

I like to read novels alot, specially about reincarnation when mc died he'll be in a dark place then meet God or in white place. even tho I don't in such things.

hah! who am I kidding of course I believe those I fancy those things always imagine if that ever happened to me. first thing I'm gonna say is reincarnate me at arrow verse specially as Barry brother, that would be so freaking schway is that? yep I adopted that word quite embarrassing at first when I said that to my friends. they look at me funnily, Mike tease me because he knew I got that from the flash.

so anyway, yeah I believe in reincarnation and what I expect is to be in a dark place or white, I don't know and meet God. but im not in those places, instead I'm inside in a building that I don't recognize and when I look outside I only saw colorful lighting's, blue, red, yellow, violet ECT. and instead of panicking im quite excited and also a bit scared. well because this place looks like the speedforce where the speedsters got their speed and specially where Barry trap and live here for about thousands of years (speedforce time move faster than outside) I think maybe even longer that's what Cisco theory when they got Barry out in speedforce (season4)

I started looking for the exit of this building. I don't wanna be like Barry trap here for thousands of millions or years. so I keep walking around searching for exit.

2hours it's been freaking 2hours and I cant even find and exit and I look outside the window and it doesn't look like im going down. I'm in like 15 floors above and I won't gamble myself to jump that high, nope not a chance. I keep looking searching room by room this place looks like a hospital by the way. too many rooms though.

3hours later I'm standing infront of a door different door than the others. this one has some lighting like sketches in it when I touch those sketches they spark.

Alexis: alright this should be the exit. come on please be the exit I don't wanna be trap in here

I then open the door and I'm outside the building. I can see up close those lightning things, their beautiful I must say. I just stand there admiring them then a heard a sound of a energy that charging up. I ran to the origin of the sound I keep running and running some of the lightnings past through me but I didn't get hurt instead it feels amazing. then I arrive at the charging sound all of the different colors of lightning encircling in one place. I was fascinated in it and I feel a strong pull towards it. I started walking then around me changes I saw my past memories as keep moving I saw all my past life like im viewing a screen that passing through me as I walk (like how the flash saw things when he time travel)

and then when I got near the source of the circle of lightnings I heard a voice the voice of the 2people I love so much. I heard the voice of my grandparents.

grandma: it's still not your time yet Lexi.

grandpa: you still haven't completed your promise to us

grandparents: live happily to your next life

next thing I know I was inside the circle lightnings all around me then I knew I was going to be reborn and I said before I'll be out here.

Alexis: I will

then everythings goes dark. I don't know how long I was out but I feel like im flouting liquids around me too cramp I can't move alot. but I hear a sound, people talking or like a man and a woman but can't hear them properly. I think I know where I am then I feel asleep again. when I woke up all the liquids gush out then I was being pulled out and first I did was to suck some air. fck feels like I'm dying I cursed but all that came out of my mouth was just scream/crying

doctor: it's a healthy baby boy congratulations. but keep pushing ma'am theres still another baby coming.

Nora: gaaahhhh! sh!t Henry it hurts

Henry: you can do it honey. push!

Nora: aahhhh!

*baby crying

doctor: another healthy baby congratulations to you two

Nora breathing weakly

Nora: can I see my babies? I want to hold them

then a nurse brought her their 2baby boys

Nora smiled and teared up seeing her 2littlr angels

Nora: look dear they got your eyes

Henry: and they got your smile dear

Nora: what should we name them?

Henry: the second born will be Bartholomew Henry (Barry) Allen and the first will be Alexis Henry Allen.

I listened to my new parents while pretending to sleep. and I'll be lying if I'm not that happy. Barry is my brother the flash!

how schway is that? haha. alright I'm tired better sleep.

2nd chapter folks. I hope you like it.

I want him to be named Alexander but nah. Alexis still better. just like in synopsis there will be no system but he already have a power inside him. it won't manifest quickly but it will slowly mc needs to tap it himself.

see you next chapter.

Aagnuscreators' thoughts