
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantasy
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408 Chs

Specific Universal Law

Most of Rachel's universal laws are available at Regional Headquarters. 

Rank 13 Rachel's incarnation in the regional headquarters looked at the list. There were 10,098 universal laws available, nearly 95% of the total. The remaining 5% were sensitive universal laws only known to Rachel's main body. 

The universal laws were categorized into five sections: 

General Section: General universal laws include the Universal Law of Water, Fire, Energy, Reflection, etc. The most straightforward universal laws to decode are the general ones. 

Universal laws are uncovered by decoding a lot of complete laws. For example, one must find millions of unique complete laws related to fire to discover the Fire law of fire. 

Because the Fire universal law is general, any fire complete law will do. Even numbered complete laws, like Fire 1, Fire 2, Fire 3, etc., will work. 

It is still not easy and requires at least millions of years of effort by Rank 13 forces, but it's possible. 

Discovering complete law formulas takes work. The most common way is to use the enlightenment when one breaks through to Rank 10. When trying to break through Rank 10, one would receive help and enlightenment of the universal laws. 

That's why the best opportunity to discover new complete laws is to cultivate many Rank 10s. Any other way will be difficult, as the chances of finding new complete laws without the universe's help are tiny.

The General section has 318 universal laws. 

Specific Section: This section includes universal laws such as Elemental Ice, Cold Fire, Space Travel, etc. They aren't general, but they are not that specific either. 

For decoding the universal law of space travel, for example, complete laws related to space travel, like Space Jump, Space Speed, Stretched Space, etc., are necessary. 

Just numbered complete laws, like Fire 1, Fire 2, or Space 1, Space 2, will no longer work. 

One can fill the gap with numbered complete laws like Space Travel 1, Space Travel 2, etc., but numbered complete laws that are more specific are much more difficult to find. 

It will take billions of years to gather enough space travel complete laws to decode the space travel universal law. 

At any rate, now that Rachel has the Space Travel Universal Law token, except for other Rank 14s, nobody else can use it. 

That's why it's crucial for all Rank 13 civilizations trying to decode universal laws to have a list of already cracked universal laws. Otherwise, they may gather millions of complete laws and even decode the universal law but can't get the license because it's already in someone else's hands. 

Of course, that was in the past when the office was still there; now, licensing is much more complicated with the office sealed.

This section had 1,955 universal laws in it. 

Super Specific Section: This section features universal laws like red burning fire, nearly melted ice, time travel to the future, etc. 

These universal laws are extremely difficult to uncover and hard to defend against. 

Specific universal laws overrule general ones.

A general universal law like Fire will have numerous uses and far-reaching applicability in all kinds of spells and formations. Still, it would be very quickly overruled when it comes to battles.

If one wants to defend against a specific universal law, like time travel to the past, another equally specific universal law is a must. 

Currently, the road to time travel to the past is closed because a particular, extremely specific universal law deployed by Rank 14s that trumps all less specific universal laws is blocking time travel. 

A total of 1608 super-specific universal laws are at Rachel's disposal. 

Extreme Specific Section: This section contains universal laws such as 'an ocean filled with red-colored water,' 'glass reflecting energy with a negative charge,' 'fire burning with white smoke for 60 seconds', etc. 

These universal laws may seem useless, but because of how specific they are, defending against them is extremely difficult. 

Only equally specific or more specific laws are useful against them. 

For example, a spell cast with the 'fire burning with white smoke for 60 seconds' universal law can only be defended with another universal law, like the 'Cold water dripping from a ceiling' universal law. 

One cannot defend against 'fire burning with white smoke for 60 seconds' with a general universal law like the 'water' universal law. 

Of course, universal laws could be suppressed using massive amounts of realization energy, so a civilization having general universal laws could still defend itself. That's why reserves of realization points are so important. 

The extreme specific section has 2,311 universal laws in it. 

Secrets Section: These universal laws are truly specific and could be considered Rachel's main fighting methods. They include 'a boat floating in the river of time with three people sitting on it', 'wood burning while seven people are looking at it,' and 'a blockade in time and space that works for one year and one day.' 

