
I Am A Lion

"Today is the day of your death! You heinous creature!" A chosen hero shouted out of the blue and attacked a tawny yellow coloured beast (Lion) standing a few metres away. Three minutes later… "Wh..what the hell are you!? No! Don't come near me!!" The chosen hero was alarmed. He backed away in fear! but he was a bit late! Pak! The beast sneered and slapped him to the ground with his right paw. "I am a lion, what else? Now become my subordinate or die." You can follow me on Insta, if you want: "benong_lego "

Black_lotus_2004 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Bolzark's rage

Seeing the incoming attack from this many creatures, the three orcs were stunned.

The Frost wolf leader was also very surprised.

How can two different tribes suddenly attack them together? That too for no reason?

Kill? Why do they want to kill us? We didn't form any deep hatred did we?

Although they were confused, the situation didn't give them too much time to be shocked or confused.

One of the Orcs suddenly shouted. "Kill them! They dare to attack the members of the Guro tribe, they must be punished!"

After shouting this, the orc ran forward. He wanted to fight and kill those two leaders from the opposing creatures.

The orcs were wearing some broken armors made of steel, and had long swords in their hands.

They might have stolen these broken weapons from the adventurers that sometimes travel here.

The two orcs saw their partner charging ahead out of anger, but they didn't try to stop him.

At first, they wanted to let this frost wolf leader fight with them and test out their strength, but since their own partner had gone ahead so be it.

"Dear guest, since those two tribes have infiltrated our base to attack, naturally it is my tribe's responsibility to defend ourselves. I will go ahead and fight as well."

After saying this, the leader of the frost wolves moved ahead to fight with them.

'If I want the ice cave, then I will have to prove my sincerity as well. Though I can't show too much lest they become cautious, and never let me use their ice cave.'

Thought the leader of the frost wolves.

After thinking of this, he sprinted forward to quickly reach before the hobgoblin and started battling with him.

The frost wolf sensed that the jackal with one horn seemed familiar but didn't remember him clearly.

'This Jackal seems stronger than the hobgoblin before me so I will fight this weaker one. The orc can fight the one that is stronger.'


Elkrad saw an orc running savagely towards his direction so he prepared himself for the upcoming battle. Ben had already told him about his ability so he was naturally confident.

The moment the running orc reached one metre before Elkrad, he moved.


A sound of a heavy Collision between two beings echoed.

Elkrad had enhanced his physical strength to the maximum and tackled the running orc with his peak strength….but the orc had blocked Elkrad's head tackle by crossing his two hands before his chest, and standing in a defensive position!

His long sword had long been thrown away due to that tackle.

Tak tak tak

The orc moved back three steps after the Collision. His hands hurt from the momentum of that hit. Although Elkrad wasn't forced to move back, his head still felt dizzy for a moment.


The orc calmed down his beating heart and emotions. He stared at the one horned jackal in front of him, and wanted to say something but something unexpected happened!



He felt a sensation in his stomach area before his stomach suddenly caved in, and he puked out blood! His body also started feeling light as if he was like a feather.

The orc had realised that he was in mid air.


With the sound of someone flying through the sky, the orc flew back and collided against some of the frost wolves battling on the back side.

This Collison resulted in the deaths of some of the frostwolf members.

This wouldn't have happened if the orc was prepared. His body was in a relaxed state after that Collision between him and Elkrad. This resulted in his body flying away due to the Double hit ability.


Shouted the two orcs, including the leader of the frost wolves. They had not expected that the orc would lose directly in just one exchange.

They didn't know what actually happened but this situation still made the two orcs cautious of this one horned jackal.

'What kind of attack was that!? I was sure that that orc was fine after that one exchange but something happened suddenly which prompted that orc to...lose?'

The frost wolf fighting the hobgoblin 'Bolzark' was currently in a state of shock. He felt that something wasn't right, but he didn't know what was wrong. This made him a bit frustrated.

'Why would these two opposing tribes suddenly team up and attack me? Are they targeting those three orcs? Did something happen between the two main tribes of goblins and berserk Jackals?'

No matter what, this situation made him think of many such possibilities.

'Have those two main tribes made an alliance to fight against the orcs?'

In comparison to the frost wolf, the two orcs were not that sharp in their thinking. They just felt more angered after realising that these two leaders didn't take their Guro tribe seriously at all.

One of the orcs went to check up on their fellow member, while the other one who was also the strongest of the three of them started moving towards Elkrad. He wanted to teach Elkrad a lesson.

