
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantasy
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408 Chs

Savior Green Long

God of Fate was elated!

A while ago, Dyer, along with all the gods, save for a few, formed an alliance to find a way to advance to rank 10.

Since then, Dyer has shared a lot of information with them.

This information was invaluable for the God of Fate.

With that information, God of fate can now predict the future again.

Speaking of the River of Time, not much has changed on the surface since Heaven became independent.

Heaven was vast beyond imagination; it wasn't like they lacked land.

Progressing to rank 10 is no more difficult now than when the world was whole. Heaven was a weak rank 11 in the past, but today, it dropped to 10.

"Logically, it should have dropped to rank 9 because, with only a third of the complete laws of time and space, the world doesn't even possess one complete law. However, the secret weapon mixed the laws of time and space and somehow created a single rank 10 complete law, named the 'Complete Law of Spacetime."

God of Fate today has learned a lot from Rachel, mostly grand information like the strength of the world.

With this one complete law, Heaven became stable and can safely exist for hundreds of millions of years.

What's even better is that controlling a rank 10 world is much easier now. It's possible to change the world's rules to some extent.

Like longevity.

Longevity is not a rule of the world.

But its functions are indistinguishable.

When the world was whole, Original Duty made it so that lifespan became unlimited; however, not long after, it became finite again for mages.

Longevity is something that cannot change. Deterioration of cells and mana over time is inevitable.

That is unless you can affect the river of time.

In the past, there was no way to do it.

even rank 9 mages were helpless to stop it.

But now, Both protector and Original duty have disappeared completely.

The river of time has now returned to its completely neutral state.

Its setting remained what it was before, but now, it's possible to manipulate it.

It's not just the river of time.

World laws also became manipulatable.

It is no longer like the past when the laws were set in stone, with no possibility of changing them.

After the secret weapon reshuffled the world, not much changed on the surface, but deep inside, everything changed.

"All of this makes exploring the path to rank 10 much easier. For example, we can open up the world just a bit to peek outside. You must look outside the world to create a new, complete law. You can reach the edge of rank 10 without information from the outside, but the final step is impossible." These pieces of information were mostly from Dyer.

When Heaven was attached to Hell and the main world, manipulating the world's laws was something one couldn't even dream about, making it next to impossible to look outside the world.

For mages who want to reach rank 10, Heaven is now a much more welcoming place.

Along with the information that the God of Fate received from Rachel, he was very pleased these days.

He has the hope of rank 10!

However, not all gods were happy.

The Gods of Kindness, Joy, and Goodness were especially angry. They were the leaders of the 'Righteous' wing of the gods, who respected the creator's will above all else.

What the God of Secrets had done is diametrically opposed to the Creators' wishes.

They put forth a proposal to the Wisdom Council, calling for Heaven to reattach to the main world and Hell again. Whatever that means.

Everyone knows it's beyond the power of rank 9.

Still, the vote passed by 5-5, with the God of Kindness in favor.

The Executive Council was dead-set against it.

Its role is to carry out all that the Wisdom Council says, but this time, what they proposed was literally impossible.

So, the dispute was taken to the Council of Gods, who struck down the Wisdom Council's proposal.

The Wisdom Council passed several more laws, one about punishing the God of Secrets, another about abolishing the Executive Council, and yet another about expelling the Gods of Secrets and Magic from the Wisdom Council.

All passed by 5-5 votes!

But the Executive Council challenged them all, and the Council of Gods struck them all down.

The God of Kindness called it a power grab and condemned them, but there was nothing she could do.

The Council of Gods has the final say in every dispute.

Usually, it doesn't reach this point, but the situation isn't normal.

All of the Wisdom Council's proposals were dangerous, with the possibility of causing a civil war, so the Council of Gods took a liberal view of their powers and struck them down.

After this, the powers of the Council of Gods would be much greater than in the past.

The God of Kindness, the strongest God and the leader of the Righteous wing gave up. She never even considered rebellion.

They weren't righteous just for show.

Rebelling is the furthest thing from the wishes of the creators.

More importantly, they didn't have any excuse.

Everyone agrees that the Council of Gods has the power to do all it did.

So, the 'righteous' wing stopped cooperating completely and stayed silent.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you reach rank 10," said Rachel, who was happy.

This world is swimming in Rachel's spy devices, so if anyone succeeds, Rachel will know.

There is no need to steal the complete law. Only its information is enough.

Because Rachel reshaped this world, she can observe every detail.

The God of Fate complained, "I helped you a lot! I want more information!"

"Sure!" said Rachel, and began to provide important information for reaching rank 10.


The mage world.

"Perhaps this world can remain for another 10 million years or so," thought Rachel #1.

This world is no longer a rank 11; it's only a rank 9 world with no complete law.

Such a world needs maintenance, or it will be destroyed. However, Rachel has a complete law in her hand.

She can save the world anytime she wishes.

"The plan was a big success!" she thought.

She no longer controls any of the incarnations that are in Heaven.

