
Dragon Slaying Sword

Chapter 86


The rainbow lights emerge from the momento.

(Something is wrong) Aria thought while staring at rainbow lights come out from Lin Feng's neck.

''Master!'' She jumped out from Aurel's back as she controlled the wind around her and landed in front of her master.

She's about to touch lin feng to find any problem in his body, but the rainbow lights suddenly start covering his body and forming a translucent cocoon.

''Master...'' Aria murmured while touching the cocoon and staring at her master's face.

In the abyss, Lin Feng is confused as he stared at the golden dragon blood.

''Hmm?'' He tilted his head as the dragon blood suddenly moving at a fast speed into his body.

As the blood enters his body, he suddenly feels pains all around his body.


The spectral dark void dragon roared as the abyss starts to tremble.


Lin Feng's heart is beating at a fast rate while feeling his entire body burning.

Inside his body, the dragon blood starts flowing into his heart and spreading into his entire body, transforming every cell of his body.

His body starts releasing a faint golden light, which becomes brighter and brighter in a matter of seconds.

In only a few seconds, his body seems like a bright golden sun in the middle of the darkness.

Meanwhile, in the quiet, pure white space with starry skies, we can see Lin Feng floating soundlessly.

(Where am I?) Lin Feng thought as he's not in the abyss.

''This is not the abyss...'' He muttered while his eyes are wandering through space.


The white space is shaking as a humongous silhouette appears in front of him.

''Huh, A Mountain?'' He said with wide eyes. ''Wait, it's not a mountain, but a dragon...''

In front of him, a humongous dragon with towering stature like a mountain firmly standing.

The dragon has a very thick layer of round scales protruded around its body, and there is a range of small mountains with a swamp, trees, and river flowing from its body.

As Lin Feng is staring at the dragon, he's suddenly heard an old voice come echoing through the white space.

''I sense the essence of the water dragon king and fire dragon king on your body.''

''You also had a bloodline of the golden dragon.''

''Interesting, there is a dragon with darkness, space, and fire element inside your soul.''

''Hmm, there is another dragon, but his body is weird, it has very active dragon blood, but this dragon is not a true dragon?''

''Hmm, who are you, and why you bring me here?'' Lin Feng suddenly interrupted the old voice.

''Bring you here?" The old voice responded with an interested tone.

''Haha...'' The mountain dragon suddenly moving its body and opened its eyes in front of him.

''I'm not the one who brings you here.''

''But the key is the one who brings you here.''

''The key?'' Lin Feng said as he stared at the humongous brown-slitted dragon eyes.

After he's saying that, the momento suddenly appears on the white space.

(The momento!) He thought while staring at the necklace with a black chain and rainbow-colored dragon head, which is very different from the original bluish-black dragon head.

''This is the key...''

''Yeah, that's the key, and someone stole it thirteen years ago.'' The mountain dragon replied as there is a coldness in his voice.

''Someone stole it thirteen years ago?'' Lin Feng muttered while feeling it has a connection with him.

''The key to enter the dragon clan's graveyard stolen by an unknown man, and he has the same scent as you.'' The mountain dragon coldly stated while staring at him.

''I thought you're his descendant, but you clearly have dragon's aura inside your body, even without the help of the key.''

''Not only that, I can feel the dragon inside your soul is clearly not from the dragon clan.''

''Just who are you...''

''I'm only a human with a lot of luck.'' Lin Feng answered while shrugging off his shoulder.

''Luck?'' The mountain dragon's eyes blinked.


''What an interesting brat.''

The mountain dragon laughed hard as its echoing through space, and it's not that he wants to laugh at Lin Feng's words, but because his words really caught him off guard.

''Luck, huh...'' The mountain dragon is averting his gaze to the starry skies.

''Then lets me see how powerful your luck is...'' He suddenly said as a wave of water suddenly appears in the space and flowing toward Lin Feng at a fast pace.


(Sword Birth!) Lin Feng raised his hand as his sword birth appears on his hand.

He slashes out his sword and creates an energy slash with the shape of a half-moon.

The energy slashes flying toward the waves, which slash it in half.

His attack keeps flying toward the mountain dragon and hit its humongous body.


(It's not even injuring him, huh) He thought while looking at the mountain dragon's body, which is unscathed by his attack.

''Hahaha, Interesting, It's so interesting!'' The mountain dragon laughed.

The river, which Lin Feng already slash in half, suddenly merging back and flowing again toward him

(Tch, Fine) He thought while closing his eyes and imagining something into his sword birth.

Lin Feng remembered the legend he once heard in his past life.

The Dragon-Blooded Knight and the Dragon Slayer, who defeated the evil dragon Fafnir!

Sigfried used the dragon-slaying sword, and he received it from the Nibelung family, to defeat the evil dragon.

The holy sword of the Nibelungs and the name of the legendary sword is.

''Balmung.'' Lin Feng said as he opened his eyes.

The sword birth is transforming.

But, because he doesn't really know the shape of the Balmung.

Lin Feng is picturing his own version of Balmung.

He's thinking about a type of sword, which the hero Siegfried would wield to slay a dragon.

A Two-Handed, Great Sword appears on his hand.

The sword has a sharp black blade with red cracks like veins, while the handle is grey with a fierce dragon slayer aura radiating from the whole sword.

''Hmm, that sword...'' The mountain dragon muttered in surprise while looking at the great sword on Lin Feng's hands.

''How could there is a weapon with the same thick aura as the dragon-slaying saber!''

''Huuu...'' Lin Feng released a heavy breath as his spirit energy got sucked by Balmung at a fast rate.

''Are you ready!'' He asked while pointing Balmung at the mountain dragon.

''Because,'' Lin Feng smiled, ''I'll show you the power of luck.''