
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · Fantasy
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62 Chs

No Escape

They were acutely aware that their actions had consequences, and that the universe demanded a balance of good and bad.

The cruel hand of fate had dealt them a series of misfortunes, but a glimmer of hope had finally emerged in their darkest hour.

"We cannot simply sweep the destruction caused by your people under the rug. The restoration of these mountains alone will not suffice to appease us. However, if you allow some of these people to accompany our tribe for a time, we may be willing to overlook this transgression."

The Wailing Mountain tribe woman was a force to be reckoned with, her stubbornness and pride as unyielding as the mountains themselves.

The situation was still precarious, and their fate hung in the balance. If this Shengbing woman were to engage in battle with the Wailing Mountain tribe, it would provide the perfect opportunity for them to flee.

Nevertheless, it seemed that the Shengbing woman's motive for protecting her village from the previous conflict's shockwaves was not entirely altruistic and didn't solely justify her interference in protecting them. She most certainly must have had another agenda for stepping in.

"If you do not impede me, I assure you that this will not last more than a fleeting moment. Your peace will remain undisturbed," the voice of the formless woman echoed in the chambers of their minds, insistent and unyielding.

The Shengbin woman scoffed, her eyes ablaze with a fierce determination. She turned to face the Xuan company, who held their breath in anticipation.

"I will be taking these two with me. The rest of you may depart," she declared, pointing to Tian Wei and Xuan Yi.

The Xuan company was puzzled and taken aback by her sudden interest in the two men. It was clear that she had come for them, and them alone.

There was a reason for her interference, a hidden motive that remained shrouded in the depths of the earth.

"I have already made myself clear. They will not be leaving," the voice thundered through the air, causing the sky to rumble and the very fabric of space to tremble. The tentacle descended towards Hai Du, leaving a trail of black, torn space in its wake, and the rest of them remained frozen in place, paralyzed with fear.

If she could exert such terrifying power and pressure from a distance, how much more formidable would she be in person?

"Do you need some encouragement to leave?" she asked Hai Du, her voice sending tiny shockwaves through the air that seemed to cut through flesh and instill a fear that had never been felt before.

Her aura and energy were unlike anything they had ever witnessed before, tearing through the mortal garb and penetrating the soul and spirit within.

Hai Du felt a different kind of terror from this Shengbing woman than the Xuan Sect master. He couldn't tell if she was stronger, but he knew that her force could wipe out her opponent completely and utterly in the twinkling of an eye.

And there was a terror that lingered, that her power could reach beyond the abyss of incarnation, obliterating every shred of the soul without the hope of rebirth.

This person was by no means ordinary. Even Tian Wei felt the terror reverberating deep in the core of his being, almost as if it could kill him completely.

The tentacle arm that had reformed was pulverized instantly in wake of that faint terrifying aura.

The mental connection that the Wailing tribe woman had made to this far extent of space was violently rent, and an invincible force slammed her against the wall of the massive hall with a deafening impact.

The resonance of that invisible force was so powerful that it made the marble floor crack and the hard walls tremble violently, as though they were about to crumble to dust.

She opened her eyes instantly, and a few drops of blood ran down her nose.

She wiped it away with her finger, collecting herself and standing tall as though she had not just received a heavy blow.

"The council must be informed of this creature's reappearance. An elder must be dispatched to deal with her," she gasped, her breaths coming in short, rapid bursts, as a terror swept through her soul, leaving her paralyzed with fear.

With that, she swept out of the hall, her clothes fluttering furiously in the turbulence of her chi. Her body was engulfed in a powerful aura as she flew out, disappearing into the distant structure.

The Shengbin woman, on the other hand, yanked both Tian Wei and Xuan Yi, and leaped from the ground. Her grip was firm and paralyzing, cutting off the flow of their chi and rendering them powerless.

Even Tian Wei felt as though he couldn't reach the depths of his immortal soul to tap into that infinite power.

She moved through space like a tempestuous wind, her body slicing through the fabric of the universe with effortless grace. It was as though nature itself was no match for her, bending to her will with each burst of her movement.

Space parted like a curtain, and she reappeared elsewhere with each burst, leaving Tian Wei and Xuan Yi disorientated and unsure of their destination.

The world passed by in a blur of motion, each burst of her movement leaving them in a state of disarray. Tian Wei, without the use of his power, was unable to keep up with her speed and struggled to make sense of their surroundings.

Their minds were frozen, unable to think or move, as they were swept along by her unstoppable force.

Xuan Yi felt a gnawing sense of uncertainty, a creeping doubt that his father would be no match for this person. He had never witnessed such immense power, and it left him feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Tian Wei's mind raced. The sensation of speed was eerily familiar, reminding him of his desperate flight through the universe in his escape from the wrath of the gods.

He shuddered at the thought that they may have finally caught up with him, their wrath manifesting in the form of this unstoppable force.

Who was this monster before whom even an immortal soul trembled and froze? Her power was beyond measure, and her aura was enough to strike fear into the hearts of mighty warriors.