
I am a Villain.

Why do people become "Villains"? For what reason do they become the "demons" of society? Well, it's only to be explained here. Where the main character is a 'Villain'.

k1ngjr · Fantasy
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9 Chs

To the first me.

The theme is set in the future. In this era, there as supernatural abilities people are born with. Due to this factor, there are certain groups of people who abuse their power and become 'evil'. These people are wanted and are very dangerous to society. They often commit crimes which can cause harm to people so there is a group of people who have banded together, in order to defeat and restrains these people. They are called 'Hero's'. On the other hand, the other group are called 'Villains'. We are set in the future to see our main character, which is indeed, a villain.

In the future:

"I am a Villain."

"Huh..? I don't understand what you mean…. O-of course you're a villain… your evil aren't you…? I-I mean… look around us.. There's bodies everywhere..." He says, as his voice is crackling and refusing to bring out his words correctly.

Zooming out to see the wider scope of the scene, Judah (Our protagonist) stands atop of countless bodies. Women of old age, and young, as well as children and families.

Judah: "Yes, that's the label that was 'entrusted' to me. The world that we perceive; the world in which we live: There are always two sides of one coin. In this case: good or evil, and I so happened to be on the evil side. But what does evil truly mean?

Simultaneously, he is walking forward in an endless darkness. There seems to be no destination, just an infinite hallway of shrouded black fog. This is to represent the internal mind frame of Judah's mind. He is not physically walking in darkness, but rather out of this scenario and meditating.

Judah: Why is there the concept of good? Why is there the concept of evil? For what reason do we truly live? At least, in this world, there is a standard. By which we must live by- no by which we are governed by."

Ichigo: "Huh...?" he says, confused.

Judah: "There are always two sides of one coin. In this case: good or evil. So I happened to be evil: Therefore, that is to say, I am a villain."

Ichigo: "So are you saying that we can't win?! Are you saying there's no hope dammit! What about my family, what about my friends?! My dreams, my hopes, my-" The hero whimpers.

Judah: "And what about me? It's funny 'MR Hero'. Correct me if I'm wrong, your name was Ichigo… correct?" He questions the hero.

Ichigo: "Yes… and what of it?!" He says, raising his voice a little bit.

Judah: "Well, let me educate YOU on the concept of being a hero and a villain. I'll start by stating 3 three things you've done wrong."

Ichigo: "Huh..?! What do you mea-"

Instantly, Ichigo is cut off from speaking as Judah gives him a death glare, releasing some killer instinct. That silences him, effectively.

Judah: "Number one. You are extremely biased. Your opinion of me being bad is completely different to how I see it. I don't see myself as a villain, I am doing what's right in my own eyes, just as you, in the façade of justice, do what you feel is right. But here's the issue- no the standpoint if you will. I am being discriminated against for my beliefs and ideas, whereas you are not. That's because we 'Villains' don't call you evil, 'they' call you good."

Ichigo: "And who's they?"

At the same time, he is composing himself and struggling to stand after receiving such a powerful force of killer instinct.

Judah: "Not bad for a hero, you managed to gain your composure. As to who 'they' are, is of no concern to you. You would never understand this world of ours. But, the second problem is 'neglect'. As funny as it seems, villains too deserved to be saved. Of course, you are blinded by your foolish ideologies and cannot comprehend the fact that we too, are indeed, human beings. We make mistakes such as you, so then why are we so different? Haven't you ever stopped to think why we have become this way? Are we merely scum that we can't receive help either? Discrimination, neglection, hatred. All these emotions were not born from us, but were birthed by you, who feed us with YOUR feelings."

Ichigo, the hero, suddenly comes to realize what he is saying is true. He realises that hero's don't help the bad guys, but this is ironic as bad people are only evil because they didn't receive help in the first place. Resulting in them never leaving their bad personalities. Rejects for society if you will.

Judah: "And finally..."

