
Chapter 3: Getting New Clothes

Now that I look at myself, I have changed quite a lot.

I'm taller, around 6 feet and 5 inches, I've grown quite a few muscle with a six pack. My black hair has grown longer all the way to my back and from the way my face feels, I believe that I've grown more handsome.

Though I wouldn't say that my body looks like its been crafted by gods, it is definitely up there on the scale.

"Hey system, how do I use my customizable clothes?"(Alex)

[Host just needs to think of using them and think of a design for them]

"Alright, thank you system"(Alex)

Though I was a little peeved by the system calling me host all the time, I could overlook it since I needed to get some clothes. So I just thought that I wanted to use the customizable clothes and after some time a notification popped up in front of me.

[Does host wish to use the 'Free Customizable Clothes (Head)(Torso)(Arms)(Legs), Grade: God - Rank 9'?]



As I said yes, I closed my eyes and thought about a Chinese costume I saw on the internet. It was kind of like a wuxia cultivation costume with white and red as the main colors and with black and gold highlight.(Author's Note: I'm really sorry if you can't understand this, I suck at describing things, thanks for your understanding)

When I suddenly felt something on me, I opened my eyes to see the costume I was thinking of on me. For the torso part of the costume, I had an orange-reddish coat with a white one over it and a red coat over it with black edges and gold highlights with a black belt around it and then there was another white coat over that with black edges.

For the arms part I had a simple leather arm guard with golden dragon drawings on it, though it looked simple, it radiated a lot of power and holiness. For the legs, I had some black silk pants that felt good to the touch and some black boots since I didn't like the chinese shoes and found them uncomfortable. Though I didn't have anything for the head part.

[Do to host not providing anything for the 'Free Customizable Clothes (Head), Grade: God - Rank 9', it has been delivered back to your inventory for future use.]

"Oh, thanks system"(Alex)

Now that I was no longer naked, I had room to think on what to do next.

I also needed to come up with a name since it seems like my old one won't work. As I was think of a name, I remembered when I was searching some Greek language and came up with a good name.

"System can I have my name be Theos Ktistes?"(Alex)

[Yes you can host.]

"Then please put my name as Theos Ktistes"(Alex)

[Does Host wish to put your name as 'Theos Ktistes'?]




[Name has been changed to 'Theos Ktistes']



-Name: Theos Ktistes

-Race: True God

-Gender: Male

-Age: 0

-Lifespan: ∞

-Domain: True God of Creation and Light

-Title: The One True God, True God of Creation, True God of Light, True God of All


-HP: ∞

-MP: ∞

-PA(Physical Attack Power): ∞

-MA(Magic Attack Power): ∞

-Strength: ∞

-Agility: ∞

-Endurance: ∞

-Intelligence: ∞

-Wisdom: ∞

-Charisma: ∞

-Skills: N/A


-Head: N/A

-Torso: Theos Ktistes' Coats

-Arms: Golden Dragon Arm Gurads

-Legs: Theos Ktistes' Pants and Boots]

I feel like the name fits well with me since "Theos" means "god" in greek and "Ktistes" means "the Creator" in greek. Since I am a god of creation, I felt like that was a good name for me and I also like the way it sounds.

Though it seems like my gear has its own name now, though its plain and simple.

"System, can you show me the status of my equipment?"(Theos)

[Theos Ktistes' Coats (Torso)

-Grade: God

-Rank: 9


+50 Billion Strength

+50 Billion Endurance

+10 Billion Charisma

-Passive Skills: Mana Augmentation and Appraisal]

[Golden Dragon Arm Guards (Arms)

-Grade: God

-Rank: 9


+100 Billion Strength

+100 Billion Endurance

-Passive Skills: Godly Fire Resistance and Godly Fire Damage

-Active Skills: Golden Dragon's Fire, Godly Mana Shield, and Golden Dragon's Manifestation.]

[Theos Ktistes' Pants and Boots (Legs)

-Grade: God



+100 Billion Agility

+80 Billion Endurance

-Passive Skills: Godly Agility Enhancement, Godly Wind Resistance, and Godly Wind Damage

-Active Skills: Godly Wind Control, Air Walk, and Superior Hide Presence]

"Wow, this is some good equipment and the skills seem powerful" (Theos)

"System can you show me the description of the skills." (Theos)

[Mana Augmentation - It will help the user with controlling their own mana and make the user's spells more powerful.

Appraisal - Will help the user see the status of living organisms and objects to a certain degree.

Godly Fire Resistance - It will give the user immunity to fires that are lower tier than god tier flames and give a decent resistance to god tier flames.

Godly Fire Damage - It will greatly increase the power of the user's fire based attacks.

Golden Dragon's Fire - It is a golden fire that takes the shape of a dragon with the power to destroy a world within seconds.

Godly Mana Shield - It creates a magic shield that will block all attacks under god tier and will block most attacks on god tier.

Golden Dragon's Manifestation - It will manifest a golden dragon that will fight for the user and will last as long as the user supplies mana to it with the golden dragon having the power to destroy or take over a world.

Godly Agility Enhancement - It will greatly enhance the user's agility to the level of a God.

Godly Wind Resistance - It will grant the user with complete immunity to wind base attack lower than god tier and a decent resistance to wind base attack at god tier.

Godly Wind Damage - It will greatly increase the damage of the user's wind base attacks.

