
I am an Alchemist, but somehow my wife is a demon princess

The title says it all. The main character was and some of his classmates got transmigrated from earth into a fantasy lord to save the world. You get it all right. And somehow, he got the body of a demi-human, half human, half reptile. To top it all off, his job was an alchemist. He forgot shortly his real name, so he named himself Syzoth. He worked with his classmates for a while but then got kicked out. Why? Because the guy that got the job hero wanted all the girls for himself, and Syzoth was the only other male in the party. It also didnt help that the hero somehow managed to get manipulated by a devil, but that is a story for latter. Syzoth did just that, with the humorous knowledge that Syzoth no longer had to make free healing and magic potions for the ungrateful bastards to use. And so, he lived for a few months. The demon lord lived on, and one fateful day, Syzoth found a beautiful woman sleeping in the woods. Did he know that she was the eldest and most favorite daughter of the demon lord? No. But even after finding that out, they somehow got married. Oh, how he just loved to look at the face of the hero now.

LORD_TOADY · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Heroes are not immortal (Part 2)

In the heart of the bustling city, where the skyline met the horizon, my brother Lucas and I had dedicated our lives to a noble calling – we were firefighters. Our parents, both retired firefighters themselves, had instilled in us a sense of duty, a fierce determination to protect and serve our community. The fire service was not just a job; it was a way of life, a sacred bond that ran through our family's veins.

As the deafening alarm blared through the firehouse one fateful evening, I felt the adrenaline surge through my body, like a warrior preparing for battle. My heart raced, and I knew that another life-or-death scenario was unfolding before us. I grabbed my turnout gear, the weight of the thick, heat-resistant jacket a familiar and comforting sensation.

Lucas and I, a formidable team, dashed toward the fire truck, our boots echoing in the firehouse garage. The dispatcher's voice crackled over the radio, providing us with the coordinates of our next battleground – a three-story apartment building not far from our station. Smoke billowed from the windows, flames licking at the night sky, a devastating display of nature's fury. It was a sight that filled us with both dread and determination.

As we arrived at the scene, the sheer chaos of the situation was overwhelming. Flames danced with malevolent intent, and a thick plume of black smoke spiraled into the heavens. Desperate cries for help pierced the night, as terrified residents huddled together, desperately seeking refuge from the inferno. Firefighters and first responders raced against time, battling the relentless flames with water hoses and sheer willpower.

Lucas and I joined our comrades, our training kicking in as we attacked the fire with all the tools at our disposal. The heat was searing, and the smoke choked us, but we persevered, knowing that lives depended on our actions.

But then, amidst the cacophony of sirens, the roar of the flames, and the frantic cries of the residents, I heard it – a faint, haunting cry for help, a child's voice, pure and innocent. My heart clenched in my chest, and I knew what I had to do. I turned to Lucas, his eyes filled with concern and determination, and yelled, "Go! Keep fighting the fire! I'll get the child!"

With those words, I plunged into the burning building, my vision obscured by the thick smoke. The heat was oppressive, and each breath felt like inhaling molten lava. I forged ahead, my firefighter's instinct guiding me toward the sound of the child's cries. Fear and doubt were luxuries I couldn't afford; this was what we had trained for, what we had dedicated our lives to.

Finally, I reached the child, a small, trembling figure in the midst of the chaos. I scooped the little boy up into my arms, his terrified eyes were locked onto mine. With the boy safely cradled against my chest, I began the arduous journey back through the smoke-filled labyrinth, my every step a battle against the relentless fire.

As we neared the exit, a deafening crash echoed through the building. A massive beam collapsed, blocking our path. Panic surged through me as I realized we were trapped. The flames closed in, their searing heat threatening to consume us. But I couldn't give in to fear. I clung to the child, his precious life my sole responsibility.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I pushed through the debris, my body shielding the child from the falling embers. The pain was excruciating, and the world around me blurred into a fiery nightmare. But I kept going, inch by agonizing inch, until we finally burst into the open air. The cool night breeze was a welcome reprieve from the inferno that had nearly claimed us.

I placed the child in the waiting arms of a fellow firefighter, their eyes filled with gratitude and relief. But as I turned to escape the building myself, a wall of flames surged forward, engulfing me in their fiery embrace. In that moment, I felt no pain, no fear, only a profound sense of fulfillment. I had saved a life, and that was all that mattered.

As my vision dimmed and the world faded away, I knew that I had given everything for the calling I loved so dearly. My last thoughts were of Lucas, my fellow firefighters, and the child I had saved. And then darkness claimed me.

