien finally got the gist of it. "I'm currently near the mechas, so I'll take care of those first," he informed the other side. "I'll go to Singapore as soon as I finish my job here," he added.

"I thank you, Mister Urien," Einstein nodded. "But be careful. From the list we got, there are over 30 mechas there, and I think Cocolia is getting desperate," she warned him.

"Thank you, Doctor Einstein. Give my regards to Doctor Tesla," Urien said goodbye to the blue-haired 76 years old girl.

"Will do, Mister Urien. Good luck," After that, the monitor was turned off and Urien's heavy mood from before disappeared.

"Hah…," Heaving out a heavy sigh, Urien drinks all the coffee in the cup. "Get ready, Kyuushou. We have some clean-up to do," informing his partner, Urien readied his weapons.

"Finally, time for the Savior to act!" creating the twin daggers out of thin air, Kyuushou prepared to dive down from the airship.

Shaking his head, Urien also prepared to follow suit. The destination is the airship carrying the mechas, and he got permission from Doctor Einstein to sink that airship, so he is doing precisely that.

He and Kyuushou were greeted with 10 Titans, 5 Frozen Cruisers, 3 Lightning(s), 2 Shamans, and 10 Spiders on the airship deck. There are also humans carrying guns. Einstein did say to sink the aircraft, so he might as well kick the humans off this place. They might survive as the sea is down below… they might, right?

Fighting against the mechas… to say honestly... is a disappointment. Since no one is controlling them, their patterns are easy to understand. They didn't stand a chance against the prowess of Urien and Kyuushou.


After sinking the ship, the two of them appeared inside their airship by using Kyuushou's Herrscher powers.

"Now, set our destination toward Singapore. We got some more cleaning to do. Oh, and I need to clean that Herrscher knock-off too," Urien sighed. He didn't get enough for this, and the school is in debt.

"I want more reward!!!" he screamed into the sky. He was sure this was also Honkai's doing.


Author's Note;

Today marked the first anniversary of this fanfiction. Wow… I can't believe I kept writing this story for a year even though my lazy arse is in the way. Yes, I only write a chapter a week now, but I have fun writing, and it's all that matters. And writing the Honkai arc is the most amusing for me. I get to flash out more of Urien's personality (even though this Urien is the one without the Evil Lord memories).

Now, we get to know 5 new Flame Chasers in the trailer. And I'm adding two of them in here.

Plus, I'm making a new fanfiction of Honkai. The same story background as this but with some significant changes here and there. Firstly is MC's personality. Be sure to check it out!

And now, here comes another Urien illustration! This illustration was drawn by Rachel Nicolas. You can find their account on FB with the same name.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Zimrencecreators' thoughts