
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantasy
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408 Chs


Developing dreamworlds the poor's way is time-consuming but very economical. However, it is not the only way.

But that doesn't make sense. After all, Rachel had unlimited resources, so she wouldn't care that much about expenditure.

Long story short, dreamworlds that mature by themselves develop better concept masteries; it is worth the wait.

Jack's technique was developed to preserve better concept mastery while speeding up development as much as possible; there are many other techniques, but he was like this.

Dyer was originally not one of Rachel's hosts; he refused to become one even after being offered the chance. But that was a trillion years ago when he was young.

After a few billion years, he finally found it irresistible and joined her. After all, Rachel's power was becoming increasingly dominant; it was even revealed in public that she controlled the Anti-Rachel alliance. Maybe in the past, it was possible to remain independent of her, but as time went on, that possibility gradually vanished.

Dyer had a special personality; despite being ruthless and determined to pursue immortality, he wasn't as much like a robot as others. He even had a love interest, Louis.

Some mortals may view relationships of the same sex as unnatural; after all, the ultimate purpose of having a relationship, according to evolution and nature, is having children, which is impossible for two of the same sex. But, for immortals, who can create clones, avatars, and even other humans by themselves, there is practically no difference between men and women; after all, even if an immortal man and an immortal woman marry, they won't give birth to children naturally; the female immortal would never get pregnant and give birth like mortals.

Instead, they would design their child's genes to their liking and snap to make her come to be. So, regardless of what mortals may think of same-sex relations, for immortals, there is literally practically no reason why two of the same gender cannot be together.

Those explanations aside, immortals don't give a damn about what some ant mortals think of them; in any case, if Dyer hears some mortals look down on him for liking men, he would snap them to death.

Dyer's interest in having close relationships hasn't disappeared even after billions of years, but he couldn't give his heart to anyone but Louis. Fortunately, after around a hundred billion years, Louis and he got back together and have been together for over 900 billion years.

They have been granted control of a few universal laws and are both rank 13s. Both are members of the Central Committee, which today basically controls the entire universe and has access to all ranked 12+ worlds.

Bertha has also been with Millan for the last trillion years. She was also granted control over a few universal laws, which made her as strong as rank 13. She has also kept her core beliefs, such as preserving the traditions of wood elves.

It can be said that if someone doesn't change their beliefs after a billion years, it's unlikely that they will ever change their beliefs. Bertha had lived for over a billion years before and kept her belief even after a trillion; nothing in the last trillion years managed to make her reconsider.

With Rachel in charge, nothing dangerous happened, so she, along with Millan, developed dreamworlds once in a while and lived happily.

Savior, on the other hand, didn't have a good time. He was originally not a good person, but after living and becoming more experienced, he became worthy of his name. He cared about mortals and researched concepts that could help them, such as the concept of negative energy and life energy, their combination, and their effects.

His research bore fruit a long time ago. Death energy, also known as undead energy or negative energy, is the opposite of life energy or positive energy. Basically, it's the two different sides of the same coin; negative energy is the most harmful imaginable to living beings because it's directly opposite to their life energy, but the same negative energy would actually heal the undead.

Savior has been attempting to combine life energy with death energy and succeeded a long time ago; his invention led to more efficient treatment for all kinds of complicated diseases. The process was complicated, and it involved neutral energy, which was a combination of life and death energy.

After doing this step, Savior became very powerful for his level; using his neutral energy, he could have access to huge amounts of death and life energy, which could have been used to defeat all living and all undead, as long as they couldn't resist his energy output.

But, in this peaceful universe controlled by Rachel, fortunately, Savior was very rarely forced to fight and kill.

His existential crisis came from long years during which he felt no matter how much he helped, nothing would fundamentally change. Savior was always like this: very thoughtful and unstable. He wanted to help, but after observing negligible results on the universal scale, he almost became suicidal.

He didn't see a purpose in his being; no matter what rank he reached, all were for nothing.

One must have a very firm mind to live for a hundred years without pondering questions like "Why am I even trying so hard?"

As for living for a trillion years, very few can tolerate it; that's why most immortals use spells to keep their minds focused and stable. Now, Savior is also reliant on these spells, and a heavy dose at that.

These spells remove any negative thoughts, like the light elements, but they are much more targeted; they don't affect one's thought process, won't make users idiots, or addict them. All they do is filter out some thoughts.

But, if one's problem is too serious, then these spells would remove too many thoughts, which could make one, for lack of a better word, dumber. Now, more than 90% of Savior's thoughts are being filtered out by heavy doses of advanced anti-depression spells, which means he is one of the dumbest rank 13s, with the smallest number of thoughts available; for heavy tasks, he has no choice but to use outside thoughts to replenish his own.

