
I am a Rich Vtuber? [ Rewrite ]

There we see a beautiful lady, she has yellow hair, blue eyes, and she is wearing a nurse uniform, today she was extremely happy why? its because she was going to get promoted Today! Wait to they get promoted? Nevermind little did she know a unknown creature was hiding around her house. when she got home she smell a faint pigeon smell, she decided to look for her brother thinking it was his prank, but when she found him she was frightened by the sight, there she saw her brother body laying dead on the cold floor with blood around it. she was in denial thinking it was just her brother prank, and atlas reality was not all shiny and rainbow. she fell to the ground as she moaned for her loss, and cried in front of her dead brother. *Growl* she froze the moment she heard that sound, she turn her head as she saw a monster with Shap teeth inside its head, the monster has shap claws, that looks like it could cut a wall with ease, before she could to anything, she was already killed by the monster and so she died a painful death. but of course when she died her soul got lost in space and so the soul wonder of to the unknown for many years but of course she was unaware of it. there the soul find a strange portal it entered it and found itself in a sky would that everywhere you see is justthe sky, while the cloud act like the floor. there she met a god that give her 2 wish. apparently she wasn't suppose to be here. the god introduce itself as Vinny, The God Of Dream, Nightmare, And Trick, He Was rank 3 in the strongest God Rainking. the go reincarnated after she made the wish and so she began her journey in protecting her brother. .... ... .. . Hidden Chapter Vinny Grinned as he watch The Girl inside the Screan like window. "*Chuckle* I wonder how long your Sanity will last." Vinny said as the screan switched to another person, this person has black claws and a mouth for its head, this monster was the one that killed the yellow haired girl name maria. "Lonnie, Lonnie Lonnie, I wonder what you would do when you met her again*Chuckle*" Vinny exclaim as a Sadistic grin appeared on his face. "I'm a God Of Nightmare, Dream, And Trick, For a Reason"Vinny exclaim as he began to changes the fate and destiny of the world. ---------------------------------------------------- I decided to rewrite everything here so be patient and wait quietly. this well take a while. Note: The picture is not mine. Note 2:The Chapter word will be around 1.000 to 3.000

Abnormal_Vinny · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Setting Up My Vtuber Stuff?..[Rewrittrn Done]

• Author Note •

" Talking "

' Thinking '

` Sarcastic/Sarcasm `

* Action Likr a Cough Or a Grenade Exploding *

( People Name )

[ System ]

| Letter/Sign/Computer Screen/Clock/Phone |

- Time Skip/Flash Back -


POV Maria

Alright from what i know from the book the first thing i should do is think of a character that fit me and then pick a streaming platform for me to make content.

' sound easy enough i thing, alright all i need to do is set up my computer, microphone, and the Vtuber Console thats a lot of thing to do and set up ' i thought as i look into my inventory and click on the Vtuber Set up.

[ »»————> Inventory <————««

Vtuber Set Up: a Vtuber always need to set up their computer and microphone but with this item you are always set and ready to go.

Detail : High Quality Computer. High Quality Microphone. High Quality Vtuber Console. High Quality Chair. High Quality Table. High Quality Hand Tracker. High Quality VR Headset.

»»————> Inventory <————«« ]

" Alright i think i have Everything that is needed" i exclaim as i put all my stuff inside my inventory, and begin to set up the Vtuber stuff!

"alright first thing first is putting the table here and then the computer on top and then the chair of course, then the Cable...." i mumbled as i started to Connect the Cumputer to the Vtuber Console and Microphone.

After a hour or something i was finally done with the decor-Ahem Setting up The computer and connecting them to each other.

And to my surprise it automatically connect to a random connectionwife that no one but me and the one i allowed can use "Thank god, he give me This gift" i exclaim in relief as i begin to decor-Ahem put all my stuff back and organize them to fit my liking.

The bed was on the right corner with a big plushy that resembles as a cat, and a round carpet beside the bed with a Clock on the Desk and a Book on the Middle with a title

| Vtuber Guide |

On the side was a fancy table that seems high quality and a comfortable high quality Chair, and a Computer that is high quality and looks expansive with a microphone on the table and a mouse and keyboard that looks high quality.

•Just imagine whatever you want the table, microphone, Chair, and etc to look like•

"alrighty then next is my Model!!" i exclaim excitedly as i sit on the comfortably chair and open a random software app, i plug the flash drive inside the computer as it started to load the model inside the flash drive.

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After a few minutes it was finally done.

"Finally its done!" i exclaim as i open the Model option and begin to look through all the Characters that appeared.

What surprise me was, there were hundreds upon hundred of option i could choose and thats not the surprising thing, what surprise me is that i could customize the character and i don't even have to draw it, all i have to do was type the thing i wanted on the model and it will appear on the model!.

