
I Accidentally Became The Evil Princess Of This Empire

Kaye Jin was an illustrator who was accidentally transported into the other world and trapped inside the Princess' body. When she realized that the original Princess was a bad person, she decided to change her image and became close to everyone to have a peaceful life in the empire while thinking of a way to return to her original world. Later, an assassin named Ryu comes and tells her that someone from the empire wants to kill her. Will she be able to survive in this empire and return to her world?

Jinx_Lee · Fantasy
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105 Chs

Sleep with me

Kaye... Kaye!

Kaye found herself in a beautiful garden teeming with roses.

Kaye, let's go!

She turned around to see familiar figures from her dreams, their faces blurred like before.

Kaye, it's time to go home.

What are you doing there? Come on!

Hurry up, or we'll be late.

They kept calling her, but she didn't know them. "Who are you guys? And where am I?"

Haha, Kaye. Have you forgotten?

Kaye, we are in...

Before they could answer, a knock on the door woke her up. She held her head, wondering why she kept dreaming about them. "Just who the hell are they?"

"Miss Kaye, time for breakfast," said the maid.

Sighing, she proceeded to change her clothes.

Days followed the same routine: she'd join Mikhail for meals, but they never exchanged words. Mikhail had distanced himself, staying busy in his office. Bored, she roamed outside, under the watchful eyes of bodyguards preventing any escape attempts. Perplexed, she couldn't fathom why Mikhail insisted on keeping her in the mansion despite their lack of communication.

After breakfast, Mikhail headed back to his office. Kaye went to the garden and sat by the fountain. "I wonder how the others are doing. I hope my parents won't find out. And Timothy, I hope he's doing well and not upset about me leaving without telling him."

She sighed, gazing at the sky. "When will Mikhail send me home?"

Meanwhile, Mikhail watched Kaye from his office, knowing she was upset and eager to leave. He didn't want to be separated from her again. His plan was to make her stay here until her memories about him returned; if that happened, he would send her home.

"Sir, the nurse in charge of your brother called. Sir Isaac showed movement in his finger. It seems he'll wake up soon," Kira reported.


Why does it have to be now? If that bastard wakes up, he'll be forced to return to XX City.

"Tell the nurse to provide another update if there's more progress about him. I will return there after wrapping things up here," he said.

"Understood, sir," Kira replied.

Mikhail sighed, continuing to watch Kaye. Things were getting complicated again.




At the Imperial Family Residence:

"Welcome back, Sir!" the maids bowed as Shin stepped out of the car.

He headed straight inside their mansion and embraced his parents.

"I'm happy that you're back, my son!" his mom exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"M-Mom, I can't breathe!" Shin complained.

His mom laughed. "There, there. I guess my son doesn't like to be hugged now."

"Well, he's already old. I guess he prefers hugs from women his own age," his dad joked.

Shin scowled.

Shin Imperial, the second son of the Imperial Family, had an older brother and sister, and a younger brother. Their family was renowned for owning the largest malls in the country, managed by his parents, uncle, and siblings across various regions.

Inside Shin's body resided someone else—Napoleon Lannister, son of the Count of the South and a businessman in the Serolf Empire. After Shin's death caused by the earthquake, Leon's soul successfully inhabited him, allowing him to live in this modern world. To avoid suspicion, he pretended to have lost his memories, causing his family to panic. They sent him to an uncle in another region, forcing him to study business and entrepreneurship. Luckily, Leon already possessed knowledge about managing a business, so he quickly completed his studies and returned home.

"I'll be leaving now; I have to check the mall," Shin said.

"Mmm... Our son just returned, but his mind is already occupied by work. You are really hardworking," his mom remarked.

"I'm so proud of you, son," his dad added.

He maintained a poker face. He only wanted to leave because he couldn't stand being with his clingy parents.

"Well, that's right. So, I'm leaving now. See you later!" Shin said with a wide smile and sprinted to his car.

After 30 minutes, he finally reached the mall. The staff greeted him with bows and cheerful welcomes.

"Good morning, Sir!"

"Welcome back, sir!"


This mall is enormous. And he owns it? This is a total jackpot!

Not bad for living in this new world and new body, considering he loves money. But he didn't forget his real mission: to find Kaye. It's time to start searching for her, but first, he would ensure that everything was running smoothly in the mall.




"We've been coming here every day, but we still can't find her," Tristan said, feeling like giving up.

"If only we knew someone working here, I think it would help us by checking the CCTV," Kurtis suggested.

"But we don't know any staff here. How unlucky," Tristan lamented.

