
I Am Alpha's Mate

Idea Three. Mia Kehlan thought she had the best and perfect life as a teenager, but things changed when she went on a school tour with others, he's possessive of her, and to her he gives the love and respect, he's never given to noone in the past. Mine!" "Mate" was his domineering words of her. she was chosen as the mate of the powerful and influential Alpha wolf,ever before she knows it, terrified and confused of the new change, she despise Damien who go to any length to be with her. Their fate as a mate intervene when Mia feel a great longing for him,when he decided to leave her alone, and for real the second time.

Alphabitch · Fantasy
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7 Chs


What I had expected differ from what happened, there's no one waiting for me, not even an unusual glance from the receptionist,I greeted her and she responded with a smile,I pinched on my arm, making sure I am not dreaming.

Not quite long in my confused state, Jessy walked out with her roommate,her newly found friend or maybe lover, she has always been like that, someone who loves girls.

I have never judged her, I envy the new girl though.

"You go on, I will meet you outside" Jessy said to the girl, the latter nodded and left.

"You actually stayed away from causing mess today" she said,my heart quickens"it was never intentional,, Jessy believe me"I said,her sharp and confused look, confused me "you didn't do anything, today at least"she said,my eyes widen in disbelief,is she ironical right now?.

Trying not to look or act surprised, I talked about the reservoir,"the reservoir was calming, isn't it" I asked her as we walked down to my room,my friend is back, I'm pleased,at least until she comes at me with my absence.

"Yeah"Jessy agreed,"and the palm springs,I fell in love with the place",she laughed and I joined.

Didn't they noticed I was gone? I queried myself,we got to the room, Kelly was sitted, going through some stuffs,"hey Mia, gotten yourself a boyfriend here in California"? Kelly inquired, I sensed seriousness in her voice though.

I laughed, pretending to cough some multiple times,"how absurd" Jessy said, "she lives in Texas for 17 years,she never have a relationship that last for a second, how is she gonna be in a relationship here in two days"? Jessy added, and being dramatic as I can I thumbs up for her.

Kelly stared at me for a second,"were you in the reservoir"? She asked and my foots turn cold, I look over to Jessy to try speaking for me again.

"Yeah she was,I even got her a drink at the park we went to"Jessy said" yeah I remember that", I added not daring to look at Kelly's face, for some reason I think she can read my thoughts.

"I thought I saw you ran into a corner at the reservoir, maybe I didn't know when you came out"Kelly said,deep in thought,"definitely hadn't seen me come back" I said.

Uncomfortable with Kelly,I pulled Jessy at her arms "let go have some fries out there" she smiled and nodded,"and a cup of coffee"? she asked smiling, I nodded and we walked out together.

* The next day, I had woken up early, packed up my stuffs and bathed.

Jessy message popped up on my phone that reads ' still sleeping? I frowned a bit offended, haven't she said she want me back? the perfect me.

I dialed her number and she picked up instantly "woken up by six, bathed already,my stuffs are packed"I said a lot more than boasting, she laughed "okay baby" she said "and Mia, please don't remember me with what I said, I was too much then" she added,"you reminded me that I am slipping away from me, I am thankful for that" I said back, liking how we are settling our differences.

"Master said we leave for Texas by eight in the morning"she said "okay, see ya, I will order for Chicken now"I said, she also promised to eat chicken, I remember in Junior class we had the same menu for food, I hanged up, staring at Kelly who still seems relaxed in bed, I ordered for my chicken and drinks.

Master was on a call when we all gathered around the car, the driver checked the bus, making sure it's in a good condition, Kelly rushed out of the hotel and come straight to me "you could have wake me' she said "I am sorry" I simply said.

"I am going back to Texas with yesterday's sweats, and that's because of your grudges against me", I moved away from her, knowing fully well a friend have become an enemy.

"Okay children go have your sit" we rushed into the bus, each of us securing our seats, Jessy sat next to me.

After twenty hours drive from California we actually arrived at Texas,we alighted at school and getting my bags I waited for Jessy to get down.

Kelly stopped when she saw me outside, and then walking briskly towards me,she hissed "what's that for"? Jessy asked "She's mad at me, because I didn't wake her" I explained to her,"you should have" Jessy said,more pitiful than judging, and yes I could have, but I felt good about it, she h

as got the same coin which she paid me with.

After saying goodbye to Jessy, I walked over to our compound,mum was in the garden and I thought she must have sensed a eyes on her, she looked back seeing me, she raised her arms up to hug me " I love you mum"I said, being with her now reminds me of how I have been a complete mess without her.

"Have you been waiting for me outside"? I asked,"I missed you my baby" she said and kissed me on my forehead,taking my bag from me, she led me inside,"I have made some soup and grilled chicken, bet you will enjoy it with non over cooked rice". Mum said, I nodded hanging on her forever strong posture.

Not quite long after dinner I walked to the garden,mum has done a great job keeping those flowers from withering just like she has always keep everyone close to her safe, she's the best woman I know, the best person.

" You should go to bed baby, you just came back from a long journey."okay" I said locking arms around mum,my eyes caught a sight in the house before ours, it's a flash of lights, like someone is there and I know pretty well that the house is not rented out, not ever since the owner relocated to Africa.

Mum must have noticed me staring,"Oh,they got a new tenant" mum said I feel cool breath hitting me hard on my face,"that's nice" I said relieved, thought it was his eyes, that's exactly how it's shines, sparkles like a sun hitting a gold.

"Good night mummy" she kissed me "I might introduce you to him, he's an army,he could look out for you" mum said and I nodded " he's a very good man" she assure me and I smiled, I have never heard mum say someone is bad, they're always good to her.

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