Godly Wind Control - It will grant the user the ability to control the wind like a God.

Air Walk - It will grant the user the ability to walk on air.

Superior Hide Presence - It will grant the user the ability to completely hide their presence from any mortal.]

"This are some great skill, but why do they appear here system?"(Theos)

[They were granted to the equipment according to how the Host viewed the equipment and the equipment's characteristics and some of the skill were granted to the Host until you are able to create them yourself.]

"Oh, thanks system and can you tell me the tiers or ranking system for skills?"(Theos)

[The ranking for skills is Low, Mid, High, and Superior for Mortals and Demi-God, God, Major God, and True God for Gods.]

Well that fairly simple and easy to follow. Now that I've gathered some information, I guess its time for me to customize this space.

"Hey system, how do I customize this space?"(Theos)

[Host first needs to completely establish this space as your territory and connect your soul to it.]

"How do I do that?"(Theos)

[Host just need to feel the mana inside of you and send it out and cover the whole space with it, I will take care of making a link]

"Alright then"(Theos)

So I just have to feel the mana inside of me.

As I closed my eyes and focused to try and feel something within me, I immediately felt an amazing amount of energy withing me. It felt like it was bottomless and like it had no end. I guess that's my infinity amount of mana.

Though it does look kind of cool, it looks like the space with everything being almost black with stars around and different kinds of colors just flowing around like an ocean, and as I tried to control it and move it around, it did just that. No matter what command I gave it, it always did what I said.

So since I already felt it, I tried to take the energy out of my body and spread it around the white space. The energy did just that and went out of my body and immediately spread around and I could feel how far it was going and were the energy was. Though it took around three minutes to completely cover this space since it was quite large and since I was still new to this.

"Done, system start making the link"(Theos)

[Forming a link between Host and space......Link Formed]

When the link was formed, I felt like I was connected to this space. I could feel how big it was and the state of it. I also felt like I could feel everything that was in here, though there's nothing right now.

"So how do I customize this space?"(Theos)

[Host just needs to control your mana and thing of what you want to create]

So I just have to imagine what I want to create and use my mana for it. That sounds simple.


[Skill 'True God's Creation' has been created]

"Well I think this is alright" I say that while marveling at my work.

I made my territory into a beautiful forest with a lot of plant life and some small animals like squirrels running around and at the center of my territory I've made a really big tree and a very beautiful clear pond surrounding it with the tree at the center. Beside the pond I made a beautiful and peaceful house with some vines growing beside it.

I made it like this since I've always wanted to live in a peaceful place with Natasha and Starr, and I want this to be a place were we can live peacefully once I'm able to revive them.

Though I didn't think that creating all of this would be so easy. All I had to do was gather mana in a certain place and then think of what I wanted to create and then will it to happen and it was just created. Though I learned that the more mana you use to create something, the more powerful and precise it comes out.

It was also very easy feeling and controlling the mana even though I am new to all of this, I guess its one of the perks of being a True God. So with all of the mana I used to create this perfectly, I believe that everything that I have created will be really valuable.

"I guess now that I'm finished creating my home I have to create the universe"(Theos)

'Wow, never thought I'll every say those words, and I actually have the ability to do it'(Theos)

"So how do I create a universe, do I just do the same thing I did with my space?"(Theos)

[Host is right but Host also needs to have another component for creating a universe.]

"And what is that?"(Theos)

[Host needs the help of your opposite or the being that is your opposite to create a stable universe.]


[Because there has to be a balance for the universe to be stable and Host will be the light side while the opposite being will the dark side of the balance.]

"Ok then, so how do I find this opposite being?"(Theos)

Well I could kind of understand what the system is saying since I also believe that everything needs to have a balance and that that's important.

[Host does not need to worry since I have already created that being for you out of energy from the void while Host's body was being created. I took some of your energy to make the being related to you.]

"So were is that being?"(Theos)

[She is right out side of your space in the void, in a section sealed of just for her to be her territory.]


[Yes Host, while I was creating her she turned out to be female, you could say that she is your sister.]

"Wow, this day just keeps getting better and better, first I turn into a God and now I have a sister."(Theos)

I should really stop getting surprised by all of the things that are happening since I'm sure that there will other things in the future that will surprise. So I should just get used to it. But damn, can't believe I have a sister now.

"Well let's stop making my sister wait, let's go meet her."(Thoes)



Please read the author's note.

Well sorry that I was gone for a while, I'm not going to make any excuses and just tell you guys that I just got a bit lazy and stopped. (Per usual (e_e) - It)

But now I'm back and I'll continue to keep writing this book since I really enjoy this.

I also got a friend helping me write this now and it will help me write this, edit, and come up with ideas for the novel.(The co-author told me to call it 'it', so yeah)

The co-author is "just_a_nerd", so yeah.

And you don't have to worry about me every dropping this novel since I will try to continue for as long as I can and there might be times were there will be not chapters posted for quite a while since I am a junior in high school and I have to prioritize my education over this, sorry.

Thanks to those that actually still reading this book(I don't know how), but thanks for real and I hope that you still at least have this book in your library and have some patience with me. Thank you :)


Co-Author's Note: Hello, I am "it". I am the author's best friend. The author is really lazy and weird so I will keep him on track for y'all. Thank you for reading this book it really makes him happy.

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