
Chapter 27: Goby the Goblin Lord

The crew travels for a while and encounters zero problems. That is, until today.

They now face a large goblin boss that's wielding a large iron mace in its right hand. Above it, a name reads, [Goby the Goblin Lord]. Saiba quickly jumps off of Uma and prepares for battle. Lazaro runs in front of him and shouts,

"Let me take care of this guy! I haven't had a chance to show off my skills yet!"

Saiba says back,

"Alright! I'm counting on you!"

Lazaro pulls out the longbow from his back and pulls the string back while forming a water arrow inside. He releases it while shouting,

"Liquid Arrow!"

The water arrow flies through the air and lands on Goby's right arm. Lazaro then shouts,

"Liquid Sickle!"

The arrow suddenly splits into two crescents and creates a deep cut that cuts the goblin's arm cleanly off. The goblin howls in pain as he lets go of his weapon and his lifeless arm drops on the ground.

Goby quickly picks up the mace with his left arm and sweeps against the floor toward Lazaro.

Lazaro acrobatically jumps over the attack and unloads four more arrows into the goblins body. They land in the chest, neck, thigh, and stomach, respectively. The liquid arrows stay solid for a little while before returning to its liquid state and leaving holes that spew blood.

Very angry, the goblin lets out a battle cry and brings his left arm high up in the air. He then brings his arm down while grumbling,

"Seismic Slammer..."

Lazaro quickly rolls away as the mace hits the ground and causes a large crack to appear. Lazaro quickly hops onto the mace and climbs up to the monster's head.

Lazaro notices an opening in the monster's mouth and starts to materialize a liquid warhead. He pulls back on the bowstring and shoots the ammunition into the goblin's mouth while shouting,

"Water Missile!"

Lazaro quickly jumps off and away from the monster. As he hits the ground, a loud explosion occurs in Goby's stomach and he turns to dust on the spot. All three of them get a pop-up that reads,

[Congratulations! Goby the Goblin Lord was Defeated! Level +2. ATK +2. DEF +2. SPD +2. New Title Get: 'Goblin Gobbler'. Item Get: Goblin Hide (x2)]

Surprised, Saiba says,

"Huh? I levelled up too? Even though I didn't do anything?"

Lily explains,

"Us three have been considered a party, so we'll all level up equally."

Saiba says excitedly,

"That's cool!"

They quickly get back on the trail and travel a little bit more. Finally, they arrive at an iron fortress. Lazaro announces,

"Welcome... to the [Alberoth Stronghold]!"

They walk up to the front gates and there are two guards that are waiting and standing by. They notice Lazaro and shout in unison,

"Master Lazaro! Have you finally come back to the family?"

Lazaro answers,

"Nope! I just have some business that I need to take care of. These guys are with me, so they're good to go in too."

This time, only one guard shouts,

"I'm very sorry, Master Lazaro! Unless you plan on returning to the family, we are not allowed to let you enter!"

With a disappointed tone, Lazaro says,

"I guessed that would be the case... It's a shame boys, I really didn't wanna do this... Lily, if you may..."

Lily rolls her eyes and quickly knocks the two guards unconscious. They head into a control room and find the crank to open the door. They start cranking as the door slowly opens.

Inside, there are multiple electricity plants that surround the inside perimeter and in the middle, there is a large metal castle that seems to be the main headquarters for the Alberoth Family. As planned, their entrance was easily noticeable by the sudden opening of the gates.

More guards have appeared at the entrance, ready to stop any intruders. In the back, a man that seems to be their commander announces,

"Volt Squadron 2, attack!"

The guards start rushing towards the three as Saiba shouts,

"Alright guys... Time to fight!"