
I always end up as a side character?!

It's been a regular day, a regular routine, eat, exercise, work, sleep, however, one day I woke up and found out I was no longer "me", I quickly started panicking and then I saw it...a blue text formed in front of my eyes. ------ The first world is Classroom of the Elite This fan-fic is just to kill time so don't expect a great commitment. My English is far from good, however, if you can live through simple phrases, there shouldn't be that many grammatical errors...most likely.

Hell_Ooo_8874 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


The next day I tried asking Yamauchi regarding Horikita's study group. I am not sure if [Silver Tongue] helped me but he unexpectedly agreed to come with me, though Sudo was a different matter altogether. Sudo outright refused to have anything to do with Horikita or studying.

'This entire study group could end up very badly because Kushida isn't involved yet and if she won't attend it, Sudo might actually end up hitting Horikita out of anger, well, that is if I manage to convince him.'

The only reason I was doing this despite knowing this study group to be relatively useless was to get into Horikita's good books so she can provide me with the notes I desperately need to improve my academics.

"Hey Sudo, are you sure you won't join? Yamauchi will be there too." When the school hours ended, I decided to try for the last time.

"Ugh, I already told you that I have basketball club after school" He replied and began walking towards the door.

"You know that you can't just rely on your physical ability to get a girl you might fancy to like you back, right?" I said with a slightly provoking tone which caused Sudo to stop in his tracks and turn back at me.

"By studying, you don't just show off your intellect, you are actually showing your determination to do things you might not like. And honestly, girls are digging athletic guys who can also study." I continued with a faint smile making sure to keep a low tone so only Sudo could hear my words.

"...Tsk, if attending once will make you stop bothering me about it, I am willing to skip the club once!" Sudo agreed with a reluctant expression though I knew he was just acting tough.

[Silver Tongue lv. 1 (8/100, passive)] -> [Silver Tongue lv. 1 (9/100, passive)]

When I was preparing to leave the classroom myself, I remembered Inogashira who I was fairly close to at least compared to everyone else. I took my phone out of my pocket and texted her.

[Hey, do you want to join Horikita's study group?]

A reply came in quickly, within a minute.

[Koko Ino: Hi! I can't! I already joined Hirata-kun's study group, though...if you really want me to join I might be able to find an excuse to leave]

The moment I read her nickname, I contemplated whether I should just rename her back to normal since I had no idea when she would have a chance to see it and what she would think of it. As for her message, she added a fair number of crying emojis but in the end, she still offered to join me despite the circumstances.

'Is this the result of the influence boost I got from the first quest? I kind of feel bad doing this to an innocent girl like her, though it's not like I can control it. She is just trying her best to be a side character as I do.'

[Don't! It's alright, just do your best to pay attention to the actual studying and not only to Hirata-kun.]

I replied and added a few laughing emojis since I could feel that emojis were making the entire conversation lighter and less serious.

[Koko Ino: I weould not doi that!!!]

I instantly got a reply back indicating why the typos.

[Sure, good luck, make sure to pay special attention to grammar]

I sent a message with a winking emoji, I just hoped she wouldn't take this light bullying too seriously since I have no idea how close we are.

The only reply I got to that was a message full of pouting and puffing emojis which made me smirk while I was slowly approaching the library.

[Koko Ino: Do your best too! Just make sure you will also pay attention to the studying]

The second message quickly followed up before she attempted to tease me with a smirking emoji. Did she really think I would pay attention to Horikita more than studying? Even the old Ike wouldn't do that...probably unless she would be naked.

I probably had a carefree foolish grin on my face as I was walking through the corridor.

"Ah!" Suddenly I felt like I bumped into someone. While I was making sure not to bump into anything while being on the phone, the victim was unlucky to come right out of the corner not giving me enough time to look in front of me.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention" When I looked down, I saw a girl sitting on the cold ground. I knew this girl very well but did not expect to meet her so abruptly.

---Honami Ichinose---

Affection: 5



"Are you hurt anywhere? Let me help you up" I quickly offered her my hand.

She quickly recovered and smiled at me from below before taking my hand.

"I am fine, thank you! You...are from the D-class, right? I noticed Kushida-san greeting you a few times in the dorms. I am Ichinose Honami from B-class."

"...I never expected in my life to ever be thanked for bumping into someone but yeah, I am Ike Kanji, a proud member of the D-class club, nice to meet you" I scratched the back of my neck and replied with an almost monotonous voice.

"Pff, I didn't thank you for bumping into me but for your concern and desire to help me back up." She actually chuckled after hearing my reply.

---Honami Ichinose---

Affection: 5 -> 6



"Isn't that a common courtesy to apologize for one's mistake?"

At my question, she raised her index finger pointing it at the ceiling while showing a warm smile.

"Just because it is a common courtesy doesn't mean it shouldn't be thanked for or rewarded, or do you think otherwise?"

"...Heh, what an interesting girl" I gave a silent chuckle before muttering under my nose.

"Excuse me?" She tilted her head to the side since she couldn't catch my previous words.

"It's nothing, you are absolutely right. It is a victim's right to choose how to respond to an apology, then it is up to the individual whether they accept it and live on or refuse it and continue fighting. However, humans aren't all magnanimous, and sometimes the one who made a mistake becomes the victim of the story. Anyway, I said more than needed, I have to get to the library soon so if you will excuse me..." I said while looking out of the window, my expression was most likely nostalgic at the moment. I turned back at Ichinose and gave her a friendly smile.

"Oh...Of course! I also need to quickly get to the staff room, I still have some work left to do. See you later?" For some reason, she said her goodbye with an uncertain tone. It was probably because she wished to speak more with me in the future and befriend me but I had no way of knowing that for sure.

---Honami Ichinose---

Affection: 6 -> 7



Seeing the notices of her affection, I couldn't help but feel sorry for this girl. She is too kind for her own good, tormented by her inner guilt.

"We go to the same school so I doubt this is our last meeting" Although this reply didn't answer her question, I made sure to say it with a faint teasing smile to make sure she gets the meaning.

She just chuckled before leaving which made me believe she understood the meaning behind my words.




"You are late" Those were the first words I heard from Horikita when I arrived at the library that was fairly empty.

"Uh, someone held me up on my way here" I scratched my head while avoiding her ice-cold eyes.

"I didn't ask for excuses and unless it was a sensei who held you up, I don't care."

"...Yes, ma'am" I hang my head in shame and sat down right across her.

Horikita was sitting on the edge of the table with Ayanokoji next to her and Yamauchi next to him. Sudo was sitting right next to me and he didn't look especially happy either.

"You were the one who invited me and yet you are late?!" It almost seemed like he was ready to grab me by my collar.

"C-Calm down, I apologize!" I raised my hands in surrender which made him calm down a little but only a little bit.

This study group is going to be interesting.