
I Accidentally Became The Evil Princess Of This Empire

Kaye Jin was an illustrator who was accidentally transported into the other world and trapped inside the Princess' body. When she realized that the original Princess was a bad person, she decided to change her image and became close to everyone to have a peaceful life in the empire while thinking of a way to return to her original world. Later, an assassin named Ryu comes and tells her that someone from the empire wants to kill her. Will she be able to survive in this empire and return to her world?

Jinx_Lee · Fantasy
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Time to fight

Aria continued to sob, clinging to her pillow while lying on her bed. The weight of despair and the desire to escape it all weighed heavily on her soul. "Why does everything have to unravel like this?" she cried. She believed she had failed in protecting her loved ones, convincing herself she didn't deserve to endure this pain.

A knock at the door disrupted her anguish. Claudius entered, taking a seat on her bed, wiping away her tears, and reminded her of the love and support that still surrounded her. "I understand your agony, having lost two important people in your life—your child and Jenny. But remember, we stand by you through this."

Indeed, Aria had suffered a string of losses—first the emperor and Mikhail, and now her child and Jenny. "What should I do?" she asked, her voice heavy with despair. It feels like I'm dying every day, knowing I'll never see them again,"

Claudius gently held her shoulders. "Yes, you are engulfed in pain, but tears alone won't mend your wounds. Those who seek to harm and control the emperor and our empire are still out there. Our people rely on you, Your Majesty. If Izekiel can't stand against them, then you must fight on his behalf."

"But how?" Aria trembled with self-doubt. "I'm not as strong as the original Aria. I'm weak, struggling to handle problems effectively. What if I fail once more?" she confessed.

"You will never fail, for we stand with you," Claudius reassured her, presenting the drugs they needed to eradicate. "These drugs are circulating within our empire. We must halt their spread, beginning here within the palace. I beseech you to order a thorough search of every room and every servant. We must capture the culprits, no matter the challenges we face."

"But what if Izekiel refuses our request?" Aria asked.

"We don't require his approval. As the empress, it is your duty to maintain order within the palace and address internal conflicts. You hold the position of Head of the inner palace, dictating life's rules within its walls. Moreover, Izekiel failed to inform you about Jenny. It's time for you to take a stand. This is your chance for revenge, Kaye. You must face this fight," he urged.

He was right—Aria had to summon her strength to halt the impending chaos. "Then convey my orders to William. We shall scour the entire palace. Anyone found hoarding suspicious items or drugs will be questioned and imprisoned. If they resist, I will personally administer their punishment," she resolved.

Claudius knelt before her, a smile of resolve gracing his lips. "Yes, Your Majesty."

The road ahead was daunting, but Aria realized she had to gather her inner strength and confront the looming crisis. This was her moment to rise, restore order, and honor the memory of those she had lost.




The imperial palace was in a state of disarray, with numerous servants caught using drugs. Aria was surprised to learn that a group of people were selling drugs in the capital, and the emperor wasn't doing anything to stop the problem.

The servants knelt, bound and remorseful. "Y-Your Majesty, we admit our wrongdoing! But it's immensely difficult to resist temptation," one of them pleaded.

Aria rubbed her forehead in frustration. "Send them to prison!" she ordered, her voice resolute. The servants implored, but she remained steadfast, focusing on the pressing matter at hand.

"How many rooms are left?" she asked. "Only one, Your Majesty. It's Ludwig's room," William answered.

Aria couldn't help but smirk. "Let's head there," she commanded, her determination unwavering.

They quickly made their way to Ludwig's room, their footsteps echoing in the tense silence.

Inside, Ludwig panicked upon seeing the servants' capture. The drugs he supplied for Izekiel were stashed in his room. He hastily gathered them into a small box, desperately searching for a hiding spot that would escape notice.

Opening the window, he prepared to make his escape, but before he could jump, the door burst open. The knights entered, followed closely by William and Aria.

"Ludwig! What's in that box?" Aria demanded, her eyes fixed on him.

His heart raced as he hid the box behind his back. "It's not polite to enter someone's room without permission," he retorted, attempting to feign innocence.

William stepped forward, unyielding. "Why would the Empress seek your permission? It is her decree to search every room in the palace."

Ludwig clutched the box tighter. "Does the emperor know about this? You can't harm me, you will get punished if you do!"

"Are you defying the Empress's orders?" William pressed, unwavering in his resolve.

"Tsk. I am a servant under the Emperor's authority, and I will only heed his commands!" Ludwig declared defiantly. In a swift move, he leaped out of the window, shattering the glass.

As they peered down, they saw Ludwig struggling to his feet and fleeing.

"Chase him!" William ordered, and the knights hurriedly gave chase.

"We can't allow him to escape, we need him to capture Duke Wolfsbane!" Aria declared, her determination unwavering as she sought justice in the face of palace intrigue.




Izekiel stormed into Aria's office, seething with anger.

"What have you done?" he demanded.

"I've been cleaning the palace," Aria replied calmly.

"Where's Ludwig? He's been missing since earlier!" he asked.

She looked into his eyes. "Don't you realize he's involved with drugs?"

He stopped, averting his gaze. "W-What do you mean?"

"We found drugs with a servant, and some claimed Ludwig supplied them, even mentioning they could buy more in the capital," she explained, rising from her seat. "Kiel, the medication you're taking is an illegal and dangerous drug. It's not genuine medicine or a stress reliever."

"No, Ludwig wouldn't do that to me," he insisted.

She sighed. "Do you trust him so blindly that you won't believe me?"

"Ludwig would never do anything wrong!"

"Kiel, he killed Mikhail!"

"Mikhail?" he sneered. "Mikhail... Always Mikhail!" He threw a vase from the table. "Why can't you move on? He's already dead!"

Aria clenched her fists and returned to her chair. "If you won't believe me about Ludwig, it's not my problem anymore. But remember, I'll do everything to eradicate the drug trade in the capital. If you can't, then I will."

"Tss... Are you challenging me?" he asked.

"I'm just doing my job. I'll protect this empire, Kiel. I promised at Uncle's tomb," she said.

He seethed. "You've changed, Aria."

"Too many things have happened. I've lost important people in my life – my uncle, my child..." She stared into his eyes, tears welled up in her eyes. "I lost Jenny."

"She's a traitor! She killed our child!" he shouted.

"She's innocent!" Aria stood up, tears streaming down her face. "You killed her, Kiel. Y-You killed my best friend!" She sobbed uncontrollably.

"I only did what was right..."

"Without consulting me? Again?"

"I lost my child too, Aria! It's not just your suffering here!"

She closed her eyes, exhaustion evident in her voice. "I don't want to discuss this anymore. Please... Leave."

He let out a pained laugh. "So, this is how you treat me now? Am I no longer important to you?"

"Please... I'm so tired," she begged.

With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes. "Fine. Do as you wish. I don't care anymore." He stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

See you next week for the new chapter ❤️ it will be one chapter per week since I'm busy with my research study huhu...

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