
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
143 Chs

Chapter 20

I finished my evening jog and came indoors to see an outraged security. They were told by the council that I will be protected by the old ones. Since I was one of respected vampire elders. I made it clear that I will be visiting a few friends who know how to keep silent about our kind. They didn't seemed to mind since I am infamously known to only spend time with those that keep their mouths shut. People whose loyalty can't be questioned. This made it hard for even the most experienced tracker to find me.

I had two types of guardians. Werewolves as daylight guardians. Vampires as nocturnal guardians. I made no objections when I saw Batou. I ran to hug him. He hugged me back and he happily kissed my forehead like a loving uncle. I was overjoyed to see that he had survived. Turns out I had rescued his brother from the research building. So for that alone he has sworn to serve me. I wanted to take him to the Citadel where he would love the view of the place. He said we will try that another time. He wanted to know what else I found out from the place. I simply placed my hand on his head and showed him everything. I learned that during my stay at the Citadel. I unknowningly connected with a werewolf and I was able to learn this new skill. I showed him everything that I saw and he was shocked. He wanted to know how I did that. I explained that werewolves are telepathically linked with one another that is what makes them such an excellent hunters. This annoyed the security guys as they realized that they had been humanized. They were sent to the guard the eastern coven. I was made the head of the northern coven the same as my grandfather the first vampire was.

I finished my high school education and got me a diploma. Which Batou jokingly retorted that it had taken me nearly three centuries to get it. I ignored him as I stuck it on the fridge. I sat down and closed my eyes to watch memories of my days in Green dale. Batou wanted to know what was going on. I simply explained that I am recalling the day I saw Cain brought in as a slave. I had to barter a lot to secure his release. The best part is no one knew who he was. There were those that wanted him but I freed him. He chose to stay me. He taught me how to use an anvil and hammer to make all sorts of stuff. He and I would patrol the property I had purchased from people that liked to kidnap girls and do horrific things to them. He would guard the east and I would guard the west. The humans slaves we had purchased and freed knew who we were but they didn't care. They made it their mission to help us since they wrongfully taken from their homes.

I opened my eyes to see that my entire security team was listening to what I was saying. They were surprised since they assumed that I was going to be the one that would oppose the idea of werewolves and vampires coexisting. I admitted that there are those that would break the peace but actually this was my vision. Unity amongst the immortals. They smiled at me as I showed them my time in Green dale. They got to see that Cain was alive and well when I had left. I showed them the sad news of his suicide. They mourned his death and swore that they will protect me from the worst out there. I told them that they should start preparing for a zombie attack. Since I saw the machine city imbeciles were working on it. This infuriated them a lot. I showed them what I managed to dig up before I was interrupted. They had designed a new deadly zombie using the vampire and werewolf blood.

I made a promise to them that I will find out what else was going on. They asked me if I could flit into the mind of a human. I made it clear that they will be a vegetable before I count to three. They wanted to know if I had done this before and I have done it to a bunch intruders from Saber. This made them step forward wanting explicit details. I took a deep breath before I showed them the memory.

I had just buried a few of my security after an attack from zombies. I was checking the perimeter when these guys showed up like it was their grandma's house. Batou was heard laughing in the background. The first to approach was a woman in her late twenties. She had a broken rifle in her hand. She kept talking through something that wrapped around her throat. Her face was painted in various shades of green. I asked her if she was playing cowboys and Indians. She said that there is one hostile. I reminded her that this is my property so she is not allowed to call me a hostile. She gave me a look before she added that the owner of this property isn't happy to see her. I told her to turn around and get out of here or I will what is left of my security to kill her. She reported that to her superior. I heard from the radio that he will show up in a few minutes to debrief me. I screamed and the others came running out of concern. They saw the human and pointed their guns at her. She reported that I had summoned security. They looked like trained soldiers. She raised her hands to say she means us no harm.

About a minute later five people walked out of the trees. One of them was injured. They demanded that my security come with them to fight those things. Marcus made it clear that he has no interest in joining a band of imbeciles. He gave them two choices either they can walk out of here in one piece or he can shoot them. After which his brothers can throw them in the blazing pit. There were only six of the intruders while there were thirty them. The guy holding the injured one started blaring something about the law that allows the military to deputize anyone.

Marcus changed the color of his eyes and exposed his fangs and roared. His brothers pointed their guns and began shooting. The military had ran out of bullets so they had no choice but to run. They left the injured one behind but I injured the rest of the soldiers one by one. I threw a spear at the abdomen of one person. I threw my dagger at the second one. He ducked so I ran headlong and rammed him to a huge rock. He coughed violently and fell down. The next one tried to punch me but I broke his arm in three places and kicked him in the gut. The next guy choked him till he passed out. The last one tried to hide but I picked him up and flew into the air and dropped him. His leg broke the fall. It shattered his leg. I wanted to know what they were up to. I flit into one of their minds. It was too much for the person to bare so his brain just seized. He went from alive and chatty to lethargic in a few seconds. I saw the light in his eyes dim and he froze. He was still alive but was a shell of a person. So I tried it again and had the same result. Eventually I got pissed off so I had to use hypnosis to get my answers. The werewolves were impressed with my skill sets. We shook hands to say no hard feelings and let bygones be bygones.