
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 427: The Royal Wedding

The grandeur of the War-Ending Empire's second prince's impending wedding was hard to ignore. It sent a resounding message to the world, one that echoed through the vast corridors of power. Caesar Jack was on the path to becoming one of the empire's successors, and his choice of bride was equally significant. She bore the name Olfira, and while her nobility might not rival that of the human Empire's princesses, her lineage was nothing short of remarkable. Olfira was the great-granddaughter of a Sage, a lineage that commanded respect in its own right.

As for the number of Sages within the War-Ending Empire, it was a closely guarded secret. William, despite his vast knowledge, could only speculate based on his experiences from previous lives. Perhaps there were six or seven known Sages, but the true count remained a mystery.

The War-Ending Empire's Sages, as formidable as they were, posed a stark contrast to the might of the human Empire. The humans' unwavering confidence stemmed from their immense power, which was evident in their ability to repel even the darkest of invasions. The imperial Professionals regarded such threats with disdain, knowing that the human Empire's strength could not easily be matched. In terms of Sages alone, the combined might of the three Elven races paled in comparison to that of the human Empire.

Olfira, the bride-to-be, possessed a lineage that further solidified her position. Her father was an Imperial General in the Legendary realm, commanding an army of 800000 Professionals, a force that marked him as a pinnacle figure within the Legendary realm. Olfira's grandfather, whose name had faded into obscurity or perhaps dared not be spoken, held the title of the unparalleled war Sage. His canonization had been an awe-inspiring event, an acknowledgment of his exceptional prowess. Some even believed that he had the power to shake the heavens. This indomitable figure was not only the founding father of the War-Ending Empire but also one of the twelve Sages of the human race.

It was this unparalleled war Sage who had played a pivotal role in the War-Ending Empire's separation from The Sunset Empire. William couldn't help but marvel at the disparity between individuals like him and these larger-than-life figures. "Why is there such a vast gap between people?" he wondered aloud. "Is it because your Grandmaster Mao has passed away while they continue to thrive?"

The twelve Sages of the Human at the end of the second era were all immensely powerful, even though they might not have reached the level of The Supreme God. During their time, there had been no equals to their might in the dark world, with the strongest figures only attaining the Sage Level.

However, over the years, the count had dwindled to just five of the twelve Sages of the Human race. The unparalleled war Sage of the War-Ending Empire was one, and the Sunset Emperor of The Sunset Empire was another. The remaining three Sages had disappeared, their fates sealed either in the battles against the dark invasion or through prolonged suffering due to irrevocable injuries.

As for those who might have faked their deaths, the truth remained shrouded in mystery. After all, most Sages met their end in battle, and the deaths of those who had passed away long ago were difficult to ascertain.

Returning his thoughts to the impending wedding, William pondered, "What gift should I give? I don't want to be too extravagant, but I can't arrive empty-handed either." He found himself uncomfortable with attending other people's weddings, despite the opportunities they presented.

While he mused over gift options, another question weighed on his mind: "In what capacity should I attend the wedding? The invitation clearly does not mention 'Elf Prince,' indicating that the Black Leaf, Moonlight, and Snow Elves will receive their own invitations. I need only represent Dawn City."

There were advantages and disadvantages to this arrangement. On the positive side, Caesar Jack had not labeled him as a Black Leaf Elf, making it easier for William to cooperate with the War-Ending Empire in military and commercial matters. However, the downside was that he lacked the Elf prince label, which could potentially expose him to greater risks if he were to clash with certain factions.

The power of the human Empire was a force to be reckoned with, and the Elves were not often well-received. As William contemplated the uniqueness of Caesar Jack's wedding, he realized that it marked the prince as a contender for the throne, albeit one with minimal chances. Such princes lacked significant influence and recognition, confined to practicing within the Imperial Palace without the opportunity to make a mark on the world.

The succession process within the human Empire was intriguing. Emperors openly designated which princes had a shot at inheriting the throne, prompting these royal heirs to vie for dominance and supremacy. As long as their actions did not harm the empire's interests or result in fratricide, their pursuits were considered within the rules.

The emperor, with input from cabinet ministers and his own preferences, would eventually choose the prince most worthy of the throne. The unchosen princes would have to cultivate their strength and gather support, hoping for the moment they would be recognized and named as contenders.

However, the longer a prince remained unnamed, the slimmer their chances of inheriting the throne became. Success in this competition depended on the strength and influence a prince could amass. Every contest for the throne marked a reshuffling of imperial forces, and the princes sought to gradually strip the emperor of power, step by step.

The path to gaining that power was not straightforward, and William found himself contemplating how he could secure his place in this intricate game of politics and power.

