

I am a shadow, I don't know when, why and how I was created, but I have been living in the darkness with no concept of time, space and matter. But it's time that the world know of my being. After going to the existing. I seem to feel some changes, what is this I also look different and I have lost my omnipotent powers. This will be a journey to become stronger than before and to find some answers.

its_me_6 · Action
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2 Chs

The underworld...

The "Existing" had named this place by many names such as Tartrus, hell, the land of sinners and many more, but among the "Non-existing" this place is the underworld.

Since ancient times the demons have occupied this place and the oldest demon turned from angel "Lucifer" is their parent, although many assume that "Lucifer" was a man and he eloped with "Lilith" to create these demons, but that is infact false, Lucifer had created these beings with his own divinity by bending the rules of nature a bit in his favour he was able to reach the level of God with his own strength.

Now the two domains namely underworld and heaven are at a war with one another.

"Lord morning star it seems that a the lord of darkness has come to visit you, he is awaiting for your presence at the castle's entrance." a demon said while kneeling infront of the "God of demons", who appeared to be bored out of his mind.

"Hmm...Shadow, I didn't expect to meet him here, did you ask what his reason for visiting is." Lucifer asking with a grin on his face.

"I tried asking him the reason but he refused to answer me, he said to call for your majesty, or he would invite himself in." the demon nervously said.

"Oh! Then I have to meet him right away." Lucifer in a frivolous mood.

"But sire he might be colluding with the heavens, what if he tries to take his majesty's life? Last time he also humi-


"This time he's in my domain, he can only scream loudly and do nothing more, I'll meet him myself."

While saying that Lucifer stood from his throne revealing a body figure of a woman, dawning a white dress and wings of black as if to mock the appearance of an angel.

Lucifer waved his right hand in the air and appears ontop of the castles wall, while looking down on Shadow he said.

"Shadow....how long has it been since our last friendly encounter, how have you been doing."

Shadow took a glance at the voice raining from above and replied.


While saying that Shadow jumped on the castles wall, which was more than 200 feet above ground.

"Much better, you said something I couldn't hear from down there, would you mind repeating that to my face."

Shadow said while staring directly in Lucifers


The two beings were face to face, ready to confront each other, you can tell by the atmosphere that both of them had quite a history.

After a long stand still a demon by Lucifer said in a cautious and wavering voice so as to not offend both parties.

"Both esteemed Lords, I think this isn't a place befit for beings of your stature to have a conversation, please if you could follow me, I have arranged a grand room for your discussion."

Both turned and glared at him, the demon was scared for his life at this point for uttering such words.

"Hmm...my reason for visiting is the same, this time I'm here for a personal request." Shadow said in a calm manner.

"Fine, *Belos* show us the way." Lucifer commanding the demon squinched at Shadow.

"Yes Sire." the demon said taking a sigh of relief that his life was spared.

The room was slightly decorated with a few paintings, a statue of Lucifer himself and with two one seater sofa's, overall it was a nice room with furniture although new but looked as if though never used before on which Shadow made a comment.

"You don't get many guests around here, makes sense considering your redundant personality."

"YOU!" Lucifer popped a nerve on Shadow's taunting remark.

"Hah...What do want?, it must be pretty serious considering you stepped into another *God's* territory." Lucifer said trying to control his burning anger.

"I want to enter the portal to the "Existing". Shadow with an outright tone replied instantly.


Lucifer burst forth in laughter upon hearing this, and it continued for a few minutes.

"Hahaha...Shadow you really know how to joke, you've become quite senile while staying in that dung hole of yours, or maybe you've completely lost it, saying such idiotic things." Lucifer said while wiping cheerful tears from his eyes.

"I am not joking, I have something of importance there, I need to get there no matter what." Shadow said with a serious tone in his voice.

Lucifer understood the severity of the matter for Shadow, and he dawned a serious expression, considering he was going as far as to ignore the consequences that followed his actions, but due to Lucifer's petty nature he still wasn't willing to fully help him, Luficer said in an unco-operative manner.

"I am afraid, that's...not possible."

"Why?! Is it because of our past matters, if so then I am willing to offer an apology and whatever you want of mine I can give you."

"While you do make a pretty good proposal, but it's still not possible." Lucifer said in a frivolous manner.

"Why is it not possible?!" Shadow again with extreme fury in his voice.

"You see the portal that connects the "Existing" is gone, it's been destroyed for a few centuries now."