
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantasy
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408 Chs


The items in the shop are not all provided by Anti-Rachel.

Anyone can place items in the shop, though Anti-Rachel appraisers would set their prices. 

Civilizations from all corners of the universe sell items for contribution points. Contribution points are currency; almost everything ranked 11 and below can be bought with them.


Zagronan took a look at his balance.


"Well, I can get a few things!" he felt happy. 

He wants to buy two things. 

First, he plans to purchase anything he thinks is delicious. 

Second, any item that can improve his TrueHell world.

He took out the Anti-Rachel General token and tapped it.

He entered the portals and chose the 'consumable' category, then 'divine' species, and finally 'demon'. 

Of course, as a rank 11, he can eat anything, but the demon category has things that demons like.

From fresh baby meat to the blood of virgins and so on—things that demons like, all were available, ready for purchase. Lana, also a member, usually spends her contribution points buying those.

Zagronan, however, doesn't like those that much; he admires 'true demons,' but he himself is not a 'true demon.' 

He can love, be loyal, and doesn't enjoy others' suffering as much as Lana. That said, he still loves to see others suffer, just not as much as Lana.

He also likes to at least try those horrifying 'foods,' but Rachel isn't allowing him.

What Zagronan loves the most are fishes. 

And apparently, many other demons love fish, too. 

Hornfish is quite expensive food for demons, with rank 9 hornfish costing 1 contribution point! It's very expensive. 

Zagronan killed many rank 11 chaos creatures and only got around a million contribution points. 

Still, Zagronan gritted his teeth and bought them. He bought other types of fish, too, like stone fish and his new favorite, winged fish.

A winged fish does not look like a fish in any way. Who knows why they label it as a fish? 

It has wings and feathers, and it flies. It's a bird by any standard. Yet, it's a fish. And it's the most delicious thing Zagronan has tried for a long time. 

Rank 9 winged fish costs 1.6 contribution points each. 

Zagronan gritted his teeth and spent 100 contribution points only on food. He tapped delivery, and with a bright light, all appeared in an exclusive space crack. 

He bought them alive, in a sealed state.

He took one winged fish and directly cut off a big chunk. 

Despite being rank 9, the winged fish was only around the size of a ten-floor building. Average rank 9 beasts are bigger than an asteroid. Some are as large as a planet. 

The winged fish, which regained consciousness, screamed as it watched one of its wings disappear into a demon's mouth. 

Zagronan laughed; its screams were very pleasing to his ears.

"Rachel, can I please try some humanoids, too?" he pleaded. 

Originally, he started trying fish because Rachel prohibited humanoids. 

Rachel #1 said, "The answer is no, like always!" 

She doesn't care about humans dying. But the sight of humanoids being ripped to pieces and eaten is a bit disgusting to her.

 It might be one of the last pieces of humanity left in her. 

It's not a Main Rachel order. 

Rachel #1 doesn't allow it, but other Rachel incarnations might. Like Lana, her Rachel is okay with it.

"Maybe it's because of the environment?" Rachel #1 thought. 

She was thrown into a world without memories, so she is much closer to the original memories. Lana's Rachel, on the other hand, was directly created and had all memories from the beginning.

Anyways, not consuming one kind of food will not affect advancing in rank. If it did help, Rachel would have tolerated it. 

Zagronan sighed deeply with regret. 

Even if he doesn't particularly like them, some of those baby meats look very appealing. He would rather try them once, at least. 

But Rachel wouldn't allow it, so he put it aside and started looking for items to help his Hell 'improve.'

The shop has two main categories: 'Universal' and 'other' categories. 

Items 12 and above are in universal category and require contribution points to just look at them, and 'other' category is everything else below rank 12, which is free to observe.

Zagronan chose 'other' category and started looking at the list.

With his rank 12 body, he can quickly process an unimaginable amount of information. In just a few hours, he looked up the entire shop. It shows how many items it had. Even for him, it took hours just to get a look.

"What I need the most is a purpose for the demons in True Hell," he thought. 

True Hell at the moment is going well, with demons killing and fighting each other non-stop. But there is nothing more. 

Zagronan doesn't like this; he wants to set a bigger final goal.

"Here, you can use these formation modules," Rachel gave him a lot of modules. 

Zagronan started browsing.

"This looks good!" he pointed to a formation called Merge. 

It needed many rare items to set up, but its function was fun. 

It sets up an evolution system for demons. Usually, when a demon eats another, it digests it and turns it into energy. But, this formation changes that. 

When one demon eats another, the two demons become one and 'mutate' or evolve. The process of what the result of a mutation would be and how to do it is complicated. 

That's why, to do it better, he needs a formation. He can do it with the world's laws, but it would cost a lot. 

Doing everything with laws is wasteful; it's like using a sword to slaughter a fly. Formations, on the other hand, are precise devices that waste very little.

With this thought, he began buying items for the formation. 