They say heroes live on in the hearts and memories of those they save. And as I became one with the flames that had taken me, I knew that I would forever be a part of the firefighting family, a symbol of sacrifice, courage, and love for the sake of others. My name would be etched into the annals of our station's history, a testament to the indomitable spirit of firefighters who lay down their lives to protect their community.

But my Story didn't end there.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I expected to find myself surrounded by smoke and flames, but instead, I was met with a surreal and otherworldly landscape. I stood on a rocky precipice overlooking a vast, volcanic expanse. The ground beneath my feet radiated heat, and molten lava flowed like a fiery river below. The air was thick with the scent of sulfur, and the sky was painted with swirling shades of red and orange.

Before me stood a figure, a woman of ethereal beauty with hair that danced like flames and eyes that flickered with an inner fire. She gazed at me with a serene smile, and her voice echoed like a distant rumble of thunder as she spoke, "Welcome, brave one. I am Pyra, the Goddess of Fire."

I blinked in astonishment, struggling to comprehend the surreal situation. "Pyra, Goddess of Fire? Where am I? How did I get here?"

Pyra's laughter was like a gentle crackling of embers. "You are in the heart of the Elemental Realm, a place where the elements hold sway. As for how you got here, your bravery in the face of the fire has caught my attention, and I have chosen you to be my emissary."

I was both humbled and bewildered by her words. "Emissary? What does that mean?"

Pyra extended her hand, and from her palm, a small, flickering flame danced into existence. "I shall bestow upon you a fraction of my power, the ability to control and manipulate fire. You shall carry this gift with you as you embark on a new journey in a realm far removed from your own."

As she touched my forehead with the flame, a warm sensation washed over me, and I felt a surge of newfound energy and purpose. It was as if the very essence of fire had become a part of me.

Pyra continued, "You are now bound for a fantasy world, a realm in need of your unique abilities. There, you will face challenges and adventures beyond your wildest imagination."

"What do you want from me?"

"You shall a group of champions, just like yourself. Your job is simple. Protect the people of the world from an incoming threat. He shall arrive on the same day as you do. You have to stop him before he becomes too powerful. If you don't, his armies of nightmarish abominations shall threaten not only that world, but possibly the other ones. On top of that, I shall give you an easy way to become stronger. Maybe even your own. But there are things I should tell you…"

Before she finished, I was already nodding, a sense of determination welling up within me. "If that's the case, then I accept this gift and this responsibility, Pyra. I will do my best to honor it."

Then, with a final, enigmatic smile, Pyra gestured toward a swirling portal of flames that had appeared behind her. "Step through the portal, Maria, and embrace your destiny. A new world awaits for your grate deeds, I shall be watching over you."

I took a deep breath, my heart filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, and then I stepped through the portal, leaving behind the fiery realm and entering a new world, where my abilities and courage would be put to the test in ways I could scarcely imagine.

But before that, I asked just in case.

"Umm, could you tell me who this enemy is that we have to defeat? Just for heads up?"

"Oh, right, I almost forgot. His name is..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the tranquility of the Elemental Realm shattered. A deafening roar echoed through the fiery landscape, and I turned to see a monstrous abomination emerging from the molten depths. It was a colossal, grotesque creature, many times larger than Pyra herself, with gnarled limbs and eyes that glowed with malevolence.

Fear gnawed at my heart as I watched the nightmarish being approach Pyra. Before I could react or offer my assistance, the goddess of fire acted swiftly to protect me. With a forceful push, she propelled me back toward the portal, her voice filled with urgency, "Go, Maria! Enter the portal and fulfill your destiny! I shall deal with this menace."

I stumbled backward, my feet carrying me toward the swirling flames of the portal, even as my instincts screamed at me to stay and help Pyra. But I knew that the goddess's power far surpassed my own, and she had made it clear that I had a vital role to play elsewhere.

As I tumbled through the portal, the fiery landscape of the Elemental Realm faded away, replaced by a new and unfamiliar world. I had been thrust into a realm of fantasy and adventure, armed with the gift of fire, and a profound sense of purpose.

But my thoughts remained with Pyra, the Goddess of Fire, who had sacrificed her own safety to protect me. I couldn't help but wonder about her fate as I ventured deeper into the unknown, driven by the burning desire to prove myself worthy of the gift she had bestowed upon me and to honor her sacrifice in the face of that monstrous abomination.


It's face now forever imprinted into my memory.


"Hello Maria, how are you?" asked the lizardman alchemist while I was approaching his table.