
I Am Alpha's Mate

Idea Three. Mia Kehlan thought she had the best and perfect life as a teenager, but things changed when she went on a school tour with others, he's possessive of her, and to her he gives the love and respect, he's never given to noone in the past. Mine!" "Mate" was his domineering words of her. she was chosen as the mate of the powerful and influential Alpha wolf,ever before she knows it, terrified and confused of the new change, she despise Damien who go to any length to be with her. Their fate as a mate intervene when Mia feel a great longing for him,when he decided to leave her alone, and for real the second time.

Alphabitch · Fantasy
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7 Chs


During the night in my sleep,I have felt a eyes watching me,the rare kind of eyes that frightened me, I had ignored the panic I felt feeling calm and assured I was close to my mother's arm and nothing can harm me.

It scares me whenever he called me his 'mate' ,are those werewolves and their shifting history true after all? I asked myself finding it hard to comprehend my situation.

Waking up to the sound of a familiar voice but a strange man, I hurried up to satisfy my curiosity, I washed my face and walked over to the garden, I met my mum standing and giggling to a man...

That man! I shook my head, making sure am not seeing things, mum noticed me,she talked first "that's my daughter, Mia" she said.my eyes widened looking intently in his eyes and he look at me too, not even blinking an eye.

"Did you know him before"? Mum asked and finding it hard to speak I keep looking at him,he look at my mum "Yes, I know her" he said,mum eyes are on me so I quickly talked "you do?, but I don't know you" his smile widened as I said the lies.

"It's ok then, since you know him now" mum said and I nodded, hating to admit that, I think I should tell mum who he is,it bothers me why he's here.

"I'm Damien, and I'm pretty sure you are Mia" I nodded, smiling too, I'm going to play along in his game, until I let the cat out of the bag to mum.

"Mia come help me in the kitchen, I invited Mr Damien to have breakfast with us and he accepted" mum said with enthusiasm,"what"? I asked raising my voice,mum look at me confused and I laughed "okay mum,I will go in first" she nodded and I ran inside,I heard mum asking him to come in and just like a stalker that he's always been,he accepted.

In about an hour the food was ready, Bacon with eggs and fried bread, I refused to serve the food or even stay in the same table with him.

"Go get your dad, Mia" mum said and I left for dad's room. I felt his eyes on me as I came back with my dad, dad sit after they've exchange greetings.

His serious look on me confused me more, I grew restless and left the table,mum sensed my discomfort but I found a way to make her feel better.

When I got to my room, I figured out I have been holding my breath, I look down from the window, sighting his house just in front of my window,' what is happening to me' I asked devastated.

Without meaning to, I slept off and only awoke by four in the afternoon,mum was nowhere to be found, I checked dad room too, but he's sound asleep.

After what seems like forever,mum arrived with a bag "oh baby you are awake"? She asked and I nodded,"looked for you, where you gone to" I asked, leaning on her shoulder.

Mum explained she had gone to shop alone, when she saw me sleeping, I grew irritated when she further explain how she's taken some chips to our new weird neighbor.

"You don't like Mr Damien"? Mum asked,I didn't say anything I only looked away "I am sure you are going to change your mind soon" mum said "never" I retorted, mistaken mum words for something else," I have a feeling he's a bad person" I said and mum only smile " if he's bad, we should be good, isn't that so"? mum said and I nodded, the best thing to do,or else mum gonna have our pastor preach for me in the Sunday School.

I was curious yet scared,but still I walked up to the building my stalker have rented, I noticed he's gone out, so I used the opportunity to get into his apartment,he actually has a good taste,I grinned at my weird thought.

I look around the room finding nothing suspicious, and with my more confused mind I moved to the door, and with a loud thud I fell,hard on the floor,I looked up to that strange eyes, his eyes.

"My mum asked to check if you are home" I lied, he moved to me, and I crawled back," you don't need your mum asking you to, before you can come"he said not minding me literally rolling my eyes"you are my mate, and everything I own, we both own" he added and I coughed sarcastically,on my feet I look at him harshly, deep in his eyes and I whispered" you are free to dream"

He watched me leave, and once I was outside I breathed out relieved.how on Earth is a man like him my mate? He's more than once turned to a monster,or wolves?.

Dumbfounded and restless I walked back home, and to my greatest surprise he's there, my mouth opened in surprise," there she is"mum said,"y... yo..." Words betray me as I only looked at him more terrified.

"Mr Damien said someone broke into his house and that he would like you to look out for him" my eyes widen and I nodded" sure" I said " I need to use the bathroom"I told mum and I left, feeling his cold warming eyes on me, what is that just now? I queried myself.

I need to go see Jessy, if I further explain to her, maybe she will believe me,so making sure noone was in the compound I tiptoe not wanting to be sighted by my mon and obviously that monster.

I haven't gotten close to Jessy home when I sighted some men, they are probably my dad age group, I look away from them and proceeded to my destination, but something seems weird,I heard foot steps after me, I look around and I saw those men giggling at me,scared I walked faster and they walked over to me more faster .

I have read about rape and brutality on the newspaper, and I vowed never to be a victim, why on Earth would someone who's supposed to protect us haunt and hurt us instead, amidst tears and panicking I fell flat on my face,my knees and jaw bruised, they laughed reaching for me, I begged and yelled for my mum, who in my life has always protect me.

They attacked my ankle, pulling my trouser playfully, their eyes were mocking and I bet it going to traumatize me forever.

But suddenly an animal came running in a great and fastest speed, it's a wolf,it stopped just in front of me, nuzzling my bruised jaw and neck, I felt calm by it touch and shockingly I heard the cares in his heart, like we're connected somehow.

I watched him as he turned to the men, they are terrified and have started to wet their panties, frightened, they pleaded to me to talk to my pet, who owns a wolf as pet?, even though it's funny,I feel like crying, and then just like a magic the wolf bruised there skin with his claws, they screamed in pain and ran away the moment he turned away.

Just as I was about to pass out, the wolf shifted in front of me,"You!" I said he seems angry,his eyes and that scary pretty face,i passed out in his arms.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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