
Special Holdiay Bonus Chapter: Fun in the Snow 

**This is the first holiday bonus chapter, they both don't have any effect on the story.**

[Eri's P.O.V]

The morning sun gently seeped through the curtains, its soft light a herald of the new day. Beside me, Hina lay serenely in the world of dreams, her breaths even and calm, cuddling her fluffy tails. It was time to gently transition from dreams to the day's excitement. "Hina, it's time to wake up," I whispered, nudging her awake with a gentle shake.

Her response came as a soft, sleepy murmur, "Nyaa...lay down with me let's sleep a little longer." Her voice, warm and drowsy, tugged at my heart, tempting me to join her in seeking a few more moments of peace. Yet, the promise of a day filled with laughter and snowflakes spurred a gentle persistence. I chuckled, her desire for comfort so endearing, "Very well, if that's what you want, but you lose some time for playing in the snow before the party..." I teased, knowing the mere mention of snow would awaken her spirit.

Sure enough, her eyes snapped open, a sudden burst of energy replacing the sleepiness. "Snow, there's snow?" she asked, her ears twitching with a mix of curiosity and excitement.

"Yes, there's snow," I affirmed, pulling back the curtains to reveal the snowy blanket covering the world outside. Her eagerness was infectious, and she attempted to rush out in her excitement. Quickly, I caught her, a gentle yet firm reminder echoing in my voice, "I know you're excited, but you can't run outside in your pajamas; you might get sick."

She paused, understanding quickly dawning, "Okies, sorry," her apology sincere and rapid. Her childlike enthusiasm brought laughter bubbling up within me, her joy spreading like warmth on a cold day.

Seizing the moment for a touch of holiday magic, I held up a sprig of mistletoe, leaning in for a tender kiss, a shared ritual that never failed to bring a smile. "Merry Christmas, I love you, Hina," I whispered, feeling our bond deepen with the simple, loving gesture.

Her face, flushed with a soft blush, mirrored my own feelings, "Merry Christmas, I love you too, Eri," she stammered, her affection clear in her sparkling eyes. The world seemed to hold its breath, our connection a tender thread woven through the fabric of the morning.

But the allure of the snow was irresistible. As soon as I finished speed-changing her into her outfit, Hina burst out the door, her laughter a clear, joyous sound echoing in the crisp air. I could hear her yell out, "Hurry Eri, let's go enjoy the snow." as she ran. I followed her out, only to find her delightfully submerged in the snow, the only part of her that could be seen was her three tails that were happily wagging like flags marking her spot in the winter canvas.

Stepping into the snow myself, I couldn't help but join her laughter, calling out, "Careful, Hina," even as I admired her uninhibited joy.

Her response, muffled by the snow, was full of pure delight, "Come join in, Eri! It's so soft and fluffy!" Her invitation was impossible to resist, her happiness was infectious.

With a laugh, I jumped into the snow beside her, the chill of the snow immediately enveloping my body, but just as quickly as it came, it subsided, replaced by warmth from hearing Hina happily laugh and seeing her cute yet beautiful smile when she emerged from her snowy den.

She shook her head, knocking the snow that had camouflaged itself with her silver-white hair. "Let's make a snow-woman together." Hina exclaimed happily as her fox ears twitched excitedly, knocking the remainder of the snow that clung to her fur.

"Okay, what kind of snowman do you want to make?" I asked, knowing she would want to make it different from the original version.

Hina contemplated for a moment before it seemed as though exclamation marks flashed above her head, and she replied with her tails wagging in a rapid motion, "I want to make a dragon."

I laughed out loud, knowing the scale that it would take to make a real snow dragon, so, feeling a little regretful from laughing, I said, "How about we make a dragon demi-human instead."

"That's even better." Hina said excitedly, after which she started rolling the snowballs that we would need.

"I will go get the things we will need to make the face; I will be right back." I called out as she continued gathering the snow.

"Okies, thank you, please make sure to get things for the horns." Hina yelled in response.

I started walking inside, while thinking about all the things we would need. It felt like it didn't take me more than five minutes to gather the materials, but when I came back outside, I noticed she already had snowballs for the body ready, and the tail made as well.

'It seems she has a special skill with rapidly creating things, like I do with rapidly changing.' I thought to myself while looking at the sight in front of me with awe.

When Hina noticed me, she showed me a bright smile and came running to me.

"Thank you, Eri." Hina said before giving me a hug.

"You're welcome; you sure finished getting everything ready quickly." I replied while hugging her back.

She blushed a little and said, "I wanted to get the snow parts done before you got back. My natural body heat is higher than yours, so the snow doesn't really bother me. I didn't want your hands getting too cold; you might get sick." Her ears then dropped a little, and she said, "But I think I made the snowballs too big; I can't pick them up."

Feeling grateful for her thanking me, I set the material down next to us and gently rubbed her ears with both of my hands, causing her to purr in comfort. Then I put my hands against her cheeks, causing her to lean into them, and she looked at me with her gorgeous silver-white eyes, and softly said, "Your hands are so warm." Looking into her eyes, I gave a loving smile and said, "See, my hands are warm now from petting your fluffy ears. So, I can do the lifting for you."

She gave me a happy smile and another hug, wrapping her tails around, and saying thank you. After she let go, we started putting the snowwoman together. When we were finished, it looked amazing. Hina and I both showed proud smiles at our work when Kyoko came outside, with Sebas behind her.

When we noticed them, I could see Sebas holding the collar of Kyoko's kimono, and while telling her she is not dressed to play in the snow, as her nine tails were swaying excitedly while she looked at the same. I laughed a little to myself thinking, "Like mother, like daughter, Kyoko looks like she wants to dive bomb into the snow too."

Hina started running to Kyoko, yelling, "Merry Christmas, Mommy, Grandpa Sebas, the snow is so much fun." I followed after Hina, who hugged Sebas and Kyoko; both of them wrapping their tails around one another, though Hina became hidden behind Kyoko's tails due to her height.

"Merry Christmas, Sebas, Kyoko." I gave my greeting as well after I caught up with them.

"Merry Christmas, it seems you two started playing early; it's rare for you to wake before breakfast is ready, Hina." Kyoko replied while giggling at Hina's excitement.

Hina laughed and said, "Mm, Eri woke me up early, so we could play before the party started."

Kyoko showed a happy but teasing smile and asked, "Eri is so thoughtful, always thinking of ways to make you happy. Is that your favorite thing about her?"

Hina looked at Kyoko as her ears twitched curiously, and it seemed as questions mark started appearing above her head, and she finally replied, "No, I don't have a favorite thing; I love everything about her equally."

My face turned bright red in a rapid manner. I felt as though I noticed Hina taking pictures of me with her phone whispering, "Embarrassed Eri is so cute," but I chose to ignore it, as I was too embarrassed.

"Ara, ara, well aren't you lucky Eri." Kyoko said, with an even bigger teasing grin on her face.

As I continued to get teased by Hina and Kyoko, Seba's eventually spoke up, saying, "I hate to interrupt you two enjoying teasing Eri, Ojou-sama, Hina-sama, your pancakes will get cold if you don't eat soon."

As soon as Seba's mentioned the pancakes, both Hina's and Kyoko's stomachs growled in unison, causing us all to laugh.

Hina and Kyoko, who could smell the pancakes, started running to the dining room, as Sebas and I both watched with slight smirks.