Fortunately, rank 13s have an unimaginable number of thoughts, so even not having 90% of one's thoughts available wouldn't affect one's functionality.

What are thoughts? Thoughts are the building blocks of ideas; ideas are the building blocks of plans, plans are prerequisites of actions.

Thoughts can be generated by the brain, AI, or anything that can plan. The more thoughts, the more complicated ideas can be possible, and complicated ideas could lead to masterful plans.

Thoughts are building blocks, a kind of consumable. For forming ideas, thoughts are consumed; to form a plan, both ideas and a lot of thoughts are necessary. Thoughts are used in calculations, too; they are used when performing spells, operating formations, walking, flying, etc. Basically, every intelligent and deliberate act consumes thoughts.

For this reason, thoughts are very important; they are generated naturally and flow freely; when needed, they rush and are consumed. But they have weaknesses, too. Because thoughts are generated not by a neutral factory but by, for example, the brain or soul of some person, they are biased; they are biased toward the mood of the person; there are sad thoughts, depressed thoughts, confused thoughts, evil thoughts, etc.

The result can be terrible; for example, ideas formed by confused thoughts tend to be also confused, and ideas formed by evil thoughts tend to be evil.

For a healthy idea to be formed, a balance of different thoughts would help, although some ideas may require more of a specific kind; for example, an idea about the universe would require imaginative thoughts.

Most Mortals have no ideas about these, but immortals and high-level mortals can actively control these variables.

Saviour's issue was so serious because, with so many depressed thoughts, any idea he formed would have been also depressed, which might have led to more depressed thoughts, and so on, a vicious cycle. That's why for depression, intervention is often required, as depressed thoughts feed themselves.

Technically, Rachel could have fixed him up forcefully in a moment, but in her opinion, that was too much of an intervention; once she fundamentally changed Savior's thoughts, he would no longer remain himself.

So, they decided on less invasive spells, which would just filter out all depressed thoughts. But, his issue only got worse over the years, originally his share of depressed thoughts was only 30%, but after a few hundred billion years, it's now at 90%! That is because the spells would only filter out existing thoughts and won't change the source of the issue.

Savior may not show any depression, but he still sees things, and this information goes to his brain, which, seeing nothing changed, produces even more depressed thoughts. Of course, because his depressed thoughts are being filtered out, he won't have depressed ideas and no depressed plans.

Depressed plans can be dangerous, like self-harming and suicide.

Rachel plans on treating him by just giving up on the thought-producing capacity of his brain and instead using artificial outside thoughts. One can live even if one's brain doesn't produce any thoughts; only one must obtain the required thoughts from another source.

Rachel has endless resources and has been providing all necessary thoughts to the Savior through pills she gives him. Pills such as happy thoughts pill, or thought complex, etc., like multivitamins.

Of course, multivitamins are mostly a scam, but Rachel's thoughts are legit.

These outside thoughts enter one's brain, circulate it, and are consumed whenever needed; they don't affect one's core beliefs at all, as they are not biased in any way; one would be themselves, with their distinct personality and balance.

Of course, if the person was originally not balanced, such as a murderer who has excessive evil thoughts, these outside thoughts could even treat them.

In fact, among mortals, a lot of times, the reason for mental issues and a lot of evil is just an imbalance of thoughts; with these, Rachel could literally cure crime.

Of course, she doesn't care about low-level mortals. It's not that Rachel is evil; it's just that she is absolutely neutral and only cares about her aims. One must not mistake universal evil with universal neutrality.

Evil can be separated into two big categories.

Human perspective.

Universal perspective.

From the human perspective, which is very biased, doing things that the majority consider evil is what is evil; there is no standard, and evil is always shifting. For example, things that were considered evil before are now fine, and things that were fine before are now evil.

In any case, in human society, one must recognize the human perspective, as they are generally healthy for a society.

The universal perspective, however, is different; this is what Rachel uses and most immortals use; of course, immortals don't use mortal human perspective to judge evil.

For example, killing innocents for one's benefit is completely fine in the universal perspective. As long as furthering one's goals, everything is allowed under universal perspectives. However, harming things for no reason is chaotic and evil. Torturing people and causing extra and unnecessary harm is evil. Maliciously and illogically harming and enjoying others' misfortune is evil.

By the human perspective, Rachel is absolutely evil, but by the universal perspective, which she adheres to, she is not only not evil but is a bit tilted toward good. After all, she actually helps things if they don't harm her or affect her benefits.

That's not to justify her actions; after all, Rachel would never care to justify anything; it's just to say that one cannot look at things on the universal scale with a human perspective.