
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


Damien walked out of the elevator as he looked around his office, it's been weeks since he last walked in here. It looked like no one had come in here since then. Damien walked out as he picked up a blank sheet that was lying on the floor, he examined the sheet before squeezing it and then he tossed it inside then trash can. 

Damien remembered something very important yesterday, the day of the accident, he was on his way back from the office, he wasn't suppose to go to work that day but there was something important he had discovered. 

Damien walked over to his desk, where he was sure he kept the suppose file he was looking for. Damien reached his hand out and opened the drawer, he saw the file neatly kept inside the drawer. 

He brought it out and read the contents, he glanced through each page for a few seconds before he closed it and walked away. 

He entered the elevator again and went to the third floor, where the meeting was being held, Damien was sure the meeting had already began since Dyaln was already present there and so he was going to be late

Still Damien took his time as he strode out of the elevator, he had the file in his hand as he walked down the hall till he got to the meeting room. His men were already standing by, dressed in black as usual, they gave him a respectful nod before they opened the door for him. 

The chattering stopped when everyone heard the sound of door opening, they turned their heads in the direction of the sound and then behold. No one had informed them about his arrival today, some of the board members were happy to see him, others just scoffed and turned their head to the other side. 

Damien had a smug look on his face as he walked in, he didn't bother to share glances with anyone, his eyes scanned the room till he found a seat next to Dylan. Damien could feel the eyes that were on him but he was not bothered, he took his seat with his legs crossed as he looked at what was being shown on the TV. 

"Do you need an invitation to continue?" Damien asked with raised brows as he looked at the man standing in front. The man seem to be taken back with the presence of their CEO in the meeting. Everyone seem to have forgotten about their purpose of coming here as they all had their eyes fixed on Damien but would look away whenever they felt he was going to notice. 

"I'm sorry" The man Apologized before he then continued with his speech. 

Dylan had a smile on his face when he saw how everyone reacted to Damien's presence he had not informed anyone that Damien would be coming today, infact he also had no idea that Damien would be coming till morning. 

"What's going on?" Damien asked. 

"Sales have been slow for the past week, the new device we've been working ing on, the image inducer?" Dylan asked to be sure he was following. 

"What about it?" Damien asked. 

"It's in the black market, surprisingly we have a mole in the board. Someone is selling our devices in the black market without our concept" Dyaln explained, it had been going on for a year now but this time they figured it out because the image inducer turn out to be the best. 

"The security team is working on it right now so don't bother yourself about it" Dylan said as he glanced at the file Damien was holding. "What you got there?" Dylan asked. 

"The mole" Damien answered as he looked at a certain someone in the room.

"Have you noticed how Mr Brandon always pays the most attention during meetings?" Damien asked as he watched the man with intriguing eyes. 

"Yeah and he always says something meaningful at the end, wait..why are you asking about him?" Dylan asked 

Damien didn't say a word and just passed the file to Dylan. Dylan went through the files as he flipped each page, he had a stoic look on his face as he read through the lines. 

"It's been going on for almost a year now, and no one but you figured it out" Dylan said as he closed the file and then he glanced at Mr Brandon who had his arms crossed as he watched the young man talking. 

"You can't blame them, I've been so busy in country D and I didn't even remember to keep tabs on my company " Damien spoke, he didn't seem angry, even though he should be since someone was selling his inventions in the black market. Damien had learnt something in business and that was to never panic, never show your weakness in front of your enemies. 

Speaking about enemies, Damien had almost forgotten about the girl he left in his mansion, Damien checked the time on his watch and saw that it was already past nine. He had spend almost an hour in this meeting room already. Damien wanted to call to know if she had breakfast but his ego was stronger than his will and so he just let it slide. 


Selena sighed as she walked out of her room, she gently climbed down the stairs and looked around to check if anyone was there. Selena was relieved to find no body in the living room. She guessed they left for work already, Selena knew it was work because of the way they were dressed this morning. 

Selena was now wearing a loose T shirt and a big oversized pants, shs looked at the dining and noticed that all the food was cleared out. Selena was a little disappointed, she could hear her tummy grumbling and it was clear that she had to eat, she was hoping to find food on the dining but it seemed like everything was out. 

Selena walked around the dining as her fingers grazed the edge of the furniture, her eyes looked around the place and then it fell on the huge blanket. Selena looked around again and still there was no one around. 

Right from day one Selena had been curious about what was under the blanket, it had been covered for weeks now and no one bothered to open it. Selena couldn't keep her curiosity in check, her legs were already acting on their own as they walked closer to the blanket. Selena placed her hands on the fabric as she tried to tug it off.