
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 425: Underground Explosions

Attempting to take down a soil wizard with mere fists might seem foolish to some, but for Prince William, it was a challenge he was more than willing to embrace. In fact, he aimed not for just two punches, but at least three, targeting the earth mage who was now on his home turf, deep within the subterranean world.

Hamel, the earth mage, had constructed a formidable defense for himself, encasing his body within an enchanted earthen sphere. He relied on earth magic to restrain and entangle William, recognizing that his only chance of survival lay in these desperate measures. Even if he endured two of William's devastating punches, even if his ribs shattered and his heart nearly stopped, he believed he could withstand the onslaught long enough to retaliate.

Inside the solid earthen ball, Hamel fought to maintain his defenses. However, he could not deter William's relentless assault. Each of the prince's punches carried an overwhelming force, obliterating any magic barriers in their path. In a matter of seconds, William's blows rendered Hamel's magical defenses ineffective.

In the span of just three seconds, Hamel found himself reeling from a relentless barrage. The earthen sphere surrounding him crumbled, reduced to little more than a pool of mud. His body, once a bastion of strength, now lay in tatters, with bones and flesh reduced to a state of near-ruin. Had it not been for the elemental energy he had condensed within himself, death would have claimed him.

Yet, the assault ceased as abruptly as it had begun. For thirteen seconds, there was no follow-up attack. Hamel, battered and disoriented, slowly regained his senses. He surmised that reinforcements had arrived and decided to let the elusive Half-Elf escape for the time being.

During this brief respite, William took action. With practiced precision, he employed the magic of soul resurrection on Hamel's fallen form. The earth mage was granted a precarious second chance at life.

In the next moment, Prince William turned his attention to his surroundings, rapidly digging in a chosen direction. Hamel, who had just regained his composure, watched the Half-Elf's movements with bewilderment. First, William retrieved a set of magic robes and draped them over Hamel's battered body. Then, in another direction, the prince employed earth magic to fashion an underground tunnel.

As William continued to dig, a series of explosions resonated through the underground chamber. A Legendary fire department leader, accompanied by several epic Professionals, punched through a nearby wall and descended upon the scene. Their arrival was swift and resolute.

The leader of the Legendary fire department, known for his impulsive nature, surveyed the area with a discerning eye. His gaze fell upon Hamel, who sat battered and broken on the ground, still alive despite his dire condition. With a harsh grip on Hamel's neck, the fire department leader demanded, "The Holy Vein is of utmost importance. Someone breached its defenses. Why did you not raise the alarm immediately? Where did the intruder go?"

Hamel, still dazed and struggling to speak through bloodied lips, weakly Pointed in a direction, hoping to provide some assistance. However, his credibility was questionable given his current state, and the fire department leader remained cautious.

Aware of the danger posed by the mysterious intruder, the Legendary fire department leader refrained from pursuing a single tunnel blindly. Instead, he directed his subordinates to investigate all available passages. The underground labyrinth was fraught with uncertainty, and they needed to be strategic in their pursuit.

As the discussion continued, an unexpected presence made itself known. A peculiar energy emanated from an unidentified source, prompting the fire department leader to issue a warning. "Be cautious," he advised his companions. He couldn't help but recall the enigmatic nature of the entity that had infiltrated the Holy Vein. It was essential to remain vigilant.

Moments later, the inexplicable energy surged, and the epic Professional named Tyler Taylor acted swiftly. Remembering the uncanny events surrounding Hamel, he instinctively reached for the earth mage's head. His recollection was accurate; the untraceable vitality he sensed should not belong to a living being.

However, Tyler's attempt to detain Hamel was met with a shocking transformation. The earth mage's body rapidly expanded, and an overwhelming surge of energy radiated outward.


The resulting explosion was cataclysmic, sending shockwaves throughout the underground cavern and causing the surface above to quake. Soil, stones, and even buildings were propelled skyward, creating a chaotic spectacle. The concussive force reverberated throughout the entire city, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

For several seconds, the city endured the upheaval, as dirt, debris, and shattered structures were launched into the air. The palace walls and residences of prominent individuals suffered extensive damage, as though they had been struck by the force of a magical cannon.

Once the tumultuous energy had settled, a massive crater marked the site of the explosion. The once-stable ground had transformed into a chaotic wasteland, spanning hundreds of meters in length. The devastation was a chilling testament to the power unleashed in that underground confrontation.

As the dust and debris gradually dissipated, a group of Professionals and experts descended from above, drawn by the seismic disturbances that had shaken the city. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they surveyed the aftermath of the explosion, struggling to comprehend the extent of the devastation.

One question loomed large in their minds: What had transpired beneath the surface to trigger such a cataclysmic event?

William resembled a diligent shepherd, fervently collecting his wool, magical spars, in a flurry of rapid movements. Since his incursion into the Holy Vein realm, he had already filled three space rings with these precious magical crystals. Although the process had brought him ample dirt alongside the spars, the quantity he had amassed exceeded a staggering 30 million.

With his proficiency in soul recovery magic, William had no intention of allowing others to aid him in this endeavor. He had no desire to protract the situation any further than necessary. He had entered the Holy Vein with a singular goal, his own death, which he intended to bring about swiftly.