Back to the present:

Judah: "Hi! My name is Judah. Of course, due to my red hair I'm obstructed from society. Of course, as well as this, there are many other factors as to why people avert their eyes when they see me. My hair (which I stated before), the scar on my face, and my eyes (His eyes are a deep shade of red, almost like a violet and rose combined together, a peculiar colour.) Curse you whoever indulged in intercourse with my mother! You didn't give me any features to be proud of."


Judah: "Also as well as-"


He hears a deafening noise from his rear, as he turns his head, he receives a powerful slap across his cheek, making it go red. As a result, it comes out swollen. Due to this unknown and surprising attack that was inflicted on him, he turns around in anger to find his victim to release his frustration on. But, he is overwhelmed by his friend's dominant physique and in whimpering, retreats his emotion of rage.

Judah: "What was that for YOU PIECE OF..." he shouts.

"What? I'm waiting, carry on." he says confidently.

Judah comes to the realization that his effort is useless and submits to the pain he received.

Judah: "Dang it, what's up Mari? Why'd you have to hit me so damn hard?!" he shouts.

Mari: "Heh, I'll do whatever I damn well want, you better get that straight!" he smirks whilst folding his arms.

Judah: "Whatever. So, why'd you call me?" Judah asks curiously.

Mari: "Stop speaking posh kid. You really can't do it." he says as he nods his head in disagreement.

Judah: "HUH?!"

Looking up he visualizes his friend Mari due to the blinding light rays of the sun. He raises his head to see Mari: A muscular and well toned physique, as well as silky black hair which was flowy and quite beautiful. Due to his 'features' he is labelled as a 'lady's man'. Being quite tall for his age (being aged 12), measured around 5"7. On him, he is wearing torn ragged clothes, and a ripped grey tie, matching his whole attire fumingly.

Mari: "Anyways, I didn't call you here just to show off my amazing looks. Don't want you feeling any more insecure than you already do." He says laughingly.

Judah: "Shut up gene hoarder! Damn it, if every kid were to choose whether we could be born with good looks, there'd be no such thing as good looking people anyways! Therefore you need people like me in order to-"

Mari: "There you go with your negativity, don't pass on those vibes to me you damn otaku!"

Judah: "I am NOT A OTA-"

Judah's mouth is being covered by tape in order to prevent his wide mass speech, this was done by Mari as he wants no part of it. He'd rather just sleep.

Mari: "Anyways, let's go back home. 'Momma' asked me to come and bring you home."

Judah: "Oh… I see, well let's go back then. They're all waiting aren't they? It's been a while since I last saw their faces." he says, whilst tearing off the tape from his mouth.

Judah stands up from the help of Mari clutching his hand, he pulls him up and they both embark on their journey home. Whilst walking, they can't help but notice the beauty of the area in the location they're in. The trees: dancing and completely in tune with the landscape. The beautiful view of it all, they are just in awe of the land they live in. Exiting the gates of the town, they are met with an endless road ahead of them. So, they walk and continue to walk until they reach their destination. After walking for a mass amount of time, they finally reach their goal: the slums. They peer through barricades of broken wood and shattered houses, treading on top of previously built shafts due to the rain and stormy climate within the country. But, they still are grateful for their lives. Kids smiling, although strangely looking as though a skeleton: battered, bruised and injured. Some children were incapable of even leaving their wooden and yet uncomfortable beds. But, yet they were grateful. Walking through houses and houses, they finally reach the smallest home, but yet quite cosy. As Judah and Mari approach the door, they are greeted with 5 small and cute smiles 2 boys, 3 girls.

Mary: "Brother Judah you're finally back!"

Judah: "Were you all good even though I wasn't here?"

The 5 kids shout: "Yes!"

Looking up, Judah sees 'Mother'. Well, not his real mother. They are in fact, all adopted. The mother had been cheated on by her ex-husband and was abandoned to live in the slums. She was also cast away by society, after being repeatedly abused. Often throwing fruits or stones at her. Sometimes, she'd even get hurt badly. In spite of all this, she looked quite strong, yet frail indeed. She had snow white skin, and azure blue eyes. As vast as the ocean. Her silky black hair looked as though it had been through careful preparation. A beautiful figure indeed.

