
I am Absolute

This fanfic is absolutely for fun, also I am an absolute beginner when it comes to writing, do expect a lot of grammar mistakes and spelling, If you see one, tell me and I'm going to correct it. Oh, and I'm going to add crossover anime characters from popular animes and they may or may not have a big role in the future so if you don't like those kinds of fanfic this is not for you. Also, This fanfic will be a slow pace compared to any Classroom of the elite fanfics out there. So, please keep that in mind. Synopsis: Adam is an "ordinary" young man who loves nothing but games and anime. Especially the anime called classroom of the elite. He loves the philosophy of the school of anime where the students compete with each other for a greater future. And now having a deal with the devil. he was given a chance to reborn in that world and compete with the original characters but with a cost. I don't own any of the characters in this fanfic other than the MC. all credits to their respective creators.

Reincarnator113 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

{Monologues Part 2}

[An: I'll call everyone by their first name from now on.]


( Saya's Monologue )

I was born into a rich lineage, both of my parents are good entrepreneurs. That's why they are natural-born leaders.

But I didn't inherit that. What I inherited from both of them are good genes and their intelligence. And being the only child in the family...

I was spoiled a lot.

This environment where I grew up is where I got my arrogant and somewhat impolite attitude. Because in my mind, I always believed that I was superior to everyone around me.

But this is just a cover for my insecurities.

Ever since I was a child, I was a loner. Since both of my parents were busy, they never able to give me any attention. At first, it didn't bother me one bit. But the more I grow up, the empty feeling inside me started to eat me up from the inside.

I have become more aware of my shortcomings. People distance themselves from me because I was "that" arrogant girl.

But they never knew how much their words caused me pain.

I never blame them because I always put a strong front. To hide the pain, I act like a mature girl that criticized other people's insecurities to make myself look exceptional. But that only made my situation much worse. This keeps happening from elementary to middle school.

To prevent my parents from worrying about me, I decided to never tell them about the problems I had. I still have the same fake strong front when I was in their presence.

But I didn't realize how much I damage them with that decision. Because I forgot where I got my intelligence, I never realized my mom knew from the start that I was lying. But they never asked me because they thought that I was matured enough to handle it.

But one thing they didn't know is how much I suffered over the years.

They decided to confront me one night. They interrogated me, they keep on asking questions about if I'm hiding something from them, which made them "worried"

Because of anger, I lost my ability to think and letting my emotions get the best of me. I decided to pour out all the feelings of frustration that have been built over the years.

"Worried?!! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH! You never once asked me how I'm doing at school. You never once asked If you having fun and making friends. Do you know how much I envy my classmates when they're going home with their parents?! All I want is your love and attention! Is that too much to ask..."

I cried and cried, hugging my mother who is in shock from all the things I said.

I know that it's all my fault why these things happened to our family. If I was honest from the very beginning, I could have prevented all the suffering I caused. But because of my pride, I took away my parent's happiness and my own.

That's why from that day onwards, I made an oath to tell all my emotions and feelings from the very beginning to prevent misunderstanding in the future.

After that drama, all the barriers that prevent us from being a happy family was ultimately broken down by me.

But to understand them better, I decided to restart my life by going to Advanced Nurturing High School, by attending that school, I would have to depend on solely myself without the help of my parents.

That's why I will graduate from that school to make my parents proud.

And lastly, I want to secure my own brighter future.


( Suzune's Monologue )

I can't exactly remember how long I have been chasing the shadows of my brother. Every since I was a child, my brother is the only person I admire.

He is good at everything, be it any physical activity or academic. He is always at the top.

But I was nothing more just a happy go lucky type of girl that isn't particularly good at anything. The girl that always has a smile, making people around me annoyed by my presence, so as they say.

That's why I made up my mind to become like him. I stop being friendly and I became like the second version of him. I stop making friends, I became anti-social. I even let my hair grow to remove the memories of my past self

But that only made my brother distant himself.

I didn't know what I did wrong, did I do something that made him angry? Did I disappoint him in some way?

I asked this question every day but no matter how many times try to come up with answers, none of them weren't logical conclusions.

I went to confront him many times, but his response was always a cold statement.

I don't know what to do anymore, I just want him to see me and be proud. But I only made our relationship worse.

Years go by and I become from the happy go lucky to the Suzune Horikita people know today. Cold, Arrogant, Self-centered, and unapproachable. People distance themselves, they gossip behind my back.

But all of those things don't matter to me one bit. All I ever need is my brother's approval and everything is not needed.

That's why when I heard my brother that he is a third-year student from Advanced Nurturing High School.

I decided to enroll and confront him again.

This time, however, I will succeed and rebuild our relationship like in the past, no matter what.


( Kiyotaka's Monologue)

I was born with the purpose to become a perfect human. My father always taught me that I was destined to rule Japan. I was always told that everyone is nothing but a tool for me to be used for my reign in the future.

It was absurd, but I have no power to change any of that. Even with my capabilities, I didn't revolt in any way. But this circumstance made me question something...

Are humans truly equal or not?

Well, Society will always strive to make everyone equal. To make Both men and woman to be considered equal. As a result, jobs for women were created. Employment for women skyrocketed over the years. We even made specialized subway cars only for women.

Nowadays, children were taught that all humans are born to be equal.

Do you want my view of this? well, my answer to that is Equality is irrational.

Equality does not exist in this world which is full of lies and insecurities. Why? because others are born with skills and talents, while others are just nobody, sitting in the corner while wasting their lives away.

Humans are born with individual differences. Because of that, Social hierarchy exists. People with great talent sit at the top while others rot at the bottom.

What then can those who want to strive for a greater future?

You must understand that this world is all about the survival of the fittest. It doesn't matter what social and academic class you belong to. You only need to strive to win the game of life. It doesn't matter what method you use, as long as you win in the end, that is all that matters.

That's why emotions like empathy will be your greatest adversary.

But that doesn't truly answer the question.

The reason I came to this school is mostly to find the true answer to that question.

And lastly, to destroy what my father loved the most.

[AN: I'll keep his monologue short since I want to retain his mysteriousness]


[An: This will be the last chapter for the monologues. these chapters are quite important to the story since they will give you an idea of each character's motivation for their actions. However, that may change in the future so please keep that in mind.]

Sorry about posting this chapter late. Anyway, after this chapter, the story of Adam to world domination will continue.

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