
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantasy
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408 Chs

Rank 6 Demon

In the sky, another moon appeared.

It surprised everyone, including Zagronan, but soon, everyone got used to it.

He was riding on the back of a 10-meter-long horse with twelve legs.

Despite being a general of Brainless demons, he still enjoyed certain luxuries. Behind him, countless other demons, mostly Brainless, were following.

Most were rank 1, with a few rank 2s and even fewer rank 3s.

Demons become intelligent as soon as they reach rank 4. Most never reach rank 4, as getting there requires good talent and bloodline.

On the sides, Zagronan's children were moving along with him. "Stop! We camp here!" Everyone stopped.

As a general, Iggad gave a special token that allowed him to control the brainless demons, so shouting was actually unnecessary, but it still felt better to shout.

Brainless demons encircled, and in their midst, a few camps were set up for intelligent demons. Only a few thousand intelligent ones existed in the army of billions.

Zagronan called a conference with his deputy generals.


In the main camp, there are 7 people - Zagronan and his 6 children.

"Shouldn't we invite some other smart demons?" Corey suggested.

"No, we are the smartest. Now, let's talk about the bandits," Zagronan said.

"According to information from reliable sources, the bandits are around here. So, how should we find them?" he asked.

Ross, the most handsome child, said, "Let's just send the dumb demons to scout. They'll eventually reach the bandits. When they start dying, we'll notice it!"

"So smart. Pig head, why are you silent? As the first child, I expect more of you." Zagronan said.

Corey was annoyed and replied, "This way is not smart; it's idiotic!"

Ross looked at Corey with hostility and said, "What's your plan, genius?"

Corey said, "First, let's look at the map. The bandits are hiding in a place that is harder to find. Then, the Red Forest, the abandoned steel mine, and the underground tunnel are the most likely places. So, we should send dumb demons to investigate those areas first," he suggested.

Zagronan thought and said, "Isn't spreading dumb demons everywhere a better approach?"

"That way, if we find the bandits, it will take a long time to concentrate our army and fight! Additionally, the spread-out demons could run into other demons, and irrelevant fights could break out," Corey explained.

Zagronan frowned and said, "This sounds too clean; I prefer Ross's plan! I order all dumb demons to spread!" he declared.

Ross looked triumphant and looked coldly at Corey, while Corey appeared disappointed.


"Why did you not accept Pig Head's recommendation?" Rachel asked, confused.

"Rachel, I feel like I'm getting too soft. I want a bloodbath. Smart planning and these nonsensical strategies are not in my blood," he said.

"Your Father is the god of knowledge! What do you mean it's not in your blood?" she asked, speechless.

"I don't know, but I've grown very bored after years of not seeing a good bloodbath," he admitted.

Rachel sighed and stopped talking.


The dumb demons spread all around.

At first, the lines were thick, but they gradually became thinner until only a few demons were present every hundred meters.


Near the Red Forest, a rank 4 demon general with a blue bald head, the commander of the bandits who regularly looted the demons around the Hotblood City, looked at the few dumb demons who had arrived.

"Eat them!" he ordered.

As a demon general, he also controlled a lot of demons.

The dumb demons in his command attacked and devoured the few unfortunate invaders.

As a result of this, thousands of intruders began to gather over time. However, thousands were nothing compared to the millions of bandits. They all perished soon.


"Hmm, I can sense that some demons have been killed near the Red Forest." Zagronan thought.

He then sent an order to everyone.

"Attack the Red Forest!" he shouted while providing directions through the token to the dumb demons.

He teleported directly to the Red Forest.

The blue-headed demon was taken by surprise and cast "Fireball."

"Super Ultra-WaterShield!" Zagronan cast.

The fireball struck the water shield but failed even to scratch it.

"Enhanced spells?" the blue-headed demon general exclaimed in surprise.

He could only cast one enhancement spell; if he did, his casting speed dropped sharply.

"It's a royal demon!" He felt great horror and was about to cast 'teleportation,' but...

"Super Ultra Wide Huge Massive Deep Quick-Space Lock!" Zagronan cast a spell with seven enhancements in just a moment.

"Teleportation," the blue-headed demon tried, but it didn't work.

Realizing he couldn't escape, he ordered the dumb demons to attack, shouting, "Attack him!"

Zagronan smiled and drew his rank 4 sword, which he had recently acquired as a reward for the tasks he had completed for Iggad.

With one spell, he could effortlessly kill the blue-headed demon. Royal demons could kill regular demons of the same rank with ease.

However, he wanted blood!

"Come!" he shouted, waving his sword.

Hundreds of Dumb demons of all shapes split in half, with blood and gut all over.

Still, the dumb demons attacked without any fear,

Zagronan swung his sword in all directions, killing hundreds and thousands of demons with each swing.

Even demons at rank 3 could not withstand the power of his strikes.

After taking innumerable pills, his body is no longer his weakness but his strength.

Zagronan is eager for battle, even those of rank 5!

"super-razor cut" blue-headed cast.

"Super Ultra Solid-Steel Shield," Zagronan cast.

The razor cut hit the shield and dissipated. The shield cracked but was far from breaking.

Zagronan paid no attention to Blue Head and continued killing dumb demons.

Occasionally, he blocked some spells that Blue Head cast, but it was too easy for him.

