
I am a girl with no fate

Victor dies ridiculously suffocated by an octopus. He then awakens in a ruin underground in Victoria's body. Where she meets a tentacle monster… Will be able to survive in this dark phantasy world?

Erick_H · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Intruders in my sacred temple of love

At first, Gor only made "sounds" carrying his will, but I think little by little he is learning from me.

It's just wonderful how quickly he learns. He can now say his name, and for the first time he called me by my name, I almost died of emotion.

Curious and careful not to disturb Gor, I approach the light filtering through the hole in the room's ceiling. He kindly allows me to examine my body by extending the tentacle of his attached to my back. Standing just below the hole in the ceiling, I examine my body.

I see nothing wrong with my body except the shade of my now completely black hair that falls to the bottom of my thighs, sliding over my smooth, pale skin.

Now that I notice it, I think I'm a little taller. My proportions also seem much more generous. I stopped thinking about it, but it has been many years since I have been Gor's wife.

If my loved one decided to modify my body in this way, it must be because it is the best for me. What more could I want? I have everything and even more than I always dreamed of.

It's not like I have the desire to eat or drink again; it's as if those functions so basic for any living being were completely foreign to my new and much improved self.

While I was deep in thought, I saw something that I had not seen in all these years. Little by little, a white fog materialized in front of me and then quickly took the shape of my "state", which I thought I would never see again.

Name: Victoria Nightsun

Level: 9

Age: 25 years

Race: Lesser nether demon

Class: /Error/

Profession: /Error/


Health 62/62

Mana 125/125

Stamina: 48/57


Might: 11

Dexterity: 16

Resilience: 51

Mind: 18(+2)

Spirit: 35 (Fixed)

Presence: 21

Fate: 0


Fire: 66%

Water: 10%

Wind: 14%

Space: 99%

Darkness: 75%

Demonic: 99%


Wandering soul

Servant of the /Error/


Firebolt lv3

Fireball lv5

Analysis lv15

Language Comprehension lv35 (Fixed)

Fencing lv1

Enchant Weapon lv1

/Error/ lv 35 (Fixed)


Unholy Bond (Permanent)

Extreme happiness Mind(+2)

— Oh my God, this is incredible. I am so happy, my stats are extremely high, I finally stopped being completely useless. —

With emotion flooding my entire being, I desperately ran to hug the main body of my beloved husband.

Gor looks very happy and responds by gently caressing my face, as if the most sublime silk scarf in the world caresses my cheeks, expressing all his love and deep affection.

— But it seems that I'm not even a human being anymore... something as insignificant as that matters when I'm so happy? —

I don't know how in the world anyone can deserve to be as happy as me; it's not an exaggeration, but now every second of my life is just bliss. Little by little, the pleasant hum in my head lulls me until I fall asleep peacefully.



Our lives were nothing but happiness and love until today, this unfortunate day, when I first heard a noise coming from the ceiling of the room. I believe that something has arrived at our sacred place, something dares to disturb our heavenly kingdom.

— How does anyone dare invade my sacred temple of supreme happiness?! No, no, no, I will not forgive you for such an offense, nor would dying a hundred times be sufficient punishment against such vile and inconsiderate creatures! —

I'm so upset that my whole body is shaking. I am unable to control the spasms, and I clench my teeth so hard that I hear them creak as my entire world turns red.

Anger consumes me completely; it is a totally fierce and uncontrollable feeling. Luckily, Gor notices how upset I am, and he sends a powerful buzz inside my head, loud enough to calm me down almost immediately.

I feel dizzy and confused; I have a hard time controlling my own body; and I even think my saliva is leaking out of my mouth, but that does not matter.

When I was about to speak to my beloved husband again, he wrapped one of his tentacles around my neck, preventing me from making any sound. The bones in my neck creak under the pressure; it hurts a lot, but I am still grateful to him for preventing the stupid me from making the mistake of revealing our location to those inferior beings.

I swear, I will never let them hurt us. I am willing to kill anyone who even dares to look at you with their dirty and despicable eyes; they are not worthy of even contemplating your perfection.

