
I am a what? Gamer?

I am failing, how can I become the Hokage if I can't even clone myself? I have been trying so hard, why doesn't no one like me? What did I ever do to make them hate me? . . . Excuse what did I just become?

DaoistKQnDFL · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 19


Quest Reward: +1 Str, End, Vit, Agi, +1 Shuriken Jutsu, +1 Kunai Jutsu, +1 Academy Taijutsu

Str 27 =>30

End 26 =>29

Vit 20 => 22

Agi 18 =>21

Chk 27 =>28

Shurikenjutsu Lv15 => 21

Kunaijutsu Lv.15 =>20

Physical Training Lv.5 => 6

Basic Handsigns Lv.5 =>9

Running Lv.20 => 21

Leaf Sticking Chk Cntr Lv.27 =>30 (4 leaves, 7 CP/s)

By fighting against an opponent with skills above your level and not being utterly defeated Academy Taijutsu Lv. 15 => 28 ( +5% Str, End, Agi).

Str 30 +1,5

End 29 +1,45

Agi 21 +1,05


'Thirteen levels, thirteen fucking levels, almost more than I obtained from training all these days.'

Also, from now my stats will grow much faster thanks to the 5% bonus, maybe I should find a way to add such a percentage also to the other stats.

Seeing my HP under half and my SP almost empty, I meditated while training my Chk Control, but just as I was about to sit down someone interrupted me.

" Looks like you found the training puppet."

I turned towards the voice, which belonged to Jiraya, which was strange, he had said he would be back by evening.

" Why are you here? Didn't you say you would be back later?"

" Do you have any idea what is it?"

And I finally realized the sun had almost set and I had done nothing but train the whole day.

"... Nevermind, I will go train my calligraphy now."

" Have you eaten something?"

" Yeah, now I am not angry."


Acting Lv.6 => 7


He waited, maybe he thought my stomach would start grumbling.

When no grumble arrived he sighed and started talking again.

" Fine, I will cook dinner, if you were to get hungry I will leave some for you in the fridge, if you have any questions on how to train your calligraphy there some books in the library or you can simply ask me, the paper and pen to train also are in the library.

I nodded with a smile and started walking with a smile while four leaves were all attached to my arm.

" Are you training your chakra Control?" Jiraya asked seeing my arm.

" Yeah, since my Chakra is above normal I have shitty control over it, it's so bad that I can't even perform the Clone Jutsu."

As if realizing something Jiraya's eyes sparkled and a smile formed on his face.

" I get it, you are doing a good job training it, already being able to remain with 4 leaves while doing something else is above the standard, so good job, and for your cloning problem I might have a solution but I have to discuss it with the Hokage."

Hearing someone compliment me for my hard work made me happy, and I got even happier when I heard he might have a solution for my main problem, if he helps me with it I will have a 100% chance to become a ninja.

" Thank you," I said while hugging him for a second and heading towards the library.

Unknowing to me, Jiraya's face showed sadness when I hugged him, his eyes were filled with stories he would never be able to forget, and his lips formed a shape that was the furthest thing from a smile, but all of this lasted only a second, a second of pure unfiltered sadness.

" Don't stay up too late, you have to go to the Academy tomorrow."





Calligraphy Lv.1 => 23

Observe Lv.13 => 17

Int 20 =>23


The effect of being an Uzumaki was showing, even though not directly related to sealing arts, calligraphy still represented the base behind it so the 50% bonus for Fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu also worked for it, thanks to this, after a full night of doing nothing but writing on paper gained me 22 levels... That's a lot, like, a bullshit lot.

I was about to take another sheet of paper but a hand blocked me.

" You stayed up all night?"

I turned towards an annoyed Jiraya, was about to get hit?


-95 HP

Physical Endurance Lv.5 =>6



" Do I seriously have to say it?"

"... Fine, but I wasn't sleepy, So instead of wasting time I thought it was better to train."

" You weren't sleepy?" He asked, did I say something wrong?

"...Just eat breakfast and go to the Academy."

Not wanting to once again tell him I had already eaten I listen to him, and after eating, showering, and wearing the clothes Jiraya had bought yesterday.


Repeatable Quest: Don't Be Late


'I was waiting for you.'

With a smile, I started running, when I had just started I wasn't so fast, maybe I could compare to the other children, but against one of the Clan's Children? They made me eat the dust, but now?

Easly running through the streets while the wind hits my face was a refreshing sensation that I will never get used to, but my run got stopped by a group of villagers shopping and blocking the road.

' I will be late this way.'

Looking around a decision spurted in my mind, so without hesitation, I dashed towards the nearest building, and using my new strength and agility I climbed the side of the building and easily got on the roof, continuing to jump from roof to roof to avoid the crowd.


New Skill: Acrobatics Lv.1

Represents your ability to perform difficult movements with ease, every level boosts body coordination and flexibility

Acrobatics Lv.1 =>2



After 15 minutes I arrived at the Academy, rewarding me with 55 XP, not much but each point counts.

When I opened the door of the classroom I was welcome by a second of laughs and chit-chats followed by utter silence, every eye pointed at me.

Ignoring them I headed to my seat, the strangest thing was Sasuke looking at me, usually he started at the void, but today he was directly searching for my attention, but I ignored him, I had already grown out from our competition.

I sat down near Shikamaru and said:" What's Up?"

" You seriously are asking what's going on, after the bomb that was dropped yesterday?"

" I guess you are right, still friend though, right?"

" Troublesome."


+5 Rep Shikamaru


" I take that as a yes," I said while smiling.

Shikamaru also smiled and returned back to his sleep.

'Today is gonna be a long day.'