These extremely specific laws are one part of what made Rachel the strongest in the world. When she attacks other Rank 13s with these universal laws, most have no counter for them; they can only suppress them using realization energy. 

There are 3906 universal laws in this section, the largest by far. 

There is another section there, too, but that is only available to Rachel's main body. 

That section has 598 universal laws. 

Those are her actual trump cards. They are so specific that their names might be a few lines long, like the universal law of 'space travel throughout the universe at any time that can be used every 3 seconds and can transfer people, materials, and works in secret using realization energy that is taken from humans with negative energy'. 

That is the name of a universal law. It is so specific that nearly no universal law in the world can block it. With it, Rachel can send people straight to the worlds of her enemies without them even noticing. 

That's why, from the beginning of the formation of the anti-Rachel alliance, she never took it seriously. The only ones that could rival her were and are Rank 14 civilizations. 

Rank 13 Rachel incarnation looked at the list for a while and chose one universal law from the secrets section. 

It was called 'hellfire burning with demons chaotically dancing while drinking wine.' 

It was a chaotic universal law, meaning it had an element of chaos mixed in, making it more potent than equally specific universal laws. 

Elements of chaos are harder to use and harder to defend against.

Using this universal law as it is without spells will produce what its name is: hellfire, with demons chaotically dancing while drinking wine.

The true worth of specific universal laws isn't their raw usage; it's their spells. 

With spells, it's possible to produce burning hellfire, chaotic demons, or chaotic wine. Even a specific universal law can have many general effects depending on the spell. 

Of course, someone like Zagronan has no chance of being able to create any spell, so Rachel in headquarters also took out a list of spells suitable for this universal law. 

Rachel has created suitable spells for every one of her universal laws.

Using universal laws without any spell wastes energy; the real value will only come out when they are used in a spell.

After a while, Rachel transferred the authority to use the universal law to Zagronan. 

The token was magical and had no physical form; as long as the person with permission enters the person's name in the system, they will automatically receive a license.


"I can't believe it!" Rachel #1 looked at the message she had just gotten with astonishment. 

'Hellfire burning with demons chaotically dancing while drinking wine' is very specific, so being able to use it means Zagronan is already stronger than the vast majority of Rank 12s!

"What?" Zagronan asked in confusion, not feeling any difference.

"The regional headquarters just gave you the token to a very good universal law!" she said.

"What universal law? I can't feel anything," he said with confusion.

"Of course you can't! Let me give you the manual!" she said.

Rachel headquarters sent the spellbook and the elementary manual to Rachel #1. 

She, in turn, directly transferred them to Zagronan's mind. 

Rachel calls it a book, but it's more appropriate to call it a database. 

The spellbook was millions of pages long, with various 5D images, complicated charts and algorithms, etc. 

The 'elementary' manual of using universal laws was even longer, at least a billion pages long.

Among them, the spellbook was a secret that must not spread, but the elementary manual was not. 

Nearly all 12 and 13 civilizations have the manual and know how to use universal laws. 

Of course, they don't know how to use it as well as Rachel, but those secret methods are not written in the 'elementary' manual.

The spellbook, on the other hand, has been created using Rachel's experience, so even though none of the spells in it could be used without the 'hellfire burning with demons chaotically dancing while drinking wine' universal law, one may still discover something if one looks deep enough. 

Even though it is a slight possibility, Rachel has been careful.

Fortunately, with Zagronan having this universal law, very few in the whole universe can capture him forcefully so that the secrets will remain safe.

The volume of information was overwhelming, even for the mind of a quasi-Rank 12. 

After sitting down, he meditated for 1,000 years before finally opening his eyes.

"It's difficult!" he said solemnly.

A universal law is entirely different from a complete law. They are not on the same level at all. Experience of using complete laws is entirely inapplicable to universal laws.

"It will take a while for you to learn," Rachel nodded.

"Yeah, it will take a while!" Zagronan nodded helplessly. 

But, in his heart, he was thrilled! With this token, he can finally make the dream of a true hell come true!