Kurtis remained silent, contemplating a new plan. Worry crept in; what if they couldn't find her? No, they had to find her. Even if it meant making friends with the mall staff and gaining their trust to seek assistance.

In the midst of their contemplation, a loud voice disrupted their thoughts.

"Goodness! This one should be displayed near the entrance!" said the man.

Their attention was captured, and when they looked at him, their eyes widened.

"Lord Napoleon?" Tristan exclaimed.

Shin, who was scanning the clothes, heard them and looked their way. His eyes also widened.

"Y-You!" Shin said, quickly walking towards them.

"Do you recognize us?" Kurtis asked.

"Are you guys... Gawain and Xerxes?" Shin inquired.

Tristan smiled. "Yes! Is that really you, Lord Napoleon?"

"Finally!" Shin hugged them. "I thought I would never see you guys again."

"It's nice to be reunited with you," Kurtis said.

"Yes, let's go to my office. There are lots of things I want to ask you," Shin said.

"Office?" Tristan asked.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce my new identity. I am Shin Imperial, the owner of this mall," Shin declared with a proud smirk.

Kurtis smirked back. "Looks like you're still a businessman even in your second life."

"And how about you?" Shin inquired.

"I'm a doctor," Kurtis grinned, crossing his arms.

"Huh? It doesn't suit you. I was expecting you to be a shaman or a cult leader," Shin teased.

Kurtis lightly hit him on the head.

"That hurts!" Shin complained, then turned to Tristan. "How about you?"

"I'm a professor," Tristan answered.

"Looks like our lives here have a resemblance to our past life. Anyways, let's go to my office and discuss finding Kaye," Shin proposed.

"Right, now that you're the owner of this mall, I was hoping you could help us," Kurtis said.

Shin smirked. "Of course."




At the Mayor's office:

"Any leads on Kaye's location?" Timothy asked.

"We tried to obtain CCTV footage from every street in the city, but it's all been deleted. It seems the Fuentebellas made sure no one will find their whereabouts," the investigator answered.

"Tss... Then start investigating their private properties in this city. There's a possibility Kaye was taken to one of those places," Timothy ordered.

"But, sir, we can't delve deeper into the Fuentebellas. We have an agreement not to get involved with them. We know what they are capable of," said the investigator.

"The heck do I care! My girlfriend was taken by them. It's clearly a kidnapping!" Timothy yelled.

"But..." the investigator hesitated, clearly uneasy about crossing paths with the Fuentebellas, who even the police feared.

"All I need from you is information about Kaye's whereabouts, not an explanation. Do your job properly if you don't want to get fired for incompetence," Timothy glared at him.

The investigator gulped. "We will do our best, sir," then left.

Timothy couldn't hide his anger and frustration.

"Damn it!" he cursed. "Kaye... I promised I would find you immediately! Please don't remember everything..."




Kaye was engrossed in her sketchbook when she noticed Kira passing by.

"Ah, Mr. Kira!" she called.

Kira stopped and looked at her. "Yes, do you need something, Miss?" he asked.

"I just want to ask..." she fidgeted. "Mikhail has been spending more time in his office, and I can't find a chance to talk to him. Is he still busy until now?"

Kira stared at her. "Yes, he's fully occupied with tasks assigned by our boss."

Boss? Was he referring to the Don of the Fuentebella Family?

"If you have something to tell him, I can convey it for you," Kira offered.

"No, it's fine. I'll wait until he's finished," she said.

She knew not to disturb someone busy with work; they could easily get upset when interrupted.

"Okay," Kira said.

"Kira!" Mikhail suddenly appeared, looking hurried.

"Is there something you need, sir?" Kira asked.

"Let's head out; there's something we have to do," Mikhail said, passing them without looking at Kaye.

"Yes, sir," Kira followed him immediately.

Kaye was left alone, feeling confused. Why did Mikhail seem angry? Something must have happened.




At the Red-light District:

"I-I'm sorry... I... I promise I won't do it again! Please spare me!" the head of Dragon Lily House pleaded as the Fuentebella Henchmen beat him.

Dragon Lily House, a renowned brothel in the Red-light District of J City, fell under the protection of the Fuentebella family. Small apartments in this district housed those working at the brothel, shielded by paying protection fees and offering free services to the Fuentebella members. Dragon Lily, once a small brothel, gained fame and expanded under the Fuentebellas' influence. Despite their involvement in prostitution, they avoided illicit activities like drugs. Their focus was solely on entertaining and providing pleasure to their customers. Importantly, the workers chose their jobs willingly, and there was no forced labor.