Fortunately, it needed mainly rank 10 items and some rank 11s. In total, it cost 12,000 contribution points. 

He exited the portal and left.

"Wouldn't it be more fun if humans also lived in hell?" Zagronan was fantasizing about True Hell.

"Maybe? I don't think True Hell is fun, so don't ask me," she said.

Zagronan began thinking it through. After a long time, he devised a plan.

"I'll make another world and establish a link between it and True Hell. Once in a while, I'll let some demons go through the link and cause chaos. Humans there would have to create defenses against hellish creatures. It sounds fun!" he decided to do it later. 

Still, that is a long-term project. Now, he has other jobs. 

He took out the items from the formation. 

The formation still needs thorough customization to blend into this world's laws thoroughly. 

The process is arduous and would take years if he wants to do it. So, he handed it over to Rachel, and Rachel harmonized it in a few minutes.

"Rachel, you're so amazing!" Zagronan praised from the bottom of his demonic heart. 

"Yeah! I really am amazing! In the whole universe, nothing below rank 14 can compare to me when it comes to coding," she said as a matter of fact. 

Zagronan nodded. 

Then, he opened the world's code and started writing.

Changing a world's codes after it has formed is extremely difficult. But, adding to it in a way that it won't conflict with other codes is possible. 

Zagronan coded according to Rachel's instructions and harmonized the world with the formation as much as possible. The formation still will not fit perfectly. But, Zagronan cannot compute what inconsistencies will arise without trying. 

Finding inconsistencies between a formation and a world would take a lot of computing power. Every detail must be carefully entered and calculated many times. Also, the computer itself must be smart, and it must have basic knowledge about many universal laws.

Basically, only Rachel or Clear Water sect can afford computers that big and powerful. Small fries like Zagronan have no chance. 

Therefore, he plans to first set the formation up and fix things when the problems surface. 

He is confident in this world; just a formation wouldn't damage it. Sure, many demons might die, but who cares? So, he went ahead and started setting up the formation.


Blue Feet is a demon living in True Hell. 

It's a rank 1 cannon fodder demon. 

Technically, it's a male, but there is really no difference in genders in blue feet demons. Both males and females can carry children and can impregnate other Blue Feets. 

The one appearance difference is that male blue feets have 3 legs, while females have four. 

This particular Blue Feet has no name. 

It's very low intelligence, so it didn't bother naming itself either. 

Technically, all divine species have true names from the moment of birth. But, true names are absolute secrets that nobody should ever know. 

Even in contracts, they wouldn't write their true names, only placeholders. If somebody knows the true name of a divine species, they can drain all of its powers and steal its entire being. Memories, rank, etc., everything. 

Of course, that only works for below rank 10. Rank 10 and above are immune to these tricks. 

Still, even rank 10 and above keep their true names secret; some spells can do damage using their true name.

The Blue Feet spotted another demon, a five-tailed dark dragon.

It was a baby dragon, with only rank 1 peak. 

Normally, dragons are stronger than others of the same rank. 

But, Blue Feets are natural predators of dragons. 

The Blue Feet jumped. 

The dragon, which was flying, didn't have the time to dodge. The blue Feet hit the dragon and stuck to it like a leech. 

The dragon used all kinds of fire and dark element spells, but it didn't work. The two elements that Blue Feets are immune to are Fire and Darkness. 

Of course, only the same rank spells; a higher rank spell can pass through 'immunity'. 

The dragon struggled on the ground and stopped. The poison worked! 

The Blue Feet detached from the corpse and ate the entire dragon in one big bite. 

It then sat down to digest it. But, it failed. 

It began to panic. It never encountered a situation where it couldn't digest prey.

It screamed, and after a while, collapsed. Then, it began to shine with a bright red light. 

Its entire body started to change and transform. 

Rank 1 Blue Feet's appearance is humanoid creatures 10 meters long with 3 or four big blue feet, a thinner upper body, and a terrifying head that is sharp like a sword. 

Their main attack is jumping and hitting the target with their sharp head. They can jump very powerfully, and their head cannot be underestimated. 

Other than that, their body is covered with a powerful shell that has extremely high defense, and they're immune to Fire and Darkness elements; they have very low spellcasting talent. 

But, this Blue Feet began to transform. 

It grew two pairs of wings and another dragon head beside its sharp head.

It looked deformed like two conflicting creatures forcefully stuck together. It began to scream, with its dragon head attacking its sharp head. 

The sharp head started running, but it could not escape from the dragon that was stuck to it. 

After a few days, it finally died from the attacks of the dragon head.


"So many bugs!" Zagronan smiled wryly. 

In just these two weeks, the formation caused the extinction of many demon races. It didn't work as expected. 

The evolutions all went wrong, with the final products usually developing two wills and attacking each other. 

"Let's fix it! Rachel, I'm counting on you!" he said. 

Rachel nodded. 

Zagronan deactivated the formation and began his work.