"i don't remember this being a option that software had! Must been the god doing or maybe it is" i exclaim as i shrug it off.

"Meh no more work for me i guess!" i exclaim as i pick a character that i like as it fit my Cheerful and friendly personality.

The Model has Bright yellow hair styled in a long twin-tails, with a few strands of hair framing her face, blue eyes that sparkle with excitement.

The model was wearing a sleeveless yellow blouse with a white trim outlining the collar, armhole, and bottom hem.

The blouse is tucked into a pleated pastel yellow skirt that has a red lining near the waistband.

The model also wear a white strap shoe and accessorize with a yellow ribbon in her hair, a white bravelet on her wrist a small red flower pinned on her blouse near the collar.

• or you could just follow the outfit of the pictures on this novel if your lazy that is, and its the A.I that describes it not me Okey! I'm just clearing any misunderstanding here•

"its decided this avatar is now mine! Hehehe" i exclaim excitedly as i click on it and began to mess around with it.

"so cool! I could even make a custom expression and make a customize item!" i exclaim in joy

•theres more but we're here for her to live stream right? And not mention useless thing right? Right•

"lets see what expression is already here?" i exclaim as i look at the expression and item that is already created.

There were sadness, anger, happy, smug, confusion, shock, scared, fear, sleeping, blushing, scary smile, and yandere mode.

"why is there a expression that said yandere mode?" i said in curiosity and so i decided to click on it as the model expression change.

•Model = Vtuber Character•

The model now has heart inside her eyes while a blush was on its cheek, the model also smile lovingly while looking in front of the screen as if it could see through it.

"ohhh she looks kinda like a possessive girl" i complimented as i decied to look at the item deciding not to change the model face.

"alright whats in here!" i said energetically as i look at the item that is already created.

Theres a microphone, a hand that can change from a thumb up to a middle finger, a knife, chocolate, a stop sign, Boba, and a cat plush.

"there's only a few item here, but why is there a stop sign! I'm fine with the boba and the knife but seriously why is there even a stop sign here!" i exaggerated while pointing at the stop sign.

• hehehe because its a jojo Reference!! •

"i feel like someone said its a jojo reference i swear i heard it, whatever" i shrugged as i type the thing that i wanted.

I click on the |create your item| as i began to create my own item that i like.

|a sign that i could write and put pictures whenever i want | i typed.

"I'm a genius am i right!" i exclaim as i talked to no one in particular.

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"eh? That was a joke! Whatever atleast it work! " i exclaim proudly as i put on a smug expression.

|Complete, please put anything you like in this sign|

The computer described as i put a cat pictures on the sign.

The sign design is just a wooden stick and a white paper on the top, its a very normal sign but with a cat pictures on the white paper.

"alright enough messing around its time for the Main thing! Live Streaming!!" i shouted excitedly as i heard footsteps coming closer towards my room.

Then the door slowly open as i see black hair and blue eyes while he was wearing a comfortable clothes.

"sister whats with the screamin-" he couldn't finish his sentence as he was surprise to see a high quality tech that i was sitting on and the computer to.

"Alex! Like what your seeing?" i exclaim as he snap back to reality and begin questioning me and how i got theres thing.

"hey! Will you at least calm down and Stop asking so many question!!" i shouted at alex as he slowly calmed down as i begin to answered his question one by one.

"so your telling me that you got the ability to store item inside your inventory? is that what your calling it?" Alex summarize it as i nodded.

"well yeah i like the name" i reply honestly as he sigh and not question anymore.

'i feel like something is wrong with my brother but i can't seem to find it' i thought as i look at My brother suspiciously, as he flinch for some reason.

'maybe its just my imagination yeah lets go with that!' i thought as i shrug it off when i found nothing is weird or strange.

"Oh! Oh! Alex wanna watch me Stream!" i excitedly exclaim as Alex nodded while he sweat dropped but i didn't notice it as i sit down on the chair and open the app called.


•Its similar to Youtube but of course this world doesn't have Youtube, facebook, and twitter so that sucks•

I click on the Live Button as. a blue tsunami pass across the screan as it change the screen.

"sure Sister i would love to watch your First Stream!" Alex exclaim as he sit beside me, chair and we're not sharing the same chair there is actually two chair.

"are you Ready?" alex question as i begin to prepare myself mentally as i took a deep breath to calm myself.

"ready!!" i shouted as i slowly put my finger on the record button.

"wait i forgot to name the Live Stream!" i exclaim as i retract my hand and begin to type and think of a name for the video, after a while i decided to go with this name.

|Mary First Time Live Streaming!|

•yes she already has a account and all that and she already know what to call herself when she was setting up her computer and `testing` it by logging in and watching Cat video•

"alright that should do it!" i exclaim as i press the Record button or is it called the live button?

|3... 2... 1... You are now Live.|

To Be Continue...


Very Neat

Word Count: 1600 ♋