
I Am Alpha's Mate

Idea Three. Mia Kehlan thought she had the best and perfect life as a teenager, but things changed when she went on a school tour with others, he's possessive of her, and to her he gives the love and respect, he's never given to noone in the past. Mine!" "Mate" was his domineering words of her. she was chosen as the mate of the powerful and influential Alpha wolf,ever before she knows it, terrified and confused of the new change, she despise Damien who go to any length to be with her. Their fate as a mate intervene when Mia feel a great longing for him,when he decided to leave her alone, and for real the second time.

Alphabitch · Fantasy
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7 Chs


My phone rang and I carelessly dragged it from the bed edge to myself,"what are you doing sleeping till 8"? Jessy shouted across the phone,my eyes moved to the time on my phone and my eyes widen, I cleared my throat"I be out in a minute"I said rushing to the bathroom,"you better be"she said and hang up.

I took a snappy shower and while putting on my shoes I dialed mum number, I am dying to talk to her, to feel that assuring eternity love that her voice promise.

After some seconds rings she picked up"hello my baby" her voice sooth my nerves."huh,mum I..."I stopped when I heard dad voice in the background,"is that dad"? I asked,"yes baby, your dad is taking me out,today is a good day, isn't it"? Mum said happily,dad haven't been too easy on mum for the past years, always insulting mum for caring for me,too much at his expense.

"It's so good mum,go have fun,my regards to dad". I said, I am not going to spoil one of my mother best days because of my matter,the talk can wait.

As I rushed out of the room,I reflected on the past years, truly mum choose me over dad,not only him.

I heard from my grandma during one of her countless visit to our house ,that mother had me at a young age, a teenager who is crazy in love with dad,she hadn't accept advice from friends who advised her to abort me,she keep me safe then and now,no doubt, she also declined her admission into the WSC University.


I look up to the students and master angry looks, walked steadily to master place, "I'm sorry sir" he moved away from me without saying anything,"hey students go get your sit, and with that we all moved into the car one after another.

I was about to sit down when Kelly walked over to me, she sit down beside me staring at me, the silence turn awkward and I smiled at her"I'm sorry Kelly, you know about the night"I said,"I am here if you need help and mostly someone to talk to"she said and I grinned, mouthing her a blank affirmation.

"Wow" my always annoying class mate whisper to my ear,I look sternly at him and he mouth me a sorry,"can't we just get along for once"he said and I grinned.

"Maybe,but never"I said and walked away from him,Jessy eyes have been on me all along,she looked away shortly after I started moving to her.

"I miss that Jessy who beat Jason up when he hid my uniform after the swimming class"I think that brought up memories,she look over at me, still not talking "I can't wait to have you back Jessy"I said walking away "Mia"she called me back and I look back almost in tears "I miss you,the perfect you, it's like a switch or anything now","get yourself together for a day and we will talk, you are causing mess times without number for the past day" I let the tears drop as she said those words, and I ran off into a nearby park.

"It's you"I heard that familiar voice say, I look up frightened ,moving back slowly until I carelessly step on a rock,I tripped and as a wave in time, I fell into his arms,my eyes widen in shock and disbelief, how did he move so fast,he twirled me around until I came face to face with him, my nose only an inch away from his perfect neck,he make me feel little and short.

He stares into my eyes,"you are mine,the earlier you accept it,the better for us"he said, I felt a great discomfort in me,I backed away from him running into the reservoir, but then like a flash, he's right in my face again,my head thuds so loudly,my heart beat quickens until the lights fade out of my sight.

I must have slept for hours,as I forced my eyes open,a dark sky and the sparkling stars greet me back to life,I tiredly look around the house,a well furnished room,with a soft calming bed, with that I hurriedly stand up,angry merely looking at the beast who must have laid me on his chest.

I let my tears come, and for the first time I have a worthy reason to cry, I have promised to stay away from causing mess, but here I am, in this stalker house, probably gone for hours, they all will be searching or waiting for me by now.

probably Jessy Isn't gonna be friend with me again.

He makes some scary sounds from his sleep and I ran out before he wakes up, the house look magnificent, never thought someone like him, mentally I will say doesnt worth it,because definitely he's physically worth it.

I can't control myself to stop crying as I find my way of the woods,who on earth build his house in a forest, I looked back, making sure he's not following me, but I was surprised.

"Get into the car, I will take you to your hotel" he said, so he followed me, how? I asked myself.

Wiping away my tears I entered through the door he held opened,"I won't scare you anymore, until you want me like I want you" he said ,I recognized pain in his tone.

"Joke"I scoffed blowing my nose into a rag in the car,"but Mia"he said and my mouth turn agape,he knows my name"you are mine, and don't go be with anyone else, I am giving you little time to figure out, that you want me just like I want you, you are my mate after all" he added, even funny as it sounds, I frowned, just wanna get to the hotel, master gonna bash me this time around.

He pulled his car up behind a garage, I hurriedly get down and meaning and wishing to part ways with him forever I walked inside,on stepping into the down stairs, I look back, and I am confused by the flash of longing and affection I saw in his eyes, Who cares anyway? I asked myself and I brushed thought about him away "don't show up in my sleep please,or I will hurt myself" I said, sounding stupid, hopefully he's going to stop.

Well if he believes I am his, he won't want me to get hurt, I thought hoping that I am right.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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