
I am a devil in a strange world

He was the main character yet everyone else appeared more important than he was. What was this story he was assigned to? In a futuristic world of magic and gadgets, he emerged from the depths which held no value in comparison to the great ones and the higher ups. The world was beautiful and he was considered one of the many blotches that tainted its beauty. The day he was killed, a cleansing was manifested. He, however, reincarnates into the real world - Earth. Reborn from a world of fantasy instigated by ink into the world of humans, he faces no better luck than his previous life in a book. Unfortunately for him, in this new life he is struck with an illness that makes his skin look red. People call him the "devil" and even his mother is scared of him. A world he couldn't understand yet, he understood. Who was this writer that created his story and why was he reincarnated into this strange world that refused to accept him either? What if more lies to writing? What if writing sparks up and opens up a world humans never knew existed? Prepared to learn about this "Earth", he sets into the great merchant city with the help of a shape-shifting system to become the greatest librarian and explore the truths that binds him to the library of his stories. He is Emmet Quinn, the devil in a strange world. [WPC June 2024 entry] _ _ _ Read on and enjoy the journey of Emmet Quinn! Your support is simply the most I could ask for! NB: The story is set in a futuristic Earth with a revolved humanity. However, this "Earth" is different from the Earth in real life. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr

Blak_cherry · Fantasy
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36 Chs

+5 customer points

"Eighteen houses. Five gave attention. Only three agreed to come. Now that's some crazy shit there," A small chuckle escaped his lips as he and Liesl returned to the library.

"You certainly have to start from somewhere," Liesl yawned. "I need some sleep."

"I can bet that those three who agreed may not even come," Emmet scoffed.

As soon as they reached the door of the library, he paused and allowed his eyes to examine the door.

"What is it?" Liesl asked, her lazy eyes staring at the door as if trying to detect what exactly her master was looking at.

"Don't you think we should have the opened and closed sign here?" He rubbed his chin.

"You'll get that yourself. Such doesn't come with the free level 1 structure until it has moved into the next level or when you have enough before reaching level 2, you can buy the priced level 1 structure," Liesl replied. She was relieved to see that the stray cats were gone.

"I'll work out something," Emmet said and stepped in, causing the small bell at the top corner of the door to jingle. He had not noticed it the first time he stepped into the library.

"All we need do is wait, I guess," Emmet shrugged and moved to sit at his desk while Liesl reduced to shadows that returned into the ring on his finger.

Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into an hour when finally, the jingle of the doorbell reached Emmet's ears.

His eyes travelled to the door and he quickly got on his feet, a little bit unsettled now that Liesl was at rest.

"Good day," He greeted the cloaked person that moved to sit at one of the many vacant tables.

"Good day," The masculine voice replied.

"Welcome to the Devil's Archive. I have good books you can find in the sixth realm. From History and Mythical texts to realm 6 books," Emmet walked up to the table at which the man sat.

"Nice place you have here. Pretty welcoming," The man slowly nodded. His face was still hidden away in the hood of his cloak, enough to make Emmet raise his guard.

"Do you mind?" The man asked, referring to taking off the cloak he had on.

"I don't," Emmet quickly shook his head.

"Thank you," The man sounded happy for some reason after that and he proceeded to take off his cloak.

Emmet's eyes widened and his lips parted for a brief moment.

' Maybe I do mind,' He thought to himself as his eyes captured every detail of the man's body to the point that he found it difficult to take his eyes away.

From his face to his neck and arms that peeped out from his robes, the man's skin was raided with black bumps which made him look like a disease himself.

"Usual reaction I always get," The man chuckled lightly. "Even from someone with strange appearance as me is really funny."

"I'm sorry. What would you like to read? You're free to explore the shelves," Emmet continued, trying to put on his best and leave a good impression on this man who was certainly going to be his first customer.

"Something well on Myths," The man fondled with his mustache as he spoke.

"Myths I see. Would you like for me to get a few for you to choose from or would you like to make a search yourself?" Emmet asked, retaining a gentlemanly poise.

"I suggest you get for me. I'd prefer to read what the librarian suggests," The man smiled.

Emmet nodded and ventured towards the shelves.

With the help of the system, he was able to sort out the shelves. Each shelf held a book of specific genre or use and as such, he was able to locate the one that held Mythical books.

After a brief search through the first rack, he made out with ten books which he assessed as something that a lover of Myths would enjoy.

"Which would you prefer?" He asked after placing them on the table in front of the man.

The man took a good look at each book, scanning both the front and back.

"They all seem like good ones. It will be a pretty difficult choice," The man clicked his tongue. "But, I think I'll go with this one."

He took out one of the books while Emmet arranged the others at a side.

"How much would it be for a 2-hour session?" The man asked.

"A 2-hour session will cost you 50," Emmet replied. The prices of reading sessions and books were all calculated by the system, making it easier for him to do the selling without bothering about other menial tasks.

There were 24 hour library sessions available and each session cost 25 gold coins per hour.

"Oh my goodness! That's cheap!" The man exclaimed and excitedly reached inside his cloak to bring out the required amount. "A session costs 30 coins in most places."

A notification popped up and a smile etched on Emmet's lips.

<Quest successfully completed>

[You have earned your first customer]

[You have received +100 gold coins]

[Stats have been unlocked]

[You can check stats with the thought ' stat ']

"I'm glad you like it here," His smile broadened and he placed the coins into his pouch.

"It's not really easy for someone like me to get books I really want to read. I have always loved reading books yet, I couldn't get the satisfaction I want. I am not allowed to go into stores or places where people usually go to because of my condition. Learning that a new library opened, well I did think it was best to come here since nobody would be in now."

The man sighed.

"My name is Gilbert. I just want to spend my last days doing the thing I love - reading. I don't have much time so I'll use what I have left to please myself."

"I hope the Devil's Archive gives you all the joy you need before you leave," Emmet bowed his head. "Enjoy."

Just then, another notification appeared before his eyes.

[You have earned a loyal customer]

[The Devil's Archive has earned +5 customer points from Gilbert]

[The Devil's Archive will now be recommended under the store feature ' PRISTINE HORIZONS '.]

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