
I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me?

A young man, after remembering his past life memories, trying his best to become the most fearsome evil lord in history. This fanfiction is set in my original world, but MC will travel to an anime world per volume. To be warned, this story is not a Kingdom Building Fic. P.S. Typical Japanese LN name, yea? Thank you, Yvel Draws for the cover art! https://www.deviantart.com/yvel1342 Please take care of me!

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

Are You Sure We Are on a Date?

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"I hope I didn't make you wait for too long," I said as I approached the girl standing near the fountain.

"No, no, Lord Urien. I just arrived," she replied while shaking her head frantically.

"But from what I heard from Luna, you had left the inn at 8 in the morning," I grin cheekily.

"I… I am sorry for lying to you, Lord Urien," she quickly bows her head.

"No, stop with Lord Urien stuff for today. You are on your leave today so, you are not my servant now. It should be me who should be apologizing to you," I quickly apologized to her. It is already 9:30 in the morning and we should be meeting at 9.

"I was caught up in doing the paperwork Najenda sent me last night," I sighed.

What the hell did that woman send me? It was something about asking for my permission to traveling to another country. I mean, even I have not traveled that far. No, I am not jealous. And the information about something called Research something, something. Damn, I am bad at remembering names.

"Then… Urien?" she said my name unsurely.

"Yes?" I smile. Wow, look at her face blushing hard! Damn, I never thought that teasing her would be this fun. I always thought that she is Luna version 2.0 with her always acting prim and proper.

"Let's buy something for your mother first. What kind of foods or flowers does your mother like?" I asked Yumil while walking side by side with her.

"I was thinking about buying Gardenia, Lor– I mean, Urien. And some loaves of bread we used to eat while I was young," she replied. I was thinking about taking some expensive desserts to her mother but well… she knows her mother the best.

For starters, the two of us walked toward the flower shop near the slum. Yumil said it is the place where she always buys the flower for her mother when she was alive.

"Welco– Go away. We don't sell any flowers to the beggar," when we walked inside the shop, the woman tried to greet us but immediately changed her tone when she saw Yumil's face. Wow, she did not even look at the clothes that Yumil is wearing.

And I look at Yumil. Her face turned red in shame. Of course, to said that to your face in front of your employer will make anyone feels bad.

"Can you please refrain from calling my companion like that?" I stand in front of Yumil protectively. I was also treated like this in Delfina's company. Not as bad as being called a beggar but I felt humiliated, nonetheless.

Only then did the flower shop owner noticed me and the clothes I am wearing. No, I am not wearing like a commoner just to camouflage. I am still wearing the normal clothes I always wear. It was not hard for her to know that I am a noble. And she then looks at the clothes Yumil is wearing.

"Kid, are you sure you are her companion?" she asked me suspiciously.

"Are you questioning my decision of choosing my companion, peasant?" I glared at the woman with little bloodlust in it. I do not mind her asking me that. But what ticked me off was the way she is looking at me. I am sure she is thinking that I would be easy prey if even Yumil can become my companion.

"I… I am not," just as she tried to apologize, I turned toward Yumil without listening to what the woman is trying to say. "Go and choose anything you like," I smile a little.

Yumil walks past the woman without looking and chooses the flowers she wants to give her mother. The woman tried to protest but a single glare from me stopped her from doing so.

After choosing the flowers, Yumil proceeded to pay for them. I know the fact that as a gentleman, I should be paying for the flowers. But no, I am not paying. You will understand if you can see Yumil's expression.

"Here are the 3 silvers coins for the flowers. Keep the change," she said with a smug on her face. If I guess it right, all the flowers she took only cost 50 copper coins.

The woman gritted her teeth and took the 3 silver coins. Yumil turned around with a smile and walked out of the shop to which I followed her with a smile.

"How are you feeling now, Yumil?" I asked, earning a smile from her.

"I am feeling much better, Lord… I mean, Urien," she gave me a sad smile. And then, she immediately made a surprised face. "I forgot to buy some more flowers. Can you please wait for me?" she asked. Hmm… it is strange of her to forget something.

"Sure, go ahead," I nodded. Well, I will just munch on something. I put my hand in the <Inventory> to search for something to eat. Why am I having a hunch that we are going to pick up a stray on our little outing?


With Yumil

Yumil traced back to the shop where she and her beloved Master bought the flowers for her mother. She thought back to the time when she was treated like a beggar in front of her beloved Master. She did not want her Master to see that scene. But nonetheless, her old habit came up and she thought she had become the poor girl with nothing to eat. Mind you, she never begged for money to eat. But the way she wore looked like one. But no, this is not the reason why she returned to the shop. Not for revenge.

She walked toward the shop without making a sound. She was taught by Butler Keith to be an assassin after all. One of the prime principles of being an assassin is to make sure troubles won't come knocking on your door.

Just as she walks toward the door, she heard the sound of a woman and a man talking.

"That brat! I cannot believe he did not show any respect to the elders! That is why nobles are –," the woman started the rant.

"Hey, how about we tell the slavers that the noble kid is near the slum without any guards," the man gave an idea. Yumil gritted her teeth when she heard that. But she immediately suppressed the urge to murder them. She still needs to know what are they going to do.

"That is a good idea! You know who to contact, right?" the woman's expression immediately brightened up, and asked the man in front of her.

"Yes. If I remember correctly, Steve is still doing that slavery stuff. I am sure he will be delighted to have that noble kid," the man grins evilly.