Mikhail stepped on the man's face as he lay on the ground. "Who the fuck gave you the order to kidnap runaway female teenagers and bring them to the brothel?"

"I-I'm very sorry! They said they had no place to go, so I brought them here!" the man explained.

"By force? It's clearly kidnapping. Do you want to add more trouble for the Family?" Mikhail said. "Have you forgotten the rules of Fuentebella?" he asked.

"I... I haven't forgotten! It was really my fault. Please spare my life!" the man cried.

Red-light District is only for pleasure and entertainment; no more illegal activities should be done in this place. Fuentebella has many businesses in different regions of the country. Some of them are Dragons, the money lending company. Wings Arcade, Phoenix Night Club, Dragon Lily House. They also have underground casinos, a construction company as one of their front businesses, weapon manufacturing with exports to other countries, a cryptocurrency exchange, a shipping company for both legal and illegal purposes, and residential real estate with very high rent controls. They sponsor underground racing events and assist higher government officials and politicians in achieving their positions, especially during election campaigns. Some cities in the country are also under their protection, collecting protection fees from the residents. They have other businesses in other countries, making them the most powerful mafia family in the country. They can be dangerous because they won't hesitate to kill anyone who tries to betray them or intrude on their business, but there's one thing they don't do: human trafficking and drugs.

"Since you haven't forgotten about it and you admitted that it was really your fault, then you should know what the consequences will be," Mikhail said.

The man's eyes widened. "N-No, please! No! Please give me another chance! Please spare me!"

Their method of discipline was brutal; he'd be lucky if he managed to survive and stay alive after it. His henchmen dragged the man to the van.

"Assign a new head for Dragon Lily House. Choose the most trustworthy one," Mikhail ordered.

"Yes, sir," Kira replied.

Mikhail glanced at his wristwatch; it was already late. He had to return immediately to the mansion.




It was already evening when Mikhail returned home. Hearing the car's engine, Kaye quickly left her room, observing him heading straight to his office. Mikhail paused as he noticed her.

"Are you waiting for me?" he smirked.

Kaye noticed the blood on his suit, and she looked away. Did he hurt or kill someone again?

"I only went out when I heard a noise outside. I will go back to sleep now," she said, turning her back on him.

But Mikhail hugged her from behind. "Did you miss me?"

"What kind of question is that? Why would I miss someone like you?" she said, attempting to break free.

"I've been busy these past few days and have no time to talk to you. I was hoping that you missed me too," he said, leaning his head on her shoulder.

"We always eat together," she said.

Mikhail tightened his hold on her. "Let go! Your clothes have blood on them!" she complained.

"Kaye..." he whispered.

"What now?" she asked, feeling irritated.

"Sleep with me," he said.

Her face turned red. "What? Are you crazy? First, you kidnap me, and now you want to sleep with me?"

"Huh? But I didn't kidnap you; you're the one who came here voluntarily," he said.

She averted her gaze. He was right; it's her fault for coming here knowing that this man is very dangerous. She regretted it.

"Fine, it's my fault! But who are you to think that I will sleep with you? Never! Even if you kill me, I will never do that," she declared.

Mikhail chuckled. Kaye was so adorable when she gets mad.

He pinched her cheeks. "You're so cute," then kissed her on her lips, surprising Kaye. She quickly pushed him. "Pervert!"

She tried to free herself, but Mikhail was really strong.

"C'mon! Let go of me!" she shouted.

"I won't," he declared, then carried her.

"Put me down, you pervert!" she continued to complain.

Mikhail carried her to his room and carefully placed her on his bed.

"W-What are you planning to do?" she asked.

Mikhail smirked. "What else could be the reason why I brought you into my room?" he said, licking his lip.

Kaye trembled as her face turned red. She tried to stand up, but Mikhail pinned her on the bed, positioning himself above her.

"Let go of me! Pervert! Monster!" she shouted.

"This is the only way I thought that can help you remember me, Kaye. Let's try it," he said.

"No! Over my dead body!" she declared, trying hard to push him.

"You're angry and keep complaining, but look at yourself; your face is as red as roses," he said.

"T-That's... That's because you're scary!" she said and closed her eyes.

Mikhail laughed.

"Tch. Stop laughing!" she said.

"You are really cute. Yeah, lots of people told me that I'm scary. Even in my past life, people feared me," he said.

He then let go of her and sat properly on the bed. Kaye quickly sat down and made distance from him.

"People always hesitated to approach me, fearing that I might strike them with my sword. I dedicated all my life to fighting and going to war, which is why I became a demon in my people's eyes," he explained.

