

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasy
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40 Chs

chapter 5.Am I Too Strong p2

I the great king now got married to five beautiful Elves, at the age of 5 and that is not even a love marriage too. but this seems to be the easy way only if the system has not interfered at all. To force me to get a wife.

But as I see the Achievement that I got, I know what I did wrong and go to the Elf King and apologize to him and told him that it was an accident, which was not supposed to happen at all. So in return for that mistake, I told them that I would do something for them once. Maybe

I don't know what trigger it but the system just pops up again and said {"MISSION COMPLETE" reward half growth, initiated for the host.}

HMM...yeah..what is it this time now...???

And in just a second I turn into a young man around his 20th, And the Elf's seeing me grow was surprised, Especially my wives. Yes I am surprised too

But don't expect anything from me my new wife because I am still a 5 years old boy, Although with my experience I am about 125 years old Because all my magic and my accumulated strength gave me youth even in my hundred, unlike other humans.so I died at the age of 120, so a tally of all those Mental ages is 125.

Well,l I guest doing some good deeds sometime's triggered some benefits, Having that small body was a very annoying thing indeed.

But now I have a full body which can move any way I want, But I was overexcited again because I got a full-grown youth body, I want to test my power; I don't know why and literally, jump off from the ground and, When I land even though it was not the Elf's village anymore, the forest's trees and animals around me were all blown back and the place that I have landed became a Crater, again...

But as I have done all this, there was some rowdy turbulence that was coming towards me.

Seems like human and Elves was not really at peace with each other, and are always at throat towards each other, As I have seriously annihilated a very big village of the Elves, which was the headquarter for all the Elves village in this land, the Humans were very happy and this news also spread very fast as well.

Seeing that The main Elf's village was destroyed, with their own eyes after some huge explosion has happened, the human took this as a chance to annihilate all the remaining Elves and take them for slaves.

Well, the humans are very bad, hmmm...But thinking back I also used to have a lot of Elves as slaves as well, but don't think bad about me OK, Unlike these people, I think about equality for all the species so, I took in a bunch of orcs and also some of that Rabbits ear thingy as well, And some goblins, OGRE and ah..was there also some dark skin elves too...

IF I remember correctly those dark skin Elves and white skin does not get along, I think they even kill each other too...

Sight...How racist they are but, I am the good guy you know, I catch them all as slaves without giving special benefits to anyone, Unlike those Racist...

OK going back to the story those humans were taking this chance to rampage the Elf's village that I just got my wife's from, As this village was the next village to give a command for the other village, So if it gets destroyed then there is no other way for the Elf's to win against the humans.

An Elf came running towards me and said some few things that the King of the elves has said..well obviously it was to help the...

So should I help them is what I am thinking right now, But It is none of my business anyway; just let them do what they want, I am going for an adventure to find some new things.

Ahh. but I forget, I promised the old man that, I would receive his request one time so, A man should always live up to his promises, keep that in mind too dear reader.

OK, I go back to the Elf's village but this time I go undercover for real this time no one could recognize that I am in disguise, as I walk along with the humans, My disguise was perfect, no one could spot the difference between me and the others,

Hmm...thinking back...I am also human so why do I have to disguise myself as one, OK anyway let us continue...The humans all bring swords and shields and some weapons and staff.

There was also a Calvary knight I guess because they were all in full metal armor riding a horse, And in the front was the king of this land. Although I hope he was not the ruler of my mother's territory because I have a feeling that The Elf's king is going to request me to kill the King for sure.

And I am sure this King from the human side is going o boast and warned themselves to surrender before any harm is done and that he would spare some Elves as well If he tells them the coordinate of the other Elf's village. I am sure that he would do all that because It was a type of catchphrase for humans when they attack other species.

Although they never follow that, because I am the prime example of it. So I am sure that the Elf's King is going to ask me to kill this fat king anyway, And I will do so before He told me to, Although like some other male lead in other stories I should really talk to them first and let them think I am weak, and later show them my full power,

But that is not my style and talking to them, is too long, I will just take a shortcut and kill them all right now, with all o his soldiers.

OK, this angle is quite nice, If I used some magic like flame again they are going to die shouting in agony... So it is going to be too noisy, Instead; I will just cut them from here, or maybe a big boom might be good too...OH wait he is going to start the annoying talk, , Just die for me I am bored of that same dialogue OK.

And yep they were cut in half...what is with this strength, now there is too much blood...I said".BURN.."'(with a cool voice)and all the chop in half even the king and his soldiers were all burned to ash...Yes, this is now clean, Just like my mother taught me, I should clean my waste that which I have made myself.

ohh right I forgot to kill the other Humans too, but they are not a soldier some seems like an adventurer and mercenary who hopes to get some benefits from the king's army. Let's see is there any strong Warrior, Nope, I should not kill them .and just let them live.

But what is this itchy feeling ahh it makes my nose very ticklish is it the ash from the people I have burnt,,ahh gross..my nose is so ...haa...hahaa...chhiau...ah...I feel better now with that sneeze .but why is there a path in my front I remember there were a lot of humans who were in front of me, and I have spared their life...

ah...Did I just mess up again...Did my sneeze just K.O them all to dust or are they sent flying..... I am seriously too strong, can I be weaker than this...LIfe is too hard for an MC like m....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Please dear Reader you are all very valuable for me because I am just a little writer from nowhere so I beg you to comment something for me..

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