
I am a system.

When I was alive I was always a spectator, but never a protagonist. You could even say that he was the typical character who sat in the back row and never stood out. With my family it always remained in the background, it is not for lack of love, but everything I did was so irrelevant that with just two words I could summarize everything. I liked reading novels and I always really liked the willpower and effort that many protagonists gave, I was always one of those who hated protagonists who were dependent on systems, they looked at them as objects that had no joke... How ironic that will reincarnate into a system... And no, I really don't have a system... I AM THE SYSTEM!!!

Alex_Z_5118 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 11 - Richmond's Legacy

Gunter looked at Elena, he couldn't believe it was her, that girl who inherited the eye.

At that moment a memory from a long time ago came to him.




[11 and a half years ago]

Gunter was sitting in a bar. You could see that he was just passing the time, when he hears a voice – Captain, how long?

Gunter turns around, he was a guy with blue hair, he just sits next to Gunter, the blue haired guy orders a drink, he looks at Gunter

The blue haired boy speaks – I have news from the southern kingdom

Gunter raises an eyebrow – Which of the 3 kingdoms are located in the south?

The Boy with Blue Hair – The Kingdom of Dawn

Gunter frowns and stops drinking - What's so important, I understand it's a vassal kingdom of the empire... Don't tell me they rebelled, I don't mind going to the south personally and teaching them a lesson.

The blue-haired boy just shakes his head – No… But maybe he will change in the future.

Gunter looks at the blue-haired boy, he could see how his face became grim - Marcus, what's going on?


Marcus speaks – Do you remember Aurelio Richmond

Gunter remembers and opens his eyes – It was not the one who was as powerful as he is King... You know when the 3 southern kingdoms were one

Marcus smiles - Of course when they separated into 3 due to their own stupidity... hahaha... But seriously, when the great kingdom of dawn was founded it was a power, even at that time it was the rival of our empire

Gunter looks at Marcus – and this is relevant, why?

Marcus – The legends spoke of how Aurelio Richmond had magical eyes that allowed him to rival if not surpass the first king... and believe me when I tell you that the empire feared the power of this

Gunter looked at Marcus – Get to the point.

Marcus is silent for a moment and then speaks - 5 months ago a baby was born who has the eyes of Aurelio Richmond

Gunter is slightly surprised – So the Richmond family can inherit those eyes

Marcus – You are right about one thing, the baby is a descendant of the Richmond family, but no relative in the last 350 years has obtained the Richmond eye, it was thought that this characteristic was exclusive to Aurelio and that his descendants were not going to inherit it ...That is why the Richmond family was not at all relevant in recent times, in fact, until recently the only thing that kept them alive was the fact that they were one of the 7 founding families... It was a family in disgrace, but from time to time there are miracles

Gunter looked at Marcus – And now what's happening?

Marcus – The first thing is that now both the empire and the kingdoms close to it are reviewing the family tree of the Richmond family, they are looking for bastards, families that were related and descendants who for some reason separated from the family, if two people They got the eyes. There are chances that a third person could appear.

Gunter has a question – And your source is reliable

Marcus speaks with confidence – He is trustworthy, he has also told me what happened in the kingdom 2 months ago

Gunter had doubts, but he asked the question – What happened 2 months ago?

Marcus – 2 months ago a murderer was able to pass all the defenses of the Richmond family and the imperial guard, it is said how the murderer stabbed the baby's body and she died

Gunter relaxed, it was natural, no one in their right mind

Marcus interrupted his thoughts - For just 2 minutes, all the wounds, damage and blood loss was recomposed... A 3 month old baby was impaled and still it was nothing to that monster... Let me tell you something, if a quarter of the stories that are told about Aurelio to this day are true... This world is going to change

Gunter looked strange – What's going on?

Marcus – The academies are starting to accept commoner students, everyone who has talent is starting to be accepted, the empire is starting to opt for this approach, my contact believes that the other Kingdoms are going to follow, and they are now pushing less in obtaining resources and are now in talks to release information that can arm the civilian population

Gunter – All that for a 3 month old baby

Marcus shook his head – lately more powerful monsters have appeared and sightings have been reported in the villages... Gunter... I think we are entering a new era... And I think this era will have a new name


Marcus looks at Gunter – Elena Richmond

Gunter thought for a moment and just sighed - Well heroes come and heroes go, he's just another brat who was born with a golden spoon, most likely that brat wasted his life.

Marcus – You say it as if you have confidence in your abilities... You think you can beat the heiress with those eyes

Gunter – Don't underestimate me... My only regret is that when that brat goes out on the battlefield I will already be retired

Marcus – Then you would beat him

Gunter – Who knows... If she's a rookie who just graduated from the academy, I'd sweep her off her feet.

Show a confident smile





That was his opinion at that time, but reality hit him too hard, how was it possible for a 12-year-old girl to achieve such an ability, let's leave aside the perfect control of light particles and their absurd regeneration that makes no sense whatsoever, He has inhuman speed and his fighting techniques are too much, this was the skill of an expert, even the academy students who spent their entire lives forging his sword technique could not reach it.

What's more, even with technique there is something that one cannot imitate and that was experience in battle, that a girl her age has fought so many battles to achieve such skill and for the first time Elena's voice is heard

It was cold and gloomy - You think you are the first person who went for my neck, my first word was not mom or dad, my first word was for the kingdom of dawn... I am the sword of the Kingdom and I will kill everyone who get in my way

Gunter saw it, there was no lie in his eyes, there was no humanity, he believed that she would be a brat who would give him all the luxuries in the world, but he understood, she was not raised as a human, she was raised like a weapon

He understood that this little girl is going to be more harm in the future, she does not have a grimoire, but she already demonstrated incredible skill, when she was an adult there would be nothing to stop her, this girl was no longer a danger to the empire, what if? This brat fell into the wrong hands or if she twists everything... Because as the northern tribes say

"The child who is not embraced by his tribe, when he is an adult, will burn the village so that he can feel his warmth."