After one hour, Zagronan's dumb demons arrived slowly, but not much was left for them to kill, so they just started eating the dead ones.

Around Zagronan, mountains of mutilated corpses were stacked.

"Now, it's your turn," he said, looking at Blue Head.

Blue Head, who had tried to run on his feet but failed each time, looked at Zagronan with horror.

Just as he was about to be killed, a huge monster fell from the sky!

It was a massive eagle, thousands of meters in size.

"Tiny!" Blue Head called out his pet, mounted its back, and ordered it to escape.

However, Tiny, who was infuriated after seeing the mountains of corpses, chirped, and attacked Zagronan with its massive beak.

Zagronan laughed and punched!

As the punch connected with the beak, a loud explosion occurred. It eviscerated a diameter of 1 kilometer into dust.

Innumerable dumb demons died instantly.

The tip of Tiny's beak shattered into pieces.

It extending its wings, planning to flee.

"You want to run? Haha, 'Super Ultra Double Great-Heavy!'" Zagronan cast.

The eagle dropped to the ground, unable to tolerate its own weight.

Just as Zagronan was about to kill Tiny, another demon dropped to the ground.

Blue Head shouted with tears, "Boss!"

Rachel frowned. It seemed all too familiar, like the 'arrogant young master' plot in the novels of her previous life, where the protagonist kills one, offends another, kills again, and repeats the cycle.

"Hey, Zag, let's go back," she suggested.

"What? I'm itching for a fight," he said.

Zagronan ignored Rachel and cast his spell, "Super Ultra Massive Double Triple Great Massive-Fireball."

Six huge fireballs shot toward the new demon.

The newcomer, who had very long hair and wore tight clothes, frowned and cast the rank 5 "Water Shield."

The first fireball hit the water shield and disappeared.

The second hit and also disappeared.

The third fireball hit and disappeared, but the water shield mostly evaporated after it.

Seeing her rank 5 spell fail, she took out her wings and flew.

The fifth and sixth spells hit Tiny and Blue Head and consumed them in fire. They both died.

"You! How dare you kill my child!" the long-haired demon screeched.

"Super-Razor Strike," she cast.

Zagronan immediately cast his defensive spell, "Super Ultra Thick Solid Hard Dense Double-Steel Shield!"

The Razor Strike hit the metal shield, causing a massive explosion that once more turned the surrounding area into dust.

The Razor Strike was stopped momentarily but eventually cut the double shield and cleanly severed Zagronan's left arm!

There is a huge difference between each rank, so no matter how strong one is in rank 4, when facing a rank 5, they can hardly even run, let alone win.

"Super Ultra Fast Quick Double Triple Quadruple-Lightning Blade!" Zagronan cast the spell so quickly that even the rank 5 demon general with long hair was astonished.

All unbelievably fast, twenty-four razor blades shot toward the rank 5 demon general.

She didn't have time to cast a defensive spell, so she could only take out her rank 4 defensive shield and hope it could defend her.

The lightning blades hit the shield one by one, and with each hit, they stunned Long Hair because of their lightning attribute.

After defending against 10 lightning strikes, the shield shattered, and the other 14 struck her all over.

Two hit her arms, cutting to the bones.

Five hit her leg, cutting very deep.

Four hit her chest and abdomen, also cutting deep.

The other three struck her face, cutting off her pointy right ear, chipping off her chin, and cutting deep into her forehead.

She was also stunned by each strike.

Zagronan, who had already taken precious pills to fill his dark element reserves, smiled and cast again. "Super Ultra Fast Quick Double Triple Quadruple-Lightning Blade."

The long-haired demon's pupils shrank.

She was already stunned, so she couldn't cast spells to defend.

"How can a rank 4 be so strong?" she thought.

The speed at which Zagronan cast the spell was incredible.

She brought out her remaining magic treasures to defend.

As a Bandit Demon General, she had no rank 5 magic treasures.

If she had even one, it would be as easy as drinking to defend against these attacks.

But in war, there are no ifs and buts.

The magic treasure defended against 20 strikes before being ripped to pieces. The remaining four strikes hit her chest, cutting deeper into the already existing wounds, nearly reaching the heart.

But it wasn't the end.

"Super Ultra Fast Quick Double Triple Quadruple-Lightning Blade."

Zagronan once again cast a spell with many enhancements at an unimaginable speed.

"No, no!" the long-haired demon screamed.

This time, she had nothing to defend against these strikes. All 24 strikes hit and cut her. Still, she survived even after all the strikes.

Just as Zagronan was about to kill the long-haired demon, another demon with a much stronger aura appeared before her.

Zagronan frowned and cast "Super Ultra Sharp Double Triple Great Grand-Razor Strike."

Six very sharp razor strikes flew and hit the newcomer.

He didn't defend at all, letting all the strikes land. They cut deep into his luxurious clothes!

He frowned and said, "To think you can ruin my clothes; you have potential!"

He had short hair and two pairs of arms.

The four-armed demon said, "Today, I will let you go, but remember, you owe me one." With that said, the man disappeared, taking the long-haired demon.

"Run back to the city! The situation is dangerous," Rachel said.

Zagronan, in shock that his strong spells were defended with a bare body, nodded and teleported back to the city.

As for his children, who cares about them?