As he continued to fill his space rings with magical spars, he sensed the impending crisis drawing nearer. He felt that he could not linger for much longer and would soon be forced to make a hasty escape.

In the face of this looming threat, William had no intention of standing his ground. True courage, he believed, lay in the ability to flee when necessary, and he intended to do so with elegance and grace.

However, before he could execute his escape, a brilliant flash of golden-yellow lightning enveloped his figure. An ethereal incarnation of thunder manifested in his place, remaining in the spot where William had stood previously. This electric entity held three space rings and resumed William's previous work with even greater proficiency, agility, and an air of nonchalance.

In just two seconds, the incarnated figure of Sage Ray appeared before William, launching a punch imbued with boundless flames directly at the thunderous entity. The explosion that followed was deafening, and the countless flames seemed poised to consume the Holy Thunder Incarnation.

Even the surface, several kilometers above, showed signs of cracking, and molten-like flames erupted from the depths below, threatening to breach the earth's surface. The spectacle was so surreal that it defied imagination, a testament to the ferocious battle unfolding beneath the ground.

Yet, Sage Ray's Incarnation remained unscathed, continuing to gather magical spars with unwavering resolve. It even cast a glance back at its assailant, as though noting Taylor for future reference, as one might mark a passage in a book.

Taylor, stupefied by the spectacle before him, could hardly believe his eyes. He questioned aloud, "How is this possible? Aren't you an Epic Level being?" Taylor, a Legendary figure, had no fear of death. The Sage was unlikely to descend personally, and he was confident in his ability to emerge unscathed.

Taylor's fists struck out once more, delivering a barrage of punches aimed at the Holy Thunder Incarnation. To his astonishment, these hundreds of punches proved utterly ineffectual. Not only did they fail to harm the entity, but they also resulted in the fracturing of Taylor's own hand bones. The entity had used its left hand to effortlessly parry Taylor's attacks, revealing its astonishing physical resilience.

In addition to its physical prowess, the Incarnation of Sage Ray exuded a divine aura, reminiscent of Thunder God's left hand. This divine presence set it apart as something extraordinary.

Taylor, a Legendary Professional with over a thousand years of experience, possessed knowledge of gods and their peculiarities. He speculated that the Incarnation of Sage Ray might be a deity, a newborn one at that. The Fourth Age was Dawn, and the arrival of new gods was no longer inconceivable.

However, Taylor did not immediately equate William with the Incarnation of Sage Ray. The difference in power between the two was too vast to ignore.

As Taylor struggled to understand the situation, the Incarnation of Sage Ray effortlessly continued collecting magical spars, remaining calm and unhurried. Taylor inquired, "What kind of creature are you with such formidable strength? Instead of risking yourself, why not align with the Orc Empire? We can provide you with a steady supply of magical spars, allowing you to reside within the vein and cultivate your power."

The Incarnation of Sage Ray, enveloped in yellow lightning and radiating an air of mystery, did not reveal its true form. However, its alternative aura spoke volumes about its Epic Level capabilities.

Taylor had no illusions about stopping the Incarnation of Sage Ray from collecting magical spars. "Please consider our offer," he implored, acknowledging the entity's potential as a powerful ally. "You could even become a true god without the need for divine ascent. Joining forces with our Orc Empire would secure your future."

The Incarnation of Sage Ray responded with a cold, robotic tone, "I will consider it." With those words, it turned to leave, its intention clear, to make a hasty exit.

Although Taylor was initially unwilling to let the entity depart, he sensed a hint of doubt and sincerity in its gaze. It resembled a newborn, skeptical of others' intentions and motives. The entity seemed to question why it should trust Taylor when trust had not been reciprocated.

Taylor hesitated momentarily, his instincts guiding him. He decided to extend an offer of goodwill, making an "OK" gesture as a gesture of agreement. He reasoned that this gesture might be an expression of gratitude from a nascent god.

Ten seconds later, as the entity made its way toward Taylor, he observed that the being did more than simply gesture. It bore a wide smile, one filled with sincerity and kindness. The entity signaled its readiness to depart with a final "OK" gesture before resuming its path.

Taylor, though perplexed, mirrored the gesture in kind. He recognized that forging an alliance with a natural deity could greatly benefit the Orc Empire, potentially elevating its status among other races.

However, Taylor had not yet connected William to the Incarnation of Sage Ray due to their significant disparity in power. Instead, he focused on the notion that new gods could emerge during the Fourth Age. He recalled Lord Altai's teachings, which indicated that such gods could gain strength by consuming magical energy and magical spars.

The Incarnation of Sage Ray's audacious foray into the Orc Empire's royal city to collect magical spars suggested that it sought to augment its power through this means.

Taylor's mind was abuzz with thoughts, yet he remained res

olute in his convictions. He had acted in the best interests of the Orc Empire and its potential alliance with a nascent deity. If the entity chose to reside within the empire, the benefits could be immeasurable.

As the Incarnation of Sage Ray continued its collection of magical spars and departed, Taylor's mouth remained curved in a satisfied smile. He contemplated the praises and rewards that might await him, confident in his decision to extend an offer of alliance to the fledgling deity.

Ultimately, Taylor believed in the potential for a deity born of nature, guided by destiny, to influence the course of events during the Fourth Age. The emergence of such a powerful being had the potential to reshape the world in ways beyond imagination.