
I am a Sword Spirit

A renowned immortal blacksmith had ascended the heights of heaven and nearly became a god when he was conspired against and serious wounded barely escaping with his life. In his last remaining strength he forges one last sword. This sword forged under his last enlightenment gains a spirit and intelligence. Seeking shelter in the world of mortals, the shattered sword begins its arduous process of healing while patiently plotting its revenge.

skylit3r · Fantasy
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62 Chs


As Xuan Yi's heart ached, his smile faltered. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed—an elaborate fabrication of falsehoods and defamation.

The tales of deception had been woven so skillfully, with each lie seamlessly connecting to the next, containing just enough truth to give the gossip an air of credibility for those familiar with certain aspects of the events.

This was indeed the Shengbing village—a place marred by thuggery, lawlessness, and a complete disregard for dignity.

Xuan Yi then realized also that he might have been overly harsh in his conclusion that this place was the worst of all places, as such gossip and the degrading of women was unfortunately prevalent in many towns.

"You got something?" the short person sneered as they stood up, their breath almost touching Xuan Yi's face.

Even though the short person straightened their posture to their full height, they still found themselves at no advantage in terms of stature against Xuan Yi who was hunched over.

The other person, the tall giant who had been constantly mocked for their perceived lack of intelligence by the short person, rose from their seat. Even while seated, this individual had been able to rival Xuan Yi's height, and now, standing, they were an imposing figure.

"I was simply fascinated by your tales. Are you a storyteller?" Xuan Yi smiled.

The person's expression contorted, their eyes narrowing.

"Are you tired of living?" the second person asked, also rising from their seat.

Xuan Yi couldn't help but smile at the irony, considering he was the one who should have asked them that question. Were they truly tired of living for daring to speak of him so boldly, quite literally behind his back? However, what bothered him more was their audacity to spout such outrageous nonsense about Qing Fu. They had turned her into an object of mockery, ridicule, and commodification, and that was something Xuan Yi could not tolerate.

"If Qing Fu were here, she would instruct you herself. But I shall humbly instruct you on her behalf. And since this is the jungle, we'll speak the dialect of the jungle" Xuan Yi said calmly. With those words, his hand swiftly traversed through the air, creating a whistling sound as it landed a powerful blow on the jaw of the shortest person.

Caught off guard, the person had no time to react. Teeth were sent flying, saliva sprayed, and blood was drawn as they were propelled backward.

"Remember the consequences the next time you weave such lies," Xuan Yi declared sternly.

Realizing they were no match for Xuan Yi, the tallest person swiftly made their way towards the exit, seeking to escape the situation.

"You were the smartest one, after all," Xuan Yi sneered, "but that doesn't absolve you of guilt." He swiftly pursued the fleeing tallest person, evading the second person's futile punch.

Xuan Yi's fist connected with the back of the tallest person, causing them to crumble like a pile of rubble.

Realizing the immense speed and power possessed by Xuan Yi, the second person attempted to retreat.

However, it was too late. Xuan Yi's fist landed forcefully on their stomach, causing the contents of their lunch, which were not fully digested yet, to decorate the table in a gruesome display.

The three gossipers now lay sprawled within the small shack. One lay on a nearby broken table, surrounded by their own vomit. Another sat on a shattered bench, their jaw dislocated and several teeth missing. The last convulsed on the floor near the door.

"Now I have lost my entire appetite," Xuan Yi remarked.

He approached the shortest person, who was now dizzy, likely concussed, and writhing in pain. The individual clutched their swollen, unrecognizable face with a hand trembling from the impact.

"Five coins," Xuan Yi stated firmly, extending his hand toward the trembling and confused short person. "That's the cost of the meal I ordered but won't get to eat. Three coins for the meal itself, and an additional two coins for the trouble of offering you a lesson. I don't do charity."

The person reached into their money pouch, still shaken from the encounter, and handed it over to Xuan Yi.

As Xuan Yi contemplated whether to take the entire pouch as compensation for defamation, he ultimately decided to show some leniency.

"I am a righteous person, so I will only take what you owe me," he declared, retrieving five coins from the pouch and tossing it back to the person.

Most people in the establishment had paused, observing the scene unfold, but nobody intervened or spoke up. Some onlookers didn't even bother turning their heads to look, suggesting that such commotions were not uncommon in this place.

After the ordeal concluded, some shook their heads in disapproval before resuming their conversations and activities, as if the incident had become just another fleeting moment in the village's turbulent existence.

"Let's find another place to rest," Xuan Yi called out to Tian Wei, who had been quietly sipping his tea. Tian Wei had just finished his last sip and stood up, sharing Xuan Yi's sentiment about not wanting to eat their meal in this particular establishment.

As they made their way towards the exit, a bewildered waiter approached them with their order in hand.

"Aren't you going to eat? You did pay, after all," the waiter asked, seeking clarification.

Xuan Yi chose to ignore the question, walking alongside Tian Wei towards the door. However, before they could leave, the owner of the establishment, a burly man, called out after them.

"Who's going to pay for the damage?" the owner demanded, his voice filled with concern for his shattered furniture.

It was evident that he prioritized the repair costs over the chaos that had unfolded. Perhaps he had come to terms with the fact that he had no control over the commotion, and his sole focus was now on seeking compensation for the damages incurred.

Xuan Yi signaled over to the short person with his head. The short person quickly raised their money pouch in agreement. The fellow could neither shake or nod their head, nor could they speak due to the injuries suffered.