
I Am An AFK Lord

DrVolt · Action
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4 Chs

Going AFK, BRB

As we returned to the campsite, we were greeted with a small fire, and a few spots with leaves placed down. They would be our sleeping spots for tonight. I explained that there would be night watches. I would be the first, and then they would each do two hours. Allowing us all six hours of sleep, and then we would have to get up and begin preparing for night as early as possible.

After the three went to sleep, I began to think about several things. Our biggest problem right now was food. We had none, and we would only got more tired as time went on. I began to inspect the icons in the corner of my vision. It must be the system that I used to manage things. I then saw that I had a screen labeled as AFK. I focused on it and a page appeared, listing my followers and what I could have them afk grind. I selected Rychter, and made him begin to gather food. I set it to 10x, which was the most I could do, and then I waited. After about 15 minutes, I saw a shadow approach.

I then saw Rychter, walking with his eyes glazed over. He was carrying a deer, but he had cuts and bruises all over himself. He put the deer down, and went back into the forest. He came back after another 20 minutes, and brought a boar. This time, I could clearly see his leg was broken. I looked at the management screen, and I noticed a few notifications.

[Rychter has successfully hunted a deer.]

[Rychter has successfully hunted a boar.]

[Warning! Rychter's health is low, from not being properly equipped, he has been hurt while hunting. Advised to switch to Rest mode.]

I switched Rychter to the Rest mode. He soon came back and lay down on his resting spot. It seems I would keep him with us for now, because he could be forced to perform labor. When Matthew woke up, he saw the corpse of the deer and the boar, and was confused. More so when he also saw Rychter nearby with a broken leg, sleeping peacefully.

"Prepare the deer for us while you keep watch, please. Rychter gathered it for us, so he was allowed back into the group. I will be resting now, please make sure the food is continued to be prepared for the morning. by letting the others know to continue your work." I said, before laying down. I also noticed a setting to activate my talent while I slept. It would gather me resources as I slept, and those resources would come from the system. So I slept, which wasn't hard because I was physically and mentally exhausted.

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was system notifications.

[You have gained wood x150.]

[You have gained stone x100.]

[You have gained summoning stones (normal) x2]

I got up, and smelled cooked meat. It was incredibly aromatic, and made my mouth water. I had never ate deer before, but I was looking forward to getting some freshly cooked meat. As I stood up, I noticed Rychter still sleeping, and so I focused on the others. Nadia was the one who was cooking the deer, so I went up to her.

"Did you cook it yourself?" I asked, pointing at the deer.

"Yes sir, I did.. However Matthew and Evangeline are the ones who prepared it and cut the deer meat." I nodded when she said this, because I saw sharpened stones nearby. They had used rocks to carve the meat off the deer, and they must have taken quite a bit of effort. Then I looked back at Nadia, and had a thought.

"Nadia, would you like to learn to become a chef? I have the ability to make it happen, or if you have other aspirations I can make those real too." I looked at her in the eyes. I would use my talent to let them gain exp as a chef, or a Warrior, or whatever they wanted.

"I had always wanted to become a chef... But I never could afford to get a teacher." Nadia explained that she had grown up poor, but loved food. However she was always unable to afford good tasting food, so she began to try cooking for herself.

She had originally been pulled from her own world, just as she had been accepted into a culinary school, she was dragged into this world. She wasn't physically strong, and when she saw who was going to lead her she became unsure of if he had the capabilities. He looked like a high school kid, but he was not to be underestimated. He was kind to those who followed him, but ruthless to those who didn't.

She believed in his mystical abilities too. She had spoken to a hysterical Rychter who had woken up suddenly while she was on watch, telling her that the boy was able to control time, and also able to force people to do things. He told her of how a strange magic took control of his body and forced him to collect this food, even forcing him to fight. He felt as though hours had passed, when in reality only 35 minutes had passed. He then collapsed due to pain and exhaustion.

Nadia then realized that the boy who was their leader was definitely capable of extraordinary things, and perhaps he was the best choice for a leader. So when he said he could make her a chef, she truly believed him.

"I will trust you, my Lord." at this moment, the camp was quiet as they all watch Nadia kneel before me. Swearing fealty in front of everyone.

I nodded, and then switched her to AFK mode, and set her to train her cooking skills. I then set it to 10x, which was my highest available setting, and let her go. She instantly began to go back to cooking the food with a glazed look in her eyes.

"Do not bother Nadia while she cooks. She will be unable to respond to you as well. Please, think over what you want your future to look like, and we can begin your training as well."

I then went to a glowing icon of a house in my vision, and it brought up a screen to create buildings. I looked at the ones available, which were two: Summoning Pool and Small Wooden House.

I had the materials to create the summoning pool, because it required 100 wood and stone. I immediately deposited the resources and placed it nearby our camp. It was instantly created, and I then walked towards it. I tossed a summoning stone into the pool, and a bright light began to come from the pool. After the light disappeared, a man stood in the middle of the pool.


Level: 1

Loyalty: 60]

"Greetings, sir. I am Leonard, I used to be a Hunter, but I am happy to do as you order." Leonard said, bowing slightly.

"You don't have to do all that. Leonard, what do you want to do, and whatever it is I can help you achieve that goal. Think it over, but for now are you able to set up traps to catch food? We have enough food for now, however I want us to be self sustaining." I said, motioning him to move out of the way.

He then left to set up some traps in the forest, while thinking over the words of his new leader.

Another bright flash of light, and a burly man appeared.


Level: 2

Class: Blacksmith

Loyalty: 60]

"Whats up, my name is Hyndral. I'm a blacksmith. I've been a blacksmith all my life and I will continue to do so. If that doesn't fly with you then we are at an impasse." Hyndral stated bluntly. I preferred someone like this, so I just nodded and told him that was fine.

After summoning the new members of my tribe, I told the group I would lay down and that I shouldn't be disturbed unless it's an emergency.

I then went and lay down, activating my afk talent, I needed more resources and more summoning stones.