Building New Alliances

The pursuit of power and influence, as well as the means to control them, were critical lessons for those with aspirations of inheriting thrones. The War-Ending Empire Emperor, in grooming his successors, aimed to cultivate an imperial mindset within them. He wanted them to learn the intricacies of wielding power and authority.

In the grand arena of the human empire's throne battles, every ascension marked a restructuring of imperial forces. While it led to a loss of some established power, it also injected vitality into the empire by introducing new forces. The human Empire was never short of individuals capable of ascending to greater heights, but the vastness of the empire meant that opportunities often only arose when those above them vacated their positions.

Currently, the second prince, Caesar Jack, stood as the most formidable contender with the strongest support. His unique status as a mage garnered the backing of various influential entities within the empire, including the Magic Temple, Magic Academy, powerful magicians, and even the neutral Beast City.

Caesar Jack had a powerful ally in the form of the unparalleled war Sage, although Sages typically refrained from interfering in the throne competition. Instead, they focused on their own pursuits, uninterested in the political games of succession. Caesar's father-in-law, an Imperial General and an Empire Marquis, also lent his support. Moreover, Caesar's upbringing in the Imperial Fighting College added to his cadre of supporters.

Prince Haramoto was another heir in contention for the throne. However, Caesar Jack's unexpected act of gifting a Fruit of Life, which miraculously healed much of the War-Ending Empire Emperor's injuries and extended his life, propelled him into the race for the throne. This gift paved the way for his marriage to Olfira, the great-granddaughter of the unparalleled war Sage.

The first and third princes, born of the same mother and father, chose a different path. Recognizing their brother's ascendant power, the third prince withdrew from the throne race, channeling his support behind his elder sibling. What seemed like a wedding ceremony was, in reality, a display of the forces aligned behind Caesar Jack.

Fortunately, Prince Haramoto had long recognized the potential in supporting Caesar Jack when he first sold the Fruit of Life. Even in his previous life, where the great prince ultimately ascended to the throne, he knew that Caesar Jack, even without the life-giving fruit, had come close to becoming the new emperor a few years later.

With the great prince amassing an array of powerful supporters, William understood that supporting him would yield limited returns. In the vast tapestry of the empire, a prince's individual contributions could easily be forgotten. Instead, William's gift of the Fruit of Life had left a lasting impression on Caesar and the War-Ending Empire Emperor. The great emperor had bestowed dozens of favors upon him, indicating that William's actions had not been forgotten.

Strikingly, the sale of the Fruit of Life had also diminished the favor of the first and third princes, albeit only slightly. Even if William chose not to support Caesar Jack, it would not change the course of events. The great prince remained determined to ascend the throne, and once he held imperial power, he would undoubtedly seek retribution for past wrongs.

William couldn't help but feel the allure of supporting a prince within the human Empire. The investments were substantial, but the returns were equally significant. After all, when supporting a prince, it was crucial to be remembered and valued, not just by the prince but also by the empire itself.

Considering his options, William decided on a suitable gift. "Ten thousand magic crystals," he mused. These strategic resources would provide Caesar Jack a considerable advantage in various fields. Fortunately, he had a source of magic crystals, with a mine at his disposal. Gathering the necessary resources, he made the arrangements to present this gift.

With his investments secure, William had little to worry about. Caesar Jack's rise to power, though initially fraught with uncertainty, promised immense returns once he ascended to the throne. William's primary task now was to continue supporting the second prince.

The key difference between his current life and the previous one was Caesar Jack's marriage to the unparalleled war Sage's great-granddaughter. This alliance further solidified William's resolve to back Caesar, as it indicated that the War-Ending Empire Emperor had high hopes for his filial prince and had secured a formidable ally.

"Very well," William decided. "I will attend the War-Ending Empire's wedding in three days." Preparations were in order, as a potential confrontation with the forces behind the great prince loomed on the horizon. Nonetheless, it was essential to remember that Caesar Jack's wedding was not the arena for open conflict. Most confrontations would likely occur behind the scenes, as various factions vied for influence.

"As the Lord of a neutral force," William thought, "I must have some cards up my sleeve. I cannot attend alone." His mind turned to the Blood Moon Dark Witch, a valuable ally who could strengthen his position. If possible, he also contemplated bringing along Brother Jie's Legendary Golden Dragon to make it clear that Dawn City was not to be trifled with.

However, beings like the Ashen Guardian, Diablo, and Violent Dragon would have to wait for their moment. Only when they attained epic status would they possess the necessary standing and strength to partake in such high-stakes affairs.

William's thoughts shifted to another matter. "Most importantly, if I stand alongside Caesar Jack, I have an additional reason to confront the Royal Beast City." The exorbitant prices charged by the Royal Beast City for his Beast might well be due to their support for the great prince.

In the intricate game of power, alliances were forged and strategies honed, all in pursuit of the ultimate prize, the throne of the human Empire.

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