
I Am A Lion

"Today is the day of your death! You heinous creature!" A chosen hero shouted out of the blue and attacked a tawny yellow coloured beast (Lion) standing a few metres away. Three minutes later… "Wh..what the hell are you!? No! Don't come near me!!" The chosen hero was alarmed. He backed away in fear! but he was a bit late! Pak! The beast sneered and slapped him to the ground with his right paw. "I am a lion, what else? Now become my subordinate or die!" .................. Acquiring the universal beast system, Ben sets his journey towards becoming the strongest beast in the universe! Follow him in his journey towards his conquest of worlds!

Black_lotus_2004 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

'Rak' the leader of the Grey wolves.

After spewing out fire for some time, Ben stopped because his throat felt dry due to the heat.

'Can I drink water? Would my ability be affected?'


[Yes, the owner can drink water, the owner's ability would not be affected.]

Seeing the prompt, Ben turned his head to look at his subordinates.

"Bob, I want you to go and fetch me some water for drinking."

"Yes boss!" Bob left quickly after replying.

Hearing his proper words, Ben was speechless for a moment. 'This guy can speak properly now?'


[ Yes, after Bob became your subordinate, the system automatically made it so that he can speak properly by making his consciousness more sharper than before.]

After realising that it was his system's work, he didn't put much more thought into it.

"Oh right…how did you make Bob's consciousness more sharper?"


[ By increasing his mental capacity…..]

Hearing this, Ben raised his right eyebrow with some interest.

"And...how did you raise his mental capacity?..."


[By giving his brain some shock wave to make it more active]

'Huh? How does that work? System, you're not clear with your explanations.'

Seeing no further reply from it, Ben shook his head and sighed before coming back to his present situation.

He first checked his information on the system screen/Interface.

[Universal beast system]

[Owner:Ben clarckson]

[Ability/Talent: Flame thrower]

[Skills: Basic physical skills]

[System ability: Absorb urja, Language translator(works for both listening and speaking)]

[Urja quantity: (85) 45 ( -40 reduced due to ability creation)]

[Power quantity: 170]

'My urja quantity reduced to 45 after creating an ability, the system said that my urja quantity would refill itself after eating enough food.'

With this thought, Ben looked down to stare at the many dead bodies of the animals, he decided to roast them before eating to his heart's content as he was feeling very hungry after losing those urja energy from his body.

"Hey, Pop and job, gather all these bodies together there, I will start a fire to roast them. After that, we can eat them together."

Ku ki!

Ka ko!

The two remaining goblins pop and job went forward to honour Ben's orders. They started gathering the dead bodies of these animals before putting them to a side.

Ben left and searched for some twigs or woods, gathered them at a place before spitting out flame thrower from his mouth.


A fire started burning before the three of them. Ben didn't know whether other wild animals would be attracted here or not but he didn't care anymore.

Ben took out some suspicious looking animals that looked poisonous and only kept the edible looking animals before starting to roast them by laying them closer to the fire using his mouth. He didn't roast every animal as they would not be able to finish everything at once, so he decided to eat them later on.

"You two start roasting these animals, today we will have a feast."



Pop and job began roasting the animals with Ben, they were hungry as well due to all the work that they have done till now.

It seemed like their boss was letting them eat some of these animals so they didn't stand on ceremony, and began feasting on these roasted meats.

After some time, Bob came back with a jug of water inside some big leaf, seeing that he returned with some amount of water, Ben quickly told him to put the water down, and gave him some of the roasted meat to eat as well.

"We'll talk later, let's eat something first."

Glup Glup

After giving Bob some of the roasted meat, Ben drank the water that was brought back by Bob before starting to eat as well.

Bob excitedly folded his legs before sitting down and started feasting on the roasted meat hungrily.


Meanwhile, Inside a cave with big wide spaces, A small group of grey coloured wolves were currently destroying and pillaging a goblin den.

These beasts looked very similar to wolves so they would probably be categorised as wolves by the universal beast system so that Ben could understand them easily.

An average sized grey wolf suddenly came out from some bushes, the wolves guarding the cave entrance from outside saw the grey wolf and let him in.

Inside the cave, there were many dead bodies of goblins. The smell of blood was very thick here.

The wolf first walked through the dead bodies going deeper and deeper inside the cave before reaching where his pack mates were standing. The wolf greeted his pack members before searching for the pack leader.

After searching around for some time, he found their leader quietly standing beside some of the wolves.

Their pack leader had a much darker shade of grey on his fur, and was many times larger than an average grey wolf, his size was many times bigger than Ben.

He also had a wise light in his eyes, he was the most intelligent wolf among his pack members/Subordinates.