This was a time bomb that everyone was lighting, what will happen when he gets fed up with everything, when he explodes, he was not even close to the most powerful in this world, in fact he considered himself an ant compared to truly strong people.

But this girl has not even obtained a grimoire, she will grow exponentially, she will become bigger, I was sure that the empire did not take her presence in vain, she was the main reason why all the kingdoms started a silent war, everyone They are arming, they are strengthening the magicians and currently more magicians are coming out than before, and each generation is more powerful than the previous one.

Gunter had a resolution in his eyes, now he won't hesitate anymore because she's a girl - You know... Originally we were only going to capture you, I never wanted to kill someone, it was going to be an in and out... But at this point... I, Gunter... Only Gunter, former captain of the twelfth regiment, am going to end your life!!

Elena looked indifferent to Gunter's words as if she had heard it a thousand times.

Gunter unsheathed his second sword, he had one in each hand, then his grimoire is raised and with a voice his ability resonates – Will to fight!!

His entire body is surrounded by flames, these flames revolved around his body

Elena watched as the fire particles he generated rotated around her, this was a reinforcement in her body, he had to

But before she could process it, she saw that something was approaching, her eyes saw the scene, but her body couldn't react in time, it was a decision of milliseconds, but she didn't hesitate, she turned her body

The next thing she felt was an intense pain in her arm, in fact her arm was torn off in less than a second.

He looked at the next attack, but Gunter moved away, several golden arrows came out waiting for him, Gunter realized that this brat's sight could follow her, but what worried him were those golden constructions, although it is a basic ability for any user. of light, doing it so quickly without the need for a grimoire is quite surprising

Elena continued to distance herself from Gunter, her strong point was speed and yet this guy surpassed her from one moment to the next, she had never met someone so fast, this made Elena sigh, many golden arrows began to come out

Gunter dodged everything quickly, but Elena didn't let her get close, meanwhile Elena's arm grew again.

Gunter inside her – she has a very powerful regeneration ability

When Gunter was close to Elena and looked like he was going to tear off another limb, Elena covered her body with a yellow aura, dodged the attack with difficulty and then began to float away from Gunter's range.

Then she takes out many arrows behind her and starts shooting at Gunter.

All the arrows that were going for Gunter were cut by Gunter's two swords, he would not be harmed by basic techniques.

It seems that Elena started to take it seriously and the next thing she does is put both of her palms together, while she continues throwing projectiles at Gunter.

Gunter's grimoire activates once again and Gunter shouts [Rain of Fire]

Elena saw firsthand how a circle was formed that covered the sky, it has a great range and before she knew it, large balls of fire formed and fell downwards.

The most scared were the people who were under the mountain, since they were more exposed and divided and this applied to both the families who were going to the wizard's tower, as well as the bandits who were stalling for time and were entrenched in key places.

But this rain did not represent a threat to Elena, which she easily dodged. Elena continued to concentrate the magic particles, but the scene she witnessed surprised her.

Gunter jumped and with the flame he jumped again

Now he was faster than before, the flames surrounded her, she had many points of support, Gunter quickly arrived near her, Elena barely dodged, although she was confident in her flight, it did not compare to the mastery with which Gunter jumped through the flames. of fire

And since it was a fire that was created by Gunter, it did not affect her, but Elena, no matter how insignificant the flames were and the regeneration took care of the burns, it was still a disadvantageous situation.


The warrior this time is a powerful one


This made her excited and a crazy laugh came out of her.


After all, she rarely meets people who force her to do her best.


This smile baffled Gunter, her instincts were right, Elena was not right in her situation, he intended to finish her off in the next attack.

But the light from her hands spread, it was a light so great that even the people below saw the scene from below and covered their eyes for a second.

For his part, Gunter prepares for a second attack, he would not fall for another trick, but the light quickly sees it, when Gunter looks at Elena he opens his eyes.

Thousands of yellow balls of light covered the entire environment, this was absurd, how could she have so much mana capacity?

Maybe it was those eyes, it doesn't matter, he had to go for her, but the scene surprised him, the rain of fire began to go directly through the spheres of light, these spheres absorbed the fireballs, they all grew in size, Gunter was feeding the yellow balls

No, it wasn't the balls, he looked at Elena, specifically her eyes, they had an intense shine, then the balls began to divide among themselves, Gunter had no choice but to deactivate the rain of fire, at this rate he would be in a big disadvantage

Gunter did it, but something didn't add up, the balls kept splitting, it wasn't like he hadn't been affected in the slightest.


Open your eyes


Gunter – Don't tell me


I see that the air currents went directly to the spheres


Gunter – Damn, he is transmuting the wind particles and transforming them into light, this is impossible, a normal magician has to absorb an element and begins a process to transform it into another element, but no, no magician can do it from a distance

Then she looked at Elena's eyes, now she understands the intense shine, perhaps Richmond's eyes had that ability, that was impossible, it contradicts any law that exists in this world

Gunter gritted his teeth, this eye was a damn scam, why does such a thing exist in this world?

Elena smiles – What, you are willing to give everything, I will do the same.

Her gaze contained pure madness and with a wave of her hand she formed hundreds of thousands of arrows and they all aimed at Gunter.

They all shot out at Gunter, for his part Gunter looked at the scene, but he did not feel afraid, now more than ever his will was at its highest point.

He stepped forward, ready to face her fate, after all, now was the time to stop her, because when he gets the grimoire from her he will be unstoppable.


This was the time to give everything