I swear on our eternal love, and I will never let any bitch dare touch you with her disgusting and dirty hands.

I could never stand something like that; never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, I could!

The anger increases again as I imagine how the heads of Emilia, Irene, or even my own mother would fly off after being torn off if they had the nerve to try to steal just one of the caresses that, by right, belong only to me.

The buzz in my head becomes even louder. I feel like a warm liquid runs through my ears and eyes. With one hand, I check what it is, and I realize that it is my own blood.

— Such a pathetic and weak body. —

I sighed with disdain.

Minutes pass; little by little, I calm down, and Gor decides to remove the tentacle from around my neck. I mentally prepare myself so that when I sees the first inferior being appear through that hole, I can instantly cast an offensive spell to kill it on the spot.

Gor also prepares to fight, hiding the four main tentacles from him and carefully placing me in the center of his body next to his eye while ten tentacles stand in front of me, changing their texture and appearance to what look like plates of jet black metal.

The others also change shape, becoming pointed and sharp like spears of darkness prepared to stab even the despicable gods.

The scarce light is reflected distortedly on the edge of his tentacles, as if it were afraid of being cut by such perfect darkness.

The tension grows, my anxiety increases, and my breathing becomes labored. The hours go by, and to our relief, little by little, the sounds fade away.

Even so, we are not so careless as to let our guard down; we remain prepared to fight with all our might.

After a few hours pass without hearing any noise again, Gor finally relaxes, ceasing to be in a combat position. He relaxes his tentacles, and they return to normal.

I try to catch my breath and lean against a wall. My legs shake from the stress that my entire body was subjected to for hours, but fortunately the tentacle on my back helps me maintain my balance, preventing me from falling pathetically to the ground.

After I calm down, I start to think and reflect on the changes in my personality and how, for me, killing people seems like a very easy choice to make.

Even when I was on duty in the desert, I couldn't do something as easy as kill a child who was driving a car bomb, and as a result of my own stupidity, I ended up seriously injured, and people I considered friends died. I was an idiot; it was all my fault.

What would you do if that same car came towards us and tried to hurt Gor? Of course, without thinking for a second, I would kill him on the spot, although only if it were possible would I do it without pain. I still have some mercy in my heart.

I would then search using all means necessary until I found those responsible, and when I finally found and caught them, I would have tortured them for months. The cowards responsible for an attack on my beloved deserve nothing more than to experience hell in life before their miserable death.

— Now that I see humans as small animals, of course I wouldn't like to torture cubs, but I don't feel any particular attachment to the species itself. —

I reflect out loud as I organize my thoughts as best I can.



It's been a day since intruders invaded our sanctuary of love. Today I woke up full of confidence, renewed, and determined. I turn my gaze towards Gor.

— My love, our sanctuary has been desecrated and is no longer a safe place for us to express our love in eternal peace and tranquility. —

Gor responds with his intention in an affirmative way.

— My King, we should find a way out of here, but I fear that wherever we go, we will be restless, fearing the day when those pesky lower life forms may break in and disrupt our perpetual happiness. —

Gor once again responds affirmatively to my words.

After pondering for a few hours, an idea occurs to me, and I do my best to explain our options in detail to the only god in my life. He agrees to the plan to leave this room and go into the outside world after understanding my words and thoughts, although of course things are not that easy, so I explain to him that we have two alternatives.

The first and easiest of all, but perhaps the least reliable, is to find an even more remote place to live. The bad thing is that this world is infested with ignorant lower life forms, and sooner or later they will come back to bother us.

— No matter how remote the place is, finding us again would be inevitable; the point would come where we have nowhere to go sooner or later, leaving us in this same situation. —

The second option, but the most risky, is to go out into the world to get stronger much faster than we are able to level up naturally here.

My stats are indeed very high, but without the right level or experience, I will always run the risk of receiving an unfortunate shot, and dying in one hit would be unfortunate.

— The premise I come up with is simple but reliable: become so strong that any place will be the safest place in the world. —

If any self-glorified rat dares to approach us without our express permission and consent, I will be able to exterminate it, regardless of whether it is a single lost adventurer, the entire imperial army, or even the emperor himself along with the two churches on the continent.