"You two shouldn't have provoked our Guro tribe, now you will suffer the consequences."

He looked at the frost Wolf and saw him fighting toe to toe against the hobgoblin.

Seeing this, he started looking down on him.

'From the rumours, this frost wolf should have had above average strength but it seems like those rumours were fake. He is so weak and here I was thinking that he would be a formidable sparring partner for me.'

The orc shook his head and stopped thinking about this.

'This Jackal seems strong though I will need to be careful.'

A moment later, the fighting between Elkrad and the orc started as well. The other goblins and jackals were also battling with the frost wolves.

The numbers of the frost wolves were much more than the goblins and Jackals combined.

Naturally, the attackers were being pushed back. Ben's army was disadvantaged due to their low number of members.


While the war was going on, Ben was hiding beside some bushes. He wasn't observing the battle for now but was considering something.

'If I want to make constant wars, then I can only take in more leader type subordinates to increase my current army….but they can also betray me at anytime….I need an ability or skill to restrict those creatures.'

This thought suddenly struck him yesterday at night. To get rid of this problem, he created an ability using 150 urja.

Mana corrosion: Using owner's urja to invade the body of the receiver and corrode his/her mana.

This ability can only be used on those creatures who are weaker than Ben. If they were only slightly weaker, then they would be capable of destroying or absorbing the urja invading their body. This would be beneficial to them.

If the creature turned out to be much weaker than Ben, then his urja would successfully invade inside the creature's body.

After the invasion was successful, Ben could easily kill the creature at any time with just a flick of his finger.

His urja would corrode the receiver's mana and poison him from the inside to kill him.

The stronger creatures could simply ignore the corrosion. They could try absorbing the substance that has invaded their body. The substance in this case would be Ben's urja.

It all depended on the concentration of the urja present inside Ben. Concentration depends on his Urja quantity. The more urja he has, the more concentrated his Urja would be.

Creatures with concentration of mana lower than the Urja released by Ben won't be able to handle this new ability of his.

After thinking about his newly created ability, Ben checked his system interface.

[Universal beast system]

[Owner: Ben clarckson]

[Ability: Flame thrower upgraded version 1 (+), Mana corrosion]

[Skill: Basic physical skills]

[System ability: Absorb Urja, Language translator]

[Urja level: 300]

[Power level: 600]

[Create abilities/skills]

[Subordination limit: 3]

[System mission: Conquer the Jasper forest.]

[Time limit: Two months]

[Reward : A useful ability]



He had already upgraded his flame thrower ability using 100 urja, and tested it yesterday.

Previously his flame thrower was light orange in colour. The upgraded version was still orange but it was darker than before.

The mana corrosion ability didn't have an upgrade button as it only requires Ben's urja quantity to work. The more Urja he had, the stronger this ability would become.

With this upgrade, his power increased even more than before. He had the urge to test out his abilities so he turned his attention back to the battle.


Elkrad was having a hard time fighting against the new orc.

'This orc is a bit cautious of me. He doesn't let me hit him with my full strength at all…'

The orc would always disrupt him whenever he tries to use a considerable amount of his strength to attack. Bolzark was in a similar situation.

No matter what he does, he can't seem to do anything to the frost wolf before him.

'Something is wrong! He doesn't seem to take me seriously at all. He has some strength to spare against me.'

After fighting for such a long time, Bolzark came to this realisation. This realisation made him a bit angry.

Bolzark had his own pride as well which keeps getting crushed for some reason.

'First that one horned jackal, then that powerful beast and now this frost wolf too!?'

This thought kept repeating inside his head till his eyes became dark red. His breathing became heavy as well.

'Huh? Something's happening to him…' The frost wolf sensed some danger coming from Bolzark so he stopped and moved back a little to observe what was going on.

Bolzark's height suddenly increased from his previous 1.7 metres to about 3 metres!

He became a little giant!

"I will kill you! Ahhh!"

Bolzark shouted and angrily ran towards the frost wolf.

Seeing this, the frost wolf fighting with Bolzark turned around, and started running.

He was surprised.

'Damn! What is happening!? How did he become so strong? Will I have to use my full power now?"


This strange occurrence attracted the attention of everyone including Ben as evidenced by how he directly made his appearance before this group of creatures.

Seeing his appearance, Bob and Job who were still fighting passively, without showing their true abilities suddenly became active!