
I am A Very Hardworking Queen

Jyn transmigirate and she transmigirate as A Zerg Queen. The cold and ruthless race that have been shun and feared by all the other inter galaxy races. As the Queen Jyn want to express that she will work very hard to be a kind and upright queen. .................................................................. I'm not saying this Lord Novel is the best, but its not bad... So, give it a try. Try your best to ignore the wording and the grammatical mistake. I'm only Human after all, don't put your blame on me. I'm lazy so I don't think I will give another effort in correcting the error and mistake. Just give it a try! it's not like it gonna do you folks harm? I think? This is Yu Fukurō aka Cosmos Owl. This Lord is Out. Chaos, destruction Despair muahahaha!!!

_cosmic_librarian · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Emily gave a loud contemptous snort.

She was already annoyed with the annoying existence of the self proclaimed soulmate Ari. Why does another self proclaimed soulmate sprang up from?

Are they so common like cabbages in this dimension?


"As if.... I do not understand where your fucking self- proclamation ability came from, but my God already have a soulmate"

The expression of Lunox does not change, he even gave a more gentle smile though his eyes turn a bit cold "Holy maiden, please don't joke. For us Mithioga race, the most sacred thing is our fated one"

Emily was not intimidated, she puff up her chest, arrogantly raising her chin and point at Ari "See that? Thats him. Where do you f*cking see me joking around. Do you think you are worth for me to play a jester with?"

Atleast, she had lived and compete with Ari for quite a time. Of course, although not pleasing, she will choose Ari over the poser Lunox.

She hate people with the charm of protagonist with a self-righteous attitude the most!


Lunox this time frown and shift his gaze at the person the holy maiden was pointing. He does not pay other much attention except for his fated one.

Only now did he felt a strong repulsive force. Lunox pupils constricted. That person and him even with just a mere gaze, they repel each other as if they are of positive and negative energy. Like water and fire.

Lunox warily check out the person which make his pupils constricted further. His gaze becoming solemn, no longer having the frivolous and charming smile.

"You must be kidding!. He is not a person who should be bless with a fated one, even if he have, he will be rejected. And it is impossible for him to be the fated one of her majesty"

He have a serious expression. The depth of his gaze carried a hint of disgust.

Jyn was displeased "He is and no way will I reject him" Does this poser think she will reject such a fine specimen like Ari? A once in a lifetime calamitous beauty? She will be blind and a complete idiot if she let such person that fall on her lap go!

Jyn roar in her mind silently.

"Thats impossible" Lunox refute firmly.

Jyn stretch the corner of her lips slightly.


Although she is also quite surprised by this sudden revelation. It was not to the point where she can lose all her composure.

"How do you Mithioga race know that they are your fated one apart from the feelings?"

Jyn does not refute him but asked another question. She inquired because she was curious herself.

"I was afraid that her majesty won't believe me so I bring this soul stone of our race, if we are fated one, It will turn into the same colour when we touch it together"

Apparently, the soul stone have to be touched by two person. If they are fated one, it will turn into any solid colour. If they are not, half will be another colour while the other another different colour.

The soul stone, that was the representation of harmony.

The Mithioga race was never once been wrong on their feelings when they met their fated one. But to prove it to their other half that was unable to feel the first encounter feelings, the soul stone came to be.

"Lets try out"

Jyn suggest, Lunox agree immediatedly.

They touch the stone together, the colourless soul stone slowly turn into a light creamy pink stone.

Jyn frown in slight displeasure.

She don't like pink that much ah!

Umm.... Our majesty focus point is not in the harmonize solid colour but the stone color.

Seeing the harmonize colour, Lunox resume a bit of his gentle smile.

"See, you really is my fated one" He earnestly said.

Jyn does not answer but turn towards the completely pale Ari.

"Come, lets try" Her tone of voice the same as always, she does not try to say some consoling word but just look at him calmly and quitely.

Ari stretch out his hand, a bit shaking. His deep bottomless eyes surging violently.