The size of the cave that they were currently in was actually small, not enough for the leader to get inside. He had used his strength to forcefully increase the size of the cave before getting inside.

After the messenger wolf reached their pack leader, he was finally able to see what they were staring at.

Their leader was currently staring deep inside a dark room made by the goblins. This room was used by the goblins to store their loot, which included livestock and any other treasures etc etc.

The wolf saw a group of humans, two females and one male shivering at a corner of the room.They were naked and had bruises all over them.


(Wolves will be speaking in their own language here.)

"Oh, you came back? Tell me what happened to the escaped goblins?"

The grey wolf leader noticed the wolf that he had sent outside to investigate about the escaped goblins had returned, and asked for him to report his findings.

"Yes leader! I have found that most of the escaped goblins have either died or are in the process of dying after being attacked by other creatures, there are some exceptions though...."

"Oh...what exceptions?" The leader raised his eyebrows to express his interest after hearing the last part of his sentence.

Seeing that the leader was interested, the wolf began narrating about what he saw outside.

"While I was roaming the forest, I found around three goblins that were actively hunting a vast number of creatures. I thought that they must be from some other goblin dens but I noticed that they had many injuries on their bodies, they also smelled similar to the goblins from this particular den….those three did not look like people who just escaped from death."

After hearing his narration, the wolf leader thought for a while before shaking his head.

"Is that so?.....It doesn't matter, they will die after sometime anyway, you did a good job and will be rewarded for your hard work. Go and wait there with your pack members."

"Yes boss!" The wolf obeyed and went back to stand with his members.

The grey wolf leader turned his head to look back at the three humans.

One of the wolves with a big scar on his left eye standing near him asked "What should we do with them leader?"

The other wolves stared at their leader waiting for his order.

The leader stared at the three humans for a while before he sighed…. His eyes looked reminiscing for a moment there, but it quickly turned back to its usual coldness.

"…..Don't kill them.....bring them together with us."

Hearing his order, the three wolves that were standing closest to him didn't do anything to disobey their leader, they obediently followed his order.

"Ok boss!"

The scar eyed wolf moved forward, and went inside the dark room to bring out the three humans.

Seeing his figure reaching closer to them, one of the females began crying. The other two shivered even more and fearfully stared at the approaching grey wolf.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" The scar eyed wolf tried to speak and explain that he wasn't here to kill them but it seemed like these three humans were not able to understand his words.

They were instead intimidated by his bark, now even the other two almost started crying.

"I at least wanted to court my love Ursula before dying…."

"Why is my life so bad?..."

"First I was violated by ugly goblins, now I will be eaten by wolves?....just what did I do to deserve all this?"

They didn't lose their minds and became numb faced, they still had some rationality left in them because they wanted to live.

"Eh..what are they murmuring about?"

The scar eyed wolf didn't know how to explain his intention to them, he tried smiling and making cute, friendly sounds but it worsened the situation even more.


Just as he was wondering what to do, his boss suddenly showed up, and began talking with the humans in some weird language.


The three humans saw a giant wolf suddenly appear before them, they thought that this impossibly giant wolf must be the leader of this wolf pack.

The male and the two females stared at each other before looking at the giant grey wolf, they weren't idiots, seeing that the scar eyed wolf didn't directly attack them after coming inside but actually looked like he was trying to converse with them made these three realise that their life wasn't in danger for now, though it took some time for them to realise this.

Seeing that these three had calmed down by now, the leader slowly opened his mouth and spoke in human language.

"Greetings humans...my name is Rak, and his name is Scar, a close brother of mine. I am the leader of the grey wolves, we are the rulers of this area. I mean no harm and just want to help you three…. but you will have to come back with us to our place." After saying this, Rak left the room.

The three humans turned their heads to look at each other.

"What...do you think? Should we believe him?" One of the females with long black hair and slim figure asked, her hair and face had become a mess due to all the wet soil. Though you could still be able to see some cuteness on her face, indicating that she was still young.

"I think we should, what choice do we have? Don't tell me that you want to stay here and wait for death?."

Said the human male with short black hair, and handsome looking features that were covered with soil. His body was muscular but not beast-like. He was more on the lean side, indicating that he regularly exercises and trains his body.

The last remaining human was a female, she had long brown hair with a matured body.

Her body was slim having two big buns on her chest, she also had a thicc ass on her bottom.

Hearing the conversations of these two young people, she shook her head before getting up to leave the room.

"The wolf leader can speak in human language so it must mean that he had interacted with humans before. It might also be that he was saved by a human in the past so now he is repaying the favour by saving us....you two shouldn't think too much about it." She said this to the two of them before leaving the room with the grey wolf 'Scar'.

Seeing her leave, the two of them quickly stood up, and nervously followed behind them.

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