
Chapter 93: Brother vs Sister

Roman hovers down to the floor and steps towards Mephisto.

The two stare each other down, the difference in size very evident.

Roman poses, his arms crossed, head tilted up, and a playful grin worn on his face.

Meanwhile, Mephisto returns his gaze with a serious look as her body is held tense and readied.

Taking the initiative, Mephisto steps forward, thrusting her weapon out.

Roman sways from side to side, avoiding each strike.

Mephisto watches him dance around her attack as her weapon is suddenly pushed downward.

Using the dark blade as a platform, Roman propels himself upward and does a flip before shooting back downwards, letting his leg lead him into a kick attack.

Mephisto flings her sword upward and blocks the hit as Roman pushes down on the flat side of the blade. Mephisto's feet dig into the brick floor, creating small craters.

She tightens her grip and pushes her sword outward as Roman leaps backward, landing with his arms up as if he were an Olympic gymnast.

Holding an open hand out, Mephisto chants,

"Cobalt Binding Chains."

The same vine-like ropes as before shoot out towards Roman.

Being prepared this time, he holds a hand out in a similar way and shouts,

"Black Hole!"

A dark orb materializes out of his hand and absorbs the blue rope, leaving no trace.

Meanwhile, Mephisto quietly mumbles,

"Storm of the Azure Dragon."

A blue mist surrounds Mephisto and a fierce image of a dragon is barely visible behind her.

Flowing like water, Mephisto manoeuvers side to side, swiftly approaching Roman.

With the sound of two water drops, she slashes twice at either side of Roman.

To her surprise, Roman floats in the air, unscathed and still wearing a cheeky grin.

Saiba watches as he leans back against a wall, trying to regain some energy.

Taking a jab at the air, Roman thrusts his fist forward.

Seeming like nothing, the immense force coming from his punch is suddenly made apparent.

Like a gust from a jet turbine, a strong flow of wind is pushed towards Mephisto's direction and she is barely able to stay standing.

She moves into a more aerodynamic pose, letting the air rush past her, and she digs her blade into the ground, giving her something to hold onto.

Despite her efforts, the blast of pressure is too much for her to handle.

Her dark sword dislodges itself from the concrete base and she is blown off of her feet.

Lowering himself to the ground, Roman steps to Mephisto, lying flat.

He stands over her while Mephisto is completely relaxed with her eyes closed. Roman asks,

"Is that all you've got?"

Mephisto replies,

"It seems I am still not strong enough to defeat you, Big Brother. I have prepared myself to receive any punishment for my loss."

Roman sighs and winds his fist back. An evil and vibrant purple glow comes off of his hand. Mephisto seems to get tense and her accepting expression quickly fades.

Bringing his fist down on her, Roman's attack collides, creating a loud bang and a flash of light.

Saiba takes a look and sees Roman with his hand in an unexpected position.

Instead of being balled up in a fist, his hand is placed above Mephisto's head, as if he just flicked her forehead.

Getting a better view, the red name above her head seems to shatter and disappear.

Roman gets up and off of her, brushing the dust from his clothes. Mephisto continues to lay on the ground, staring up at the ceiling and frozen in place.

Roman jumps up and floats over to Saiba while saying,

"Looks like my work here is done!"

Saiba, still sitting on the ground, asks,

"What did you do? Some kind of [Skill] to keep her in place? Did you petrify her or something? ...or... no way... Did you kill her so effortlessly that she didn't move an inch when you hit her!?"

Roman quickly snaps back,


Calming himself down, he explains,

"I noticed Mephy acting weirdly like she was under mind control or something! So I tried a little something to get rid of it!"

He adds,

"I also noticed you trying to help her! That's why you activated that [Feature], right? To wear her down and make her run out of [Energy]!"

Slightly disappointed, Saiba thinks,

"...I actually just activated it to see what it would do... I didn't even realize she was under control... I thought that was how she always acted..."

Regaining his composure, he tells himself,

"But I can't tell him that!"

Hesitating a little with his words, Saiba replies,

"Yes! That is what I did! Good observation skills, Roman!"

Roman blushes as if he was an elementary student getting a gold star.


Multiple bursts of [Energy] and [Skills] run wild throughout the battlefield as the Commanders, Lily, and Lazaro are hard at work, trying to defeat the centerpieces of the attack.