
I ain't answering that

A Person was scratching his nuts watching tv, until he heard a voice. [Hero! Answer our call! We nee-] No. [Hero,our saviour! the demo-] Nein. [Hero-] Fuck off. Dude, why do I keep hearing them?! I should not have smoked that boof, ugh...

Reader_Who_Reads · Fantasy
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1 Chs


-Some guy's Living Room-

A Person was sitting on the couch,checking out youtube and such.

Just scrolling around because he's bored right now, but when he was scrolling he heard a voice.


He was looking around and thought it was nothing,must be people outside arguing.

[Hero, please come save us! we need your-]

He heard that from hus head now and was freaked out, But he didn't panic that much.

"Hey! who the fuck was that?! Who are you!" He shouted, and he heard nothing for a few moments. He sighed and rubbed his head.

"Did I eat something funny earli-" he was cut-off by that voice in his head again.

"Hero, Please save us! we need your help!" The voice shouted in his head.

"...What the fuck?" he was panicking, had he played too much of that rpg he was now hearing voices in his head?

[Hero, you are not hallucinating this. Please,help us! we need your-] The voice was cut-off by him.

"No." he was but a simple guy. he was decent in school,above average looking, but he was a pretty social guy,Managing to get pretty much half of his school as friends.

"Hero, please! we need your help! without you our world might get destroyed!" The now feminine sounding voice said,wanting to get him to accept already. She was pretty scared now as well.

"Your problem,not mine. Grab some idiot protagonist or something!" He said to the voice in his head. if one we're to look at this, they'd think he was crazy or high... Maybe more high.

But even if he was hallucinating or not, he's getting called by this voice thing? And it wants him to save them? ain't that a bit too much? He doesn't like taking absurd requests to people, much less a person who he doesn't know.

[Hero please! you are our only hope!]

The voice was panicking. how could she not? without the hero, they'd get destroyed by that demon lord,king or whatever.

But it was their problem,not his. So why drag some guy who is just minding his business?

"To be honest with you voice in my head? I don't care. Now call me evil or cold, I don't care." His tone was indifferent and cold.

[This is not what a hero should act-]

[What hero? I didn't accept your absurd request!]

"But you're supposed to be a hero!"

"Then find another one then! should be easy if you find me to be a hero!" He was irritated, he had refused so many times, yet she was still persistent in wanting him to become a hero!

"Tch. Fuck you then!"

"Fuck you Too!" After he had said that. he felt something disconnected from him. Guess now that voice is gone. Finally!

-2 Hours later-

"Hero we need your-" A voice had said with fear

"I summon thee-" A voice with a hint of authority in it.

"m̸̺͓͙̮͋̆̍̀d̷͎͒͒̄̓̆ȯ̶̭̙̲͍̜̟̺̒̀́!̸̛̣͚͐͗͑̒͝Ẹ̴̈̎͂̍̓͊n̷̢̛̝̩͈̐̈́̍͆̈́̂ ̴͍͚́̏͊̑̽m̸̧̯̈S̴̛̙̹̭͎̯͂̃̇̌͆͜m̶̪̲͍̣̃͆̃u̸̖̟̔o̴̢̰͆̋n̸̰̹͛̃ ̴̼̳̩͓̣̦̤͛̑́̎̑͛Ȉ̷̡̊͜ ̷̘͚̦̰̈̐͜͝u̴̺͊̐̊ò̵̯̟̩͝ẏ̷̩̰͚̦͆͐̎͘͠,̸̻̘̤̝̎̊ͅͅͅ ̵̪̠̙̗̫͋͗̊̆̓I̶̡̼̣̩͂͑̾̀̐̈́ ̵͕̫͍͎̻̾͒̈́̎̍̀̿͜ḧ̵̯́̉̍͘͝s̵̛̠̞͉̯̒͒̂͊â̴̜̻͓̜͆͐͊̎l̸̻̪̥̜͓͔̘̀̀̄̾̉̓̚l̵͚̻̂ ̴̡̑c̶̜̠͚̓̿́̽͘̚͠r̸̛̳̺͒̈̑̂̕͝a̷̫̚S̴̡̨̥̪̝̙͐͑̐͆̀̽͘î̷̯̼̭̟̦̺̫̌̀č̷̳̠̲̜͇̫͋̀̾̉̆͒f̴͇̆͑́̑ẻ̸͈̳̈̂̌͊̈́ ̵̫͚̣͖͎̼͈͒͒͛̾y̸͕̜̱̅̿̽͌̍m̶̳̪̍̊̏̍ ̶̛̹͈͍͋͆̓̓l̷̪̲̫̪̼̀̽f̵̟̎̑͑̀e̵͙̖̯̩͚̽"

...What the fuck?...

I've been hearing these voices for an hour! it's already giving me a headache!

[System Initialized]


[Welcome to the Servant System]

=Author Notes=

Mc:Totally didn't steal this.

A/N:Hey! Screw you! Why don't you come up with a name on the spot!

Ahem! So this will be my First story, and I'll accept the criticism so that I can improve. no matter how absurd they are.

So happy reading!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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