
I Am Alpha's Mate

Idea Three. Mia Kehlan thought she had the best and perfect life as a teenager, but things changed when she went on a school tour with others, he's possessive of her, and to her he gives the love and respect, he's never given to noone in the past. Mine!" "Mate" was his domineering words of her. she was chosen as the mate of the powerful and influential Alpha wolf,ever before she knows it, terrified and confused of the new change, she despise Damien who go to any length to be with her. Their fate as a mate intervene when Mia feel a great longing for him,when he decided to leave her alone, and for real the second time.

Alphabitch · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I felt completely different now, the pain is gone,I opened my eyes slowly looking around the room, I frowned why have he brought me here,I thought just as I was about to stand he entered looking at me passionaty, I looked away from him.

"Mia!" he called me and I moved my eyes to him slowly,"what you saw earlier" he stopped and focus his attention on me, I cleared my throat " I know you're not a human, you are a wolf the eyes explained it," I said trying so much to hide my nervousness.

"How did you do it"? I asked him looking into his eyes, he study my eyes for some second "I can cure you Mia, you are my mate"he answered, I try to talk but my shaky voice make me stop.

"Why me"? I asked at last his intent gaze disturb me "you are mine because you are my mate" he. simply said his gaze away from me.is that enough reason for me to accept that beast as mine?

I shook my head reality dawn on me "you have got claws, your eyes are also somehow, and yo...you" my voice tremble I haven't been like this in my life,he dragged me into his arms and I let him,I cried so hard he rubbed my back,and weirdly I found it comforting and he whispered some promises to my ears it makes me want to hold on to him, forever.

I pulled away from him after some minutes, his eyes were cold, he's never gonna hurt me something in me believe that so much,"no I can't be your mate or whatever" I said sobbing.

"You should go look for your wolf mate"I said and he just stare at me not moved by my utterance,I ran out through the door scared but there is this weird new feeling that I don't understand, it's so strong and strange yet it's my first time feeling that since my seventeen years on earth.

I'm just a little girl developing, I won't have a wolf bite my neck off with his fangs, I assured myself, doubling up my resistance in folds .

I got home and I'm thankful to Damien,he healed me up well quickly,my mum would have developed an heart attack if I had come home in my tattered form.

"You should say where you are going, don't get us worry" mum soft voice cajoled and I pouted she smiled and moved closer to me "I am sorry, just wanted to check on Jessy" I said a bit of the truth.

"get inside now, it's cold outside" mum said and I put one of my arm around her waist as I led her inside,she only smile and it was a pleasure to see her like that.

Mum have retreated to her room after she made me eat some food, after what happened with Damien I haven't feel like eating, I stood up from the bed and moved forward to the window, and I spotted his house just in from me, I don't know how long it will take before I get used to seeing it so close,it has been a different story before he comes but now...

I should have thank him, I thought biting on my inner cheeks,I had condemn him and said all those mean things to him, I have seen pain in his eyes,the pain I caused him.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I hurried out of my room, wanting to make things right with him,or at least thank him for saving and healing me.

Because I can't seems to accept him that easily but I would like to make a deal with him and hopefully he will agreed.

I stepped out of the house and heading towards his place but I heard the door knob twisted and I looked back to my mum not so pleasant look.

"what are you doing out here Mia" she asked and I only looked away "get in now" she said and I knew not to utter any word,mum can be quite mean to protect me.

He has chosen me and amidst my resistance was a wondering thoughts about his choice.

Well I am what you could call chubby and sexy,in many ways people refers to me as being pretty and that has greatly hightened my self confidence even without a flat tummy and a slim waist my structure is a killer.

And amidst my resolution of not desiring him,I wonder how a man like him would chose me as his mate, I felt his strength whenever we're together and his aura was that of a leader,I felt dominance in his being but he seems to be easy with me and that the pleasure of such a man wanting to please you is overwhelming.

Mother had succeeded in keeping me in my room and I just sat on my bed staring out through the window to his house wanting to catch a glimpse of his feature but there's nothing.

Reveling in the memories of how he had saved me from those terrible men,I squeezed my eyes shut at the remembrance.

I didn't notice I had tears on my cheeks until I brushed away the lingering stings on there.I don't know I am fortunate to have such good looking and powerful man as Damien wants me or maybe I'm unfortunate to be a mate of an animal a frivolous beast.

I am going to turn eighteen next month and am willing to make a deal with him, I would accept him if I feel any attraction towards him before my birthday I thought fully determined and something in me wants just that.

I have hoped.the morning would arrive early but it. seems to be a. long night,I tried falling asleep but my eyelids aren't willing to close yet.

My eyes are still opened when I saw a light flashed across his building, I hurried to the window to the window, looking over the spaces at the front yard but the lights gone and I retreated back to bed, whatever happens I hope he's safe, I thought wishing I could go look outside but my room was locked, tomorrow could seems long but I will wait.

I forced myself on my side.letting go of my thudding heartbeat, I closed my eyes tight and this unflinching feeling slipped into my veins urging me to look out. through the window or please I should out through the door but I didn't give in to the persistent nagging of my crazy heartbeat I only tightened my eyes shut and slept off waiting for the morning to come.

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