All are now controlled by Rachel #2, who is in Bertha's hand.

It's a significant blow to Rachel #1, but she isn't sad.

"That operation will most likely result in the main body gaining a few complete laws! What is there to be sad about?" Her purpose is to serve the main body. Everything is about helping the main body.

There is no selfishness in Rachel's incarnations.

One part of the reason is the incarnation technique, which is a rank 13 spell based on the universal law of Incarnations.

The other part is her personality.

One question: If you could make an incarnation out of yourself, who would know everything you know, would you dare to do it?

You can only do it if you completely trust yourself, trust yourself that you will never be tempted to replace yourself.

If I'm an incarnation and see my body, I might think, 'Why should he/she be the real body? Why not me?'"

Most people would eventually think of that. Then, the Incarnation killing the main body and taking his/her place is possible.

This is why the incarnation technique is very dangerous.

But Rachel can confidently say she won't do it.

From the beginning, she was a special person with very high self-trust.

The reason incarnations don't have access to full memory is simply the fear that they might be hacked.

Without this concern, she would have allowed incarnations complete access because she trusts herself.

Even the main Rachel, the rank 13 one, is willing to swap places with any incarnation today without hesitation. As long as one survives, all is good.


"I want to go back to Hell!" said Zagronan.

"Not now! That elf girl is still here!" Rachel was frustrated with her.

Hell is now one with the mage world, but it's still not truly integrated. It still has a lot of dark elements and is recognizable as Hell. It would take a long time for the moon to purify it.

With her here, Rachel is really limited.

As long as the elf girl leaves, Rachel will become lord over this world.

With control of the rank 10 complete law, she can find as many jump ranks as she wants. Maybe she can find a rank 9 jump rank and reach the peak in one swoop.

"I'm bored, Rachel. I feel like I've lost all my edge as a demon," Zag complained.

"Don't worry, you have edges all over. Just go around the continent, mess around all you want, and wait for that damn elf to leave. After that, I can even promote you to rank 9!" she said.

"Rank 9? Like my father? How is it possible?" asked Zagronan.

"Yeah, like your father," answered Rachel.

Just at this moment, Lana came with a baby in her hand.

"Zag, our newest baby has royal blood!" said Lana, with visible happiness.

Zag and Lana had children once every few weeks. Unfortunately for them, none were royal, so Lana just ate them all.

Zagronan looked and smiled.

"Great! Now, we have 4 royal children!"

There were 3 in Hell, too, but Zag had no idea if they were alive.

As a proud demon, Lana was not worried about them. Even if you were to say they died to her now, she might regret not eating them when he had the time.

But Zag did care.

One reason he wanted to return was to check on them.

"I wonder what happened to that pig head," Zag wondered, missing him a tiny bit.

Rachel was looking indifferent, but then her expression changed.

Just now, she had checked the child's luck with 'limited modification' vision and was shocked.

"Why is it so strong? How is it possible?" she thought.

This child's luck was as strong as a medium protagonist's luck!

"Hey, Lana! His hair is green! Let's name him Little Green," suggested Zagronan, who was feeling creative.

"No, look, his penis is large from birth! Let's call him Long!" suggested Lana.

"Okay, just call him Green Long!" they compromised.

Rachel almost felt like she would throw up blood when she watched how they named the protagonist with rank 10 luck.

"Hey, name him something more classy!" Rachel intervened.

"Like what?" asked Zag.

"Like Savior, or Hero, something grand," she suggested.

To be honest, Rachel wasn't good at naming either.

"As his aunt, I will respect your wish," said Zag.

"Hey, Lana, let's name him Savior Green Long," he suggested.

Lana nodded.

So, it was decided.

The baby born with the potential of rank 10 was named:

Savior Green Long...


The Demon King of Sloth lay asleep in some underground cave in Hell.

He looked surprisingly human; if you were to see him, you wouldn't be able to detect him as a demon.

Then, he opened his eyes.

"A child? Why do I have a descendant?" As far as he knew, he never had a sexual relationship with any female, be it human, demon, etc.

Who would waste time on such an act when you can sleep instead? Only crazy people!

"Maybe when I was asleep?" he thought.

"Who cares…" Wasting precious time thinking when you can sleep is idiotic.

His eyes closed again, and he entered deep sleep.


Alys looked at the River of Time.

It was a mess, with a big chunk missing. With the River of Time in such disarray, the world would collapse sooner or later.

"But still, they won't let me investigate thoroughly."

She recently gained permission to perform spells that wouldn't seriously damage the world.

However, in the current situation, any rank 12 spell might cause its collapse.

For example, she dared not use the rank 12 'luck observation' spell to at least find the protagonists.

"Sigh, let's just find the 'jump ranks' and return."

After her investigations, she realized something unnatural: Jump rank!

There's no such thing in the Great Dream's settings. It doesn't take a genius to realize it must have something to do with Rachel.

So, she decided to mobilize the Demon Kings, look for as many as possible, and then return.

Staying in this ruined world is a waste of time.