Yumil's breath stopped for a while. She knows that name. How could she not when that man and his goons were the ones who made her life miserable in the first place. They tried to sell her as a slave, but an outburst of her magic made them stopped coming to her to turn her into a slave. But that does not mean they will stop their attempts. They were the ones who made the people in the slum treated her like a witch. Their plan was to make her come to them for money if they cannot come near her because of her magic.

"No, Yumil. Master is waiting for you. You can take your revenge another time, but you need to eliminate these two in front of you," she warned herself.

She looks over as the man attempted to leave the store. But she walks in before he could leave it.

"What are you doing here?" the woman in front of her growled.

"I am here to clear out the weed. Anyone who tried to harm Master deserves death," she stated in a cold tone.

"What are you gonna do? Call guards on us? Just for you to know there aren't any knights in this vicinity," the man laughed and tried to lunge onto her.

Just as he was laughing, his head went missing. The reek of burning flesh can be smelled in the room. After a long silence, the body of the man fell to the ground. There isn't any blood as the flesh was burnt as soon as the head got eaten by the monsters in the shadow.

"KYAAA!" the woman screamed.

"Go on, scream as you like. Nobody from outside this room will hear your scream," Yumil smiles sweetly. She was taught this spell by her second teacher, Cecilia Rose, the magic teacher. After hearing what she was learning from Keith, she taught this spell first thing before starting other lessons. It is the spell created by her teacher.

This spell is one of the many uses of barrier magic. No, it is more like the combination between barrier magic and spatial magic. It isolated the space and trapped the people inside the room in a different dimension. If anyone walks into the room, they will see the regular room as the spell created the exact copy of it and isolated itself. Only when the caster undoes the magic did the people will reappear in the regular room.

She let the beasts inside the shadow eat the remaining body of the man and walked steadily toward the flower shop owner who is kneeling on the ground with tears falling on her face.

"Please," she begged.

"You shouldn't have planned to put my Master in danger if you treasure your life. I do not care if you insulted me. But you did something I will never forgive," Yumil smiles brightly.

Just as the woman knew she can't get away, she tried her luck by throwing things near her at Yumil. Flowerpots, scissors, signs, water pot, and even flowers. But seriously, flowers?

Tendrils rise from Yumil's shadow and start deflecting the things that are thrown at her. Yumil starts walking toward the woman with a smile on her face.

"Stay away!" the woman screamed. But she felt something went wrong with her legs so, she looked toward where her legs were located. They were nothing to be seen.


"Although I want to torture you for daring to conspire against my Master, he is waiting for me to come back. So… this will be the last time we will be seeing. Goodbye," she smiles and lets her beasts do their job. She watches in glee as the woman was eaten piece by piece. Her innards came out of the body, but all the blood was evaporated by the flame coming out from the mouths of the beasts.

If it were her from before getting to the Gregorios' mansion, she would puke out all the things she ate at the sight of the gore in front of her. But she got used to it after training for over a year with the butler Keith.

She looks over the process until none of the body parts of the woman remains.

"Sniff, sniff. My clothes reek of the burnt flesh," Yumil muttered. But she didn't mind. She was also taught by Cecilia for this occasion. Life-style magic is one of the magics that the nobles like to use when they went diving into the dungeon. After using the magic and making sure nothing looks out of the ordinary, she left the flower shop after picking up the flowers she wants to give her Master.


At that time, inside the castle at the capital of the Demon Kingdom,

"WHAT?! What do you mean Cecilia got engaged?!" the man with black hair and amber eyes looks at the screen in front of him.

"For the details, I do not know father. But some people saw sister and the boy hugging," the girl on the screen replied.

"Growl… how could she?! Did she forget to send an invitation to her father? *sob*" the man broke down.

"You shouldn't cry, father. That is unbefitting of a Demon King," the girl on the screen sighed. That is correct, ladies and gentlemen. The Demon King broke down because one of his adopted daughters didn't invite him to her engagement ceremony.

"Who is her fiancé?" the man growled.

"You will not like it, father," the girl meekly replied.

"That might not as bad as Cecilia getting a fiancé," the man dismissed his daughter's worry.

"That is Urien Gregorios," his daughter said making him stopped whatever he is doing.

"Gregorios?" he asked to make sure.

"That is correct, father," the girl on the screen nodded while covering her ears with her hands.

"GREGORIOS!!!" the man screamed.

"Azul! Make sure that fiancé of hers doesn't do anything stupid. He is coming to the ceremony you are attending, right? Keep your eyes on him," the man demanded.

"Aenon! You take care of the kingdom while I am away! I have to meet that brat who dared to seduce my daughter," the overprotective father slash Demon King shouted at one of his adopted sons.

"Please punch that child for me too, Dad!" his son shouted back.

"You don't have to ask twice!" he shouted back and proceeded to travel to the human empire. But first, he needs to inform the prime minister of said empire about his arrival.

Poor Urien, he didn't know that he will need to deal with an overprotective father right after coming back from his friend's party.


Author's Note;

I am done with taking a break! And I had regained my drive to continue writing. Thank you all for being patient! It was hard for me these days with many sleepless nights and little to no rest time. Hopefully, I will be able to write daily again.

First, I would like to thank Eon On for the awesome portrait of the Demon King. He looks mature and I love it!

And thanks to ɴᴏᴢᴀᴋɪ's ᴀʀᴛ for the smug illustration of chibi Urien!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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