The once resume colourless soul stone turn into a completely harmonize torquose or green colour.

The surging emotion of Ari calm down a bit. His trembling pupils calming down.

Jyn then smile at Lunox "We don't lie either, I don't know or care how we are fated but between you and my Ari, I choose him. Yes, take it as a rejection"

She was clear cut and that ruthless. She is not interested in paddling two boat.

"You can't!" Lunox completely lose his confident composure when he saw the harmonize colour "How can that heretic be your fated one?!! And where is he better compare to me in anyway? As expected of the jinx, he is the bane of us Mithioga race. He must have done something to the stone"

Lunox appear a bit hysteric.... Apart from being Ari being the jinx and the heretic, most of it was because of Jyn clear cut rejection.

'It must be because of that Heretic! It is all because of that heretic.'

For those who is not of the Mithioga race, the pain in the heart when rejection occured does not affect them. No Mithioga race have never been rejected by their fated one.

Out of all the Mithioga race, it is him.

Anyone can be rejected except him because....

"Get out" Jyn calmly state but the anger in her eyes is flaring.

Who does this retard think he is? Slandering and scolding her man right in front of her?

If she does not stand up for him, she will be too ashamed to claim him as hers.

Ifrit walk forward, grabbing tightly at Lunox, slamming him with a forceful suppresive aura, in fact, all the Zerg became restless at the furious emotion that they felt from their queen.

Simply intolerable!

Aggitation and Spitefulness.

Violence started to occupy the Zerg.

Lunox also gradually woke up from his hysteria at the blasting violent aura of the zerg.

Even though he is quite powerful, he broke out in a cold sweat. The zerg indeed are worthy of being called the strongest race.

Thinking of something, he gradually calm down. His eyes brightening a bit. The eyes looking at Jyn started to get heated.

"It is my fault for letting myself carried away, conduct in such a barbaric manner. I asked for forgiveness"

With that said, he bowed and walk away with Ifrit. He was like his past self, calm, collected and charming, As if the person a moment ago who act a bit nasty was not him.

Jyn does not have time to spare even a glance at him, she hurriedly calm down the agitated Zerg.

Grill, laying quitely at Jyn lap nudge her.

"Whats with all this?"

Jyn narrowed her eyes " Just Someone playing some nasty trick, we will settle score afterwards"

Grill hum and lay again contently and quietly.

The reason Grill was at Paramount, mainly because his body that was designed to be the perfect emboidement was in still progress.

Jyn need atleast a month worth time to build it, even with her abundant spiritual energy.

Jyn grab the hand of the daze Ari and gave a light pat "Don't think much about all that farce, someone just try to play dirty trick"

With that said, Jyn gave a quick first peck on the lips of Ari because she feel that she need to provide some spiritual healing. His Ari is not a Heretic "Okay?"

Ari open his eyes wide, a blush creeping on his face upto his ears but he still resolutely gaze at Jyn "Don't abandon me"

"Never" A smile stretch on Jyn face, Ari seriously check Jyn eyes, trying to detect any falsehood. Seeing that it was clear only then he relax his nerve.

A small smile appear on his face.

It was like the melt of the snow and the arrival of spring.


Critical hit!

Jyn heart felt itchy. Aiya.... So lovely and cute.

No way will she ever let him go.

The Holy races who was the direct audience of the PDA.

Ummm.... They don't see anything. They are just eating dog food. Just eating dog food.

Don't mind the single dog. Really.


Emily on the other hand purse her lips but remain silent.

Eira just have a more colder expression while Alvis .... Alvis remain the same. As long as their queen is happy? Probably? Maybe?

Umm.... He still cannot find the vixen that came seducing their queen pleasing to the eyes however he look at it.


Cosmos Owl:



Considering me being such a hardcore Fujoshi, I am still amazed by my forbeance of writing a pure BG novel.

I swear and promise to myself, I will write a novel dedicated entirely to BL one of these days.

Fujoshis are welcome, non-fujoshi who are curious are also welcome.

One day, ba-be, one day.