
I am a protagonist?

Ye Fan reincarnated in a parallel world but He awakened his memory 11 years later . And awakening his memory unexpectedly he found himself got kidnapped and foced to participate in killing game . so what will happen to him? . . After some years looking at the situation in front Ye Fan, He couldn't help ask " System come out i wont beat you just tell me am i protagonist of a novel ?" "_"

Mobo_Droid · Urban
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11 Chs

Mission & The deadly combination

After coming to his room, Ye Fan checked the system.

When K had ordered them to go on the mission, a system prompt had appeared, but he had had no time to check it.

Being distracted in front of K would have made him look suspicious.

[Destroy 3rd rate organization

Rewards = ?? exp ( Depends on contribution)

In this mission Per normal enemy kill 100exp

For E level cultivator 1000exp

And for D level cultivator 5000exp ]

After checking out the mission he went to sleep.












The next morning, as the sun rose in the sky, K's subordinate arrived at the designated meeting point.

Ye Fan and his teammates were already waiting there, dressed in sleek black combat uniforms, with matching boots and tactical gloves.

A desert eagle handgun was carried at their waist, and Code 02 carried a sniper bag on her back.

They follow K's subordinate  to the waiting transport vehicle, a sleek and shiny helicopter. They climbed aboard and fastened their seatbelts, preparing themselves mentally for the mission ahead.

Its blades were already spinning, ready to take them to their destination.

Ye Fan couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement mixed with nervousness as he boarded the helicopter,  Because In his two life this is first he will be doing something extraordinary.

On the other hand, Ye Fan's other teammate Anna (code name 02) felt nervous, her hands fidgeting with the straps of her black combat uniform.

As for 04, his expression was stoic, devoid of any emotion, like an emotionless war machine ready to be dispatched.

The transport helicopter flew over the dense forest towards the enemy organization's base.

Ye Fan and his team, dressed in black combat uniforms, were on high alert, with their weapons and equipment at the ready.

Ye Fan, with his lightning power, and 04, with his body hardening power, were the front line fighters, prepared to fight  the enemy in close combat.

Meanwhile, Anna (code 02), their third teammate, although she was feeling nervous but ready to use her telekinesis power to support the team's sniper.

As they approached the base, And in a safe distance  away the helicopter lowered to a hover, and the team rappelled down.

Ye Fan and 04 took the lead, scanning for any signs of danger. 

Meanwhile, Anna positioned herself on higher ground and began to provide cover fire with her sniper rifle. With her telekinetic powers, she was able to steady her aim and take out enemy targets with ease.

Ye Fan felt a rush of adrenaline as he and his team rushed towards the center of the enemy base. He could feel the weight of his combat uniform and the heat of the desert eagle carry at his side.

As they pushed deeper into the base, they encountered more and more resistance from the enemy forces.

Ye Fan relied on his lightning power, unleashing bolts of electricity at the enemy as they closed in. He dodged and weaved, using his lightning speed to avoid their attacks and strike back with deadly force.

04, his teammate with body hardening power, fought alongside him, taking the brunt of enemy fire with his toughened skin and fists.

Meanwhile, Anna took up a position behind cover and prepared her sniper rifle.

With her telekinesis power, she was able to enhance her aim and take out several enemies with precision shots to the head.

The sound of her shots echoed through the room as Ye Fan and 04 continued to engage the soldiers in close combat.

As Ye Fan charged forward lightning crackling around his fists as he punched through the first enemy soldier he encountered.

As the enemy fell to the ground, the notification from the system popped up in Ye Fan's mind

[Normal kill: 100 experience points.]

[Normal kill: 100 experience points. . . . 10x talent triggered host get 1000exp ]






[Normal kill: 100 experience points.]

He quickly scanned the area for his next target, spotting a group of E level cultivators in the distance.

Ye Fan's heart raced with excitement as he rushed towards them, the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

With a fierce determination, Ye Fan engaged the E level cultivators in battle.

He weaved through their attacks with lightning speed, landing powerful blows that sent them flying across the battlefield.

As Ye Fan engaged in battle with the E level cultivator, he felt a surge of fear within him.

He knew that his cultivation level  at peak C level, and he could only expose mid D level of strength, which was not enough to compete with these many E level cultivators.

But he had to try.

Ye Fan quickly dodged the cultivator's sneak attacks, moving with lightning speed.

He managed to land a few blows, but they did little damage to his opponent.