This plan carries its risks, and above all and by far, what bothers me most and torments my heart is that I can no longer dedicate one hundred percent of my time to my beloved Gor.

After explaining both options in great detail, Gor, the king of my life, is inclined to choose the second.

My heart sinks in my chest and tears fall from my eyes, but if it is what my loving husband wants, then it must be the right choice.

My job is to do the annoying tasks like thinking and coming up with plans to survive, but he is the one who always has the last word.

Well, maybe he won't always have the last word... At least it will be that way as long as nothing tries to take me away from him or take my place. If that happened, I would oppose him with all my strength to make him see reason again. Even if it goes against my beloved's wishes, there are things worth fighting for until death.

— Gor, my life, I am all yours, but you are also solely and exclusively mine, no one else's, and I swear on my life, putting our infinite love as witness, that it will continue to be that way for all eternity. —

I tell him as my nervous laugh escapes my mouth. Bad, bad, I'm getting off topic again.

After these years of living together, I understood that Gor does not think the same way I do. I know that he find it almost impossible to come up with complex plans, let alone think about the pesky details or countermeasures in the the case of hypothetical events that might arise.

If I think about it, it is normal that a superior being as wonderful as him should not bother with such absurd things or trifles, even less so when he has me to deal with these annoying tasks.

Unfortunately, we have the minor drawback that Gor is too big. It would be impossible for us not to attract attention.

Surely the stupid and ignorant hairless apes of this continent will attack us as soon as they see us due to their limited understanding of the wonders of life and the greatness of a perfect being like him.

I'm not worried about exterminating a bunch of flea-ridden, half-starved militiamen or cleaning out a couple of villages full of stinking serfs; I'm pretty sure Gor and I can do it easily.

— What really worries me and will not be easy for us is dealing with an elite subjugation squad such as Imperial guardian knights, S-class adventurers, or... a Holy Exterminator. —

— That really does scare me. The first two would be manageable to a point, but my skin crawls thinking about the last ones. Those terrifying crazy fanatic monsters are something I never want to encounter in my entire life if possible. —

I must devise a way in which we can move and remain unnoticed. The sacrilegious link that unites me to Gor is apparently the tentacle that is connected to my spine in my lower back, from which, in some way of which I do not know the details, dozens of small tentacles emerge that go up my spine and connect to my vital organs and end up reaching my brain.

That was the mental image that my beloved Gor sent me in his infinite kindness, which means that if I stupidly tried to take them off, I would end up dead instantly, but what is even worse, he would lose consciousness again, returning to his primitive state and being forced to hibernate again for who knows how long.

Knowing how deeply united we are makes me infinitely happy. My entire being is designed so that, using my brain, he can think and reason while also absorbing magical energy from the environment through me, since unfortunately, his body seems to nullify magic and mana.

In return, he generously takes care of all my biological and emotional needs. This is so beautiful and magical at the same time. Our marriage is the perfect symbiotic union.

After thinking and thinking, I came up with an idea that I think could solve our crossroads. I searched the ground for the metal artifact where Gor was when we met.

After searching for a while, I found it where it always was, exactly under his body.

— Why didn't you tell me, Gor? —

He seems to want to evade the question, but after my insistence, he makes me sleep by squeezing my neck with one of his tentacles.



When I woke up, I continued with my plan. I examined the artifact in detail, but contrary to my first impression, this definitely does not appear to be a sealing matrix, as I had hastily assumed when I first saw it.

I feel residual space magic rather than holy or demonic magic. It's common sense to use magic with opposite affinity if you're looking to confine something within a seal, but this artifact doesn't follow that logic.

This means that the artifact was not created to seal him but rather could have been constructed to serve as a nexus or portal, sharing an affinity with the target, making it easier to open at will from within.

My face lit up with a melancholy smile. This means that Gor decided to leave of his own free will with the sole purpose of saving the insignificant me of that time.

— Gor, my love, I think I know how to go out without any creature daring to see you without our permission. —

I tell him that while I laugh maniacally and smile coldly, looking at the ceiling light, I moisten my lips.