
I am an Alchemist, but somehow my wife is a demon princess

The title says it all. The main character was and some of his classmates got transmigrated from earth into a fantasy lord to save the world. You get it all right. And somehow, he got the body of a demi-human, half human, half reptile. To top it all off, his job was an alchemist. He forgot shortly his real name, so he named himself Syzoth. He worked with his classmates for a while but then got kicked out. Why? Because the guy that got the job hero wanted all the girls for himself, and Syzoth was the only other male in the party. It also didnt help that the hero somehow managed to get manipulated by a devil, but that is a story for latter. Syzoth did just that, with the humorous knowledge that Syzoth no longer had to make free healing and magic potions for the ungrateful bastards to use. And so, he lived for a few months. The demon lord lived on, and one fateful day, Syzoth found a beautiful woman sleeping in the woods. Did he know that she was the eldest and most favorite daughter of the demon lord? No. But even after finding that out, they somehow got married. Oh, how he just loved to look at the face of the hero now.

LORD_TOADY · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Heroes are not immortal (Part 6)

The campfire crackled beneath the inky canopy of an ancient, enchanted forest. A chorus of cicadas and crickets filled the night with their harmonious symphony, and fireflies danced among the trees, casting ethereal glimmers in the moonlit darkness. It was a tranquil setting for our fellowship of adventurers, who had just emerged victorious from a grueling quest.

Around the campfire, the atmosphere was filled with joviality and camaraderie. Elara, the sorceress with a penchant for pranks, suddenly had a strange idea.


"Hey, Gavin, I've always wondered if you could make Syzoth make a potion that would make his jokes funnier," she quipped, a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

Gavin smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Indeed Elara, humor isn't his strongest suit, but I'll consider it. Funnily enough, if I managed to do that, I know exactly what he'd name it."

"And what would that be?" asked Doro.

"Doro, you don't need to be able to see the future to know that. Come on. Anyone?"

Gavin started to look around, waiting for someone to say it.

Maria Pyria was the first one to speak: "Is it going to be called 'Syzoth's Silly Serum'?"

Gavin strated laughing, and nodded. Everyone else joined in the laughter.

Maria, the fiery mage, couldn't help but continue. "And don't forget 'Maria's Laughter Elixir' for those who need an extra dose of humor."

Aria, the ethereal presence, chuckled softly. "I think we should focus on more important elixirs."

Gavin leaned closer to Aria, his voice dripping with mischief. "How about an elixir that makes Duran crack a smile more often?"

Aria's eyes sparkled with a hint of amusement, and she replied, "Perhaps that elixir already exists. It's called 'Gavin's Endless Jest.'"

Duran, didn't say anything.

The laughter that followed filled the forest, resonating with warmth and camaraderie. The campfire's glow painted our faces with a comforting, golden hue, and for a moment, all our worries seemed to vanish in the flickering light.

As the jokes and laughter continued, Doro furrowed his brow. "Gavin, have you seen Roran? Him, Lyra and Syzoth have been gone for quite some time."

Gavin leaned back, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Ah, my dear compaions. You are indeed missing quite a show. Roran is just about to propose to Lyra, while Syzoth decided to play the role of a spy."

Aria's expression turned serious. "Spying on such an intimate moment? That's hardly appropriate."


Leon, who had been silently enjoying the banter, chimed in with a hearty laugh. "Well, well! It seems we'll have another wedding in the group soon. Let's celebrate that! Seraphina, darling, what do you say of a double wedding?"

"Sigh, fine, but you own me one!" She exclaimed.

The mood shifted, and cheers erupted around the campfire. Tankards were raised, and they offered well-wishes and congratulations to Roran and Lyra, who had captured their hearts with their love and devotion to each other.

When the others started to get sleepy, Gavin slowly came nearer to the fire mage.

"You wanna see it, don't you?" he asked her.

Maria, at first, wanted to decline. But then curiosity got the better of her, and she nodded.

Gavin smiled, and pointed a finger into direction of the forrest.

Maria slowly rose from her seat, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Soon, she ventured deeper into the forest, leaving behind the flickering campfire and the rest of our fellowship.

The forest itself was a character, ancient and mystical, with towering trees that seemed to whisper secrets to the night breeze. Moss-covered stones and gentle streams added to the enchantment of the surroundings. Fireflies lit up the path like guiding stars.

As she ventured deeper into the woods, the air became heavy with anticipation. She could hear the distant murmur of the forest, the rustle of leaves, and the faint trickle of a hidden brook. The moon bathed the clearing ahead in a silver glow, and there, beneath a canopy of stars and amidst a circle of luminous mushrooms, stood Roran and Lyra.

The fire mage could soon hear the sound of the waterfall's gentle rush filled her ears, lending an air of enchantment to the moment.

Just as she reached the edge of the clearing to have a better look, Syzoth, the enigmatic alchemist, emerged silently from the shadows and gently covered Maria's mouth with his hand to keep her from making any noise. His touch was firm yet gentle, a silent agreement between them to witness the tender moment unfolding before their eyes without disrupting it.

"I've been waiting for the past seven months for it to happen. Do. Not. Ruin it."

Together, they watched in awe as Roran, beneath the radiant moonlight, knelt before Lyra amidst the soothing backdrop of the waterfall's silver spray. The water shimmered like liquid diamonds as it cascaded down, creating a symphony of nature's own design.

Roran's voice, filled with love and vulnerability, soon reached Maria and Syzoth's ears. "Lyra, from the moment I met you, my life has been illuminated by your presence. You are the light in my darkest moments, the strength in my weakest hours. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my partner for all eternity?"

As Lyra's pointy ears started to become red, her eyes started to shine with both joy and tears as she gazed upon Roran. Her response, quiet yet resolute, was carried away by the waterfall's gentle roar. "Yes, Roran, a thousand times yes."

Their embrace beneath the bright full moon and the cascading waterfall was a scene of profound beauty and love. Syzoth and Maria, their hearts filled with wonder, stood in silent reverence, knowing they were witnessing a moment that would be cherished forever.

As Roran and Lyra sealed their love with a kiss, the moonlight glistened on the waterfall's spray, creating a breathtaking tableau of nature's own making. In that serene and magical clearing, love had triumphed, and the beauty of the night had become a part of their love story, a memory etched in the hearts of all who had the privilege to witness it.

Syzoth then made a small gesture that it was time to leave.


As Syzoth and Maria slowly began to retreat, Maria's foot brushed against a small twig hidden beneath a carpet of leaves. The twig snapped with a sudden, delicate crack that echoed through the stillness of the night.

Maria's eyes widened in alarm, and she froze, her heart pounding in her chest. She turned to Syzoth, her gaze pleading for reassurance that their presence had not been discovered.

Syzoth's eyes, now full of panic, turned towards the direction they came from. 


That was sound of an angry beastmaster. His voice, no longer human, and they could hear an angry beast running at them.

"Syzoth, we must ru-"

As Maria turned towards the lizardman, she realized that he had already disappeared, just as a furry behemoth, full of muscle, eyes filled burning with fire, and sharp teeth snarling.