The cultivator, on the other hand, with multiple  team was able to land a few powerful strikes, causing Ye Fan to stagger.

But thanks his team sniper support  he managed to repel them


But Ye Fan is not one to give up easily. He continued to fight with all his might, channeling his lightning power to enhance his speed and agility.

With each blow he landed, he felt a sense of satisfaction as the system notified him of his progress .

[1000 exp points killing E level enemy.  . . . . 10x talent triggered host get 10000 exp points ]

As he kills more system notification continuously sounded .

[1000 exp points for killing E level enemy]




[1000 exp points killing E level enemy.  . . . . 10x talent triggered host get 10000 exp points ]

As he continued to fight his way through the base, Ye Fan felt his power growing stronger with each passing moment.

The experience points from each kill added up, and he could feel his body adapting to the intense battles he was facing.




On the other hand Anna's previous nervousness had disappeared as she continued to eliminate enemies with precision using her sniper rifle and telekinetic abilities.

She is hitting headshots with deadly accuracy, and her telekinesis allowed her to adjust her aim with incredible precision.

Her control over telekinesis power and sniper became more precise and fluid, As she and sniper rifle is in one harmony.

Her excitement grew with each successful kill, and her shots became more accurate, resulting in headshots every time.

Her teammates, Ye Fan and 04, were taking care of the close combat, and she had their backs from afar.





As 04 fought his way through the enemy forces, his mind was focused solely on the task at hand.

He moved with a fluid grace, his body reacting instinctively to each attack and counterattack.

His eyes were cold and hard, like those of a predator stalking its prey.

His body seemed to be made of iron, invulnerable to the weapons and blows of his opponents.

He could feel their fear as they faced him, and it only fueled his determination to take them down.

There was no room for hesitation or emotion in his actions. He was simply a weapon, honed and ready to be unleashed upon his enemies.

As he fought, he felt a sense of satisfaction each time he took down an opponent, knowing that he was fulfilling his purpose for organization.

When he fighting a powerful opponent  came the enemy is  a peak E level cultivator, one of the strongest enemies he had ever faced.

But 04 is a body hardening supernatural person , and his strength and endurance were unmatched.

He rushed towards the enemy, dodging a flurry of punches, and landed a heavy blow on his opponent's chest.

The enemy staggered back, but quickly regained his composure and launched a powerful kick towards 04's face. 04 blocked it with his forearm, then retaliated with a series of punches and kicks, each one striking with the force of a sledgehammer.

The enemy is struggling to keep up with 04's speed and power, but he is not giving up.

He unleashed a barrage of punches, each one faster and stronger than the last, but 04 blocked them all with ease, his body hardening supernatural power rendering him nearly invulnerable.

Then, with lightning-fast reflexes, 04 grabbed the enemy's arm and twisted it with bone-crunching force. 

With a fierce roar, he delivered the finishing strike, his fist smashing through the cultivator's chest. The enemy fell to the ground, lifeless. 04 took a deep breath and turned to face the next opponent, ready for whatever came his way.

He continued to fight his way through the enemy forces, taking down anyone who dared to stand in his way.

His expression was stoic and emotionless, like a machine designed solely for the purpose of destruction.




They finally found the leader  of the organization  . He sitting in the center  of the room .

They finally found the leader of the organization sitting in the center of the room. He is  so angry that he looked hideous.

The leader rears up to them and asked "why they are destroying my base."

At that time 04 said

" You shouldn't establish your base here without permission our organization "

"Disregarding our organization is a serious crime. We sentence you to death,"

The Leader  face full of ferocity as he roars to them " You little brats want to teach me , i will kill you and minced your meat"

Ye Fan and his teammates stood ready, their eyes fixed on the leader of the enemy group as he roared at them.

Without warning, he charged at them with incredible speed, his body surging with energy.

Ye Fan quickly dodged his attack and retaliated with a powerful lightning strike.

The leader countered with his own energy blast, but Anna was quick to shoot it down with her telekinetic powers.

04 charged at the leader, his body hardening power making him nearly invincible.

The leader tried to land a blow, but it had no effect on 04.

Meanwhile, Ye Fan continued to engage the leader, their powers clashing in a fierce battle.

The leader is  incredibly powerful, but Ye Fan was determined kill him .

And he will also get for killing  a D level peak cultivator.

Finally, with a final burst of energy, Ye Fan managed to strike the leader with a powerful blow, sending him crashing to the ground.

Ye Fan delivered the final blow, ending the leader's life. The battle is over.