Mother: "Judah, you're finally back my child." she said softly.

Judah: "Yes Mom, I'm back." he said with a forceful smile. (This is a difficult task for Judah as he really cannot smile.)

Mother: "Don't try and force it dummy!" While smacking Judah on the head.

Judah: "Ow! Ow! Ow!" Okay, okay, wakatta! (meaning : I get it!)

Mother: "Thank you for bringing this stubborn child back home Mari. I'm proud of you. All of you." she says, while smiling.

Mari: "It's no problem Mom! Anytime for this dummy!" he says laughingly.

Mother: "See? Judah, you brother Mari is always smiling! You should smile more often! Maybe then you can get some ladi-"

Instantly she stops, hoping she didn't tread on a land mine. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Mari: "O-oh.. no mom! What have you done?!" he says while trembling.

Mother: "Teehee" she says while she does a 'my mistake face'.

Mari: "DON'T 'TEHEE' ME DAMMIT! Mary! James! Alice! Reuben! Megan! Guys, get behind me now!"

All 5 kids: "Okay!"

An ominous vibe is deeply approaching, they all tremble and feel a sense of fear. They know they are all about to be lectured about the 'importance' of life and how Judah is at such a disadvantage because of how he was born. On the other hand, he within his heart feels a sense of warmth and can't help but laugh genuinely. A one in a lifetime moment that they will all capture in their brains. The moment where they can all enjoy.

Judah: "Hahahaha! you're right mom! Maybe I should! Don't you guys agree too?"

He looks up.

Judah: "What's wrong? W-why is everyone quiet? Is there something on my face? OH NO don't tell me it was bird poop! Oh my f*** I am gonna COOK THAT DAMN BIRD AT EAT IT!" He shouts.

Mari: "Y-Y-You laugh-laughed." He says shockingly.

Judah: "Yeah? And so? So what? Are you saying I can't laugh?!"

Alice: "N-no it-s not that…."

Judah: "Then what is it?!?! Someone tell me dammit!"

They all look at each other and just laugh. Earnestly. They are all filled with joy and this extends to Judah, making him laugh too. The atmosphere is calm and peaceful, ideal and the very definition of family. Of love. Yes, this is love.

Unknown entity: "I have chosen you. You shall be my messenger. Now, go and tell them of your ideals."

Mari: "Did you guys just hear a guy speak?"

Judah: "Uh, no? Are you okay? Maybe you need some res-"

Suddenly a light flashes so quick, and a massive explosion is heard in the distance.

Mother: "What was that?!"

It was the city. A massive bombing had just happened from modernised planes in the sky. They came raining down, endlessly and endlessly. Sounds of screaming, and the gnashing of teeth. The pain and cries for help. Death, death, death, death and death. As far as the eye could see. The mother peers out of the window to see what's going on and sees a group of people in suits holding an unidentifiable weapon in their hands. All they could hear was a loud sound of small burst explosions and deafening bangs sounds from the outside.

Mother: "Everyone get back inside! NOW!"

They all retreat to the end of the shack, the mother has raised her guard up and is holding a rusted table knife within her left hand. That was her only choice to defend her children. Alice sneaks underneath the table. Favourably, she was the most clever around the children, she seemed like she had a plan. On the other hand, the mother was unaware of her stunt and kept her full attention on the door in front of her. Some time passed. A few seconds, then a few minutes. There were screams, and yells for this period of time. Shortly after, they were all silenced. Then a couple more minutes passed by, then a few hours passed by. Finally it was nightfall and there were no sounds of screams nor yells any longer. The mother sighed but also felt a sense of relief because she knew her children were safe. She opened the door, but was met with a metal contraption right in her eye.

Unknown man: "Say goodbye ma'am."

A single gunshot sound had been heard. It was the loudest one out of all the others they had heard that day. Blood painted all over the walls and furniture. There the body laid, cold and lifeless.

It's my first novel ever, hope you enjoyed! :D

k1ngjrcreators' thoughts