Kaye stared at him. Sword? War? What is he talking about?

"All my life, I was filled with anger and jealousy toward my cousin because my father favored her so much. But when she died, my life completely changed; I met a woman who looks exactly like her and fell in love with her," he continued.

"How come you fell in love with a woman who looks exactly like your cousin? Isn't that weird?" she commented.

"You're right, I'm weird. But I fell in love with her not because of her appearance but because of her personality," he replied.

Kaye observed him while he was telling his story. He didn't look dangerous when he was like this. It seemed like this guy also had a good side.

"Well, where is she now? If you fell in love with her, why did you bring me here? Will she not get jealous?" she asked.

"She left... She was living in a different world. So I followed her here," he answered.

"Different world? You keep talking about weird things," she said.

Mikhail caressed her face. "Don't worry; I finally found her. And she's with me now."

She furrowed her brows. "Do you keep insisting that I was her?"

"Because I am sure about it. You are my Kaye," he said, then kissed her on her lips.

She resisted again.

"Kaye..." he whispered.

He continued to kiss her, and Kaye struggled to push him away, but her strength was waning. It became evident to her that this man had planned it all along, and even if she managed to escape from his room tonight, he would persist in his advances. His sole objective was to sleep with her.

Feeling defeated, Kaye finally gave in. If that's what he wanted, she would comply for now. However, she made a silent vow to escape this place and erase any memory of this man.

Surprisingly, she responded to his kisses, which brought a smile to Mikhail's face. He continued kissing her, moving down to her neck. His hands ventured inside her dress, playing with her breasts.

"S-Stop..." she moaned, but Mikhail continued to suck her nipples.

"N-No... S-Stop it... A-Ahh!" Her protests went unheard as he persisted, his hand playing with her other nipple.

She wanted to push him away, but it tickled too much. The urge to resist was strong, yet her body felt peculiar, making it difficult to resist.

Mikhail skillfully removed her dress and his own, revealing his dragon tattoo. His kisses trailed down to her stomach and then to her...

"S-Stop... N-Not there—A-Ahhhh... Hngghh!" she moaned again as he began to lick her.

"S-Stop...." she pleaded. The sensation was overwhelming.

Mikhail continued his intimate exploration.

"S-Stop now... It feels weird..." she said. "I... I think I'm about to pee. P-Please let me go to the toilet... A-Ahhh!"

Mikhail smirked. "Then pee."

"W-What?" Her face turned red. "Y-You're crazy!.. A-Aahhh.."

Her moans intensified as he inserted his finger inside her. "S-Stop it! S-Something's coming out! A-Ahhhhh!!!"

Mikhail smirked again as she squirted, licking his finger.

"D-Don't do that! D-Dirty!" Her face turned red once more.

"But you taste delicious; I can't help it," he said, revealing his perverted nature.

When she thought it was over, Mikhail spread her legs wider.

"W-What do you think you're doing?" she protested.

"Why? Do you think we're already done?" he replied.

Her eyes widened as she saw his size. Too big. That won't fit. It will hurt!

"N-No... Please, I'm begging you. Don't insert it!" she pleaded.

"Sshh... I'll be gentle," he promised.

"N-No... please..." she cried.

Mikhail wiped her tears and kissed her on her cheeks. "I promise I'll be careful."

He began to insert it, and Kaye cried out in pain. It was excruciating.

"I-It hurts! Please.. T-Take it out! It hurts!" she cried.

There's a presence of blood.

But Mikhail couldn't stop now. There was no turning back. "I haven't fully inserted it. Please endure it, Kaye," he said, kissing her on her lips.

Kaye cried as he forcefully inserted his whole self inside her. He moved faster, and she hugged him, unintentionally scratching his back. Mikhail left marks and bites on her body, continuing his pace.

"Fuck... You keep squeezing me inside.." he moaned.

"A-Ahhh... S-Stop... You... You're hitting something... A-Ahhh... Hnghhh.."

He's moving too fast and too deep; she feels like she's going to die.

But the pain slowly faded, replaced by a strange sensation.

"S-Stop it now... It feels weird again!" she pleaded.

Mikhail ignored her, knowing she was about to climax. Kaye moaned louder when she came, and Mikhail continued moving faster until he also reached climax. They were both panting.

Mikhail tried to hug her, but Kaye pushed him away.

"I hate you!" she exclaimed, covering herself with the blanket.

He could hear her crying.

Mikhail sighed, expecting this reaction. He decided he would make it up to her tomorrow, thinking about gifts to alleviate her anger.