
I Accidentally Became The Evil Princess Of This Empire

Kaye Jin was an illustrator who was accidentally transported into the other world and trapped inside the Princess' body. When she realized that the original Princess was a bad person, she decided to change her image and became close to everyone to have a peaceful life in the empire while thinking of a way to return to her original world. Later, an assassin named Ryu comes and tells her that someone from the empire wants to kill her. Will she be able to survive in this empire and return to her world?

Jinx_Lee · Fantasy
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Happy Family

Kaye and her parents, along with Mikhail, Mikhail's grandfather, Timothy, and Timothy's parents, faced each other to discuss the situation. When Timothy's father found out that his son had made Kaye pregnant and kept it a secret, he was furious. However, in the presence of the powerful Fuentebella Boss, they all agreed to settle the matter amicably. They accepted Eros as their grandson and promised to provide for his needs. Yet, they had one condition: they wanted to rename Eros to Timothy Jr., as Timothy's father had always dreamed of having a grandson with that name. So Eros's name was changed to Timothy Villamayor, Jr., and his nickname became TJ. Kaye agreed to the condition to ensure peace between their families.

Months passed, and they all lived in harmony. Kaye was in the living room with her best friends, Tin and Ruby, discussing their plans for a new company. They had decided to start an online publishing company for web novels and web comics, with Kaye as the CEO.

"I'm so happy you both are working with me again. I'm so thankful to have you," Kaye said.

Tin and Ruby both smiled.

"Come on, Kaye. We promised we would always be here for you. I can't wait to see our company grow and become famous," Tin said.

"And for our stories to become more famous, making us rich!" Ruby added.

They chuckled and hugged each other.

After their meeting, Kaye settled on the balcony to watch the sunset. Mikhail joined her and sat beside her.

"You're early today," she said.

"I finished my work early. How was your meeting with your friends?" Mikhail asked.

"We're doing well. I hope the company will be successful in the future," she replied.

"It will be. I believe in your abilities," he said.

She smiled. "Thank you."

Mikhail kissed her forehead.

"What's that?" Mikhail asked, noticing a small box Kaye was holding.

"A gift. It was delivered earlier," she replied.

For the past month, their family had been receiving gifts from an unknown sender. Despite trying to investigate, they couldn't uncover the person's identity. Since the gifts weren't threatening, they decided to let it be, assuming the sender was just a supporter.

"By the way, I need to discuss something with you," Mikhail said.

"What is it?" she asked.



"Marriage?" they all asked as they gathered in the living room.

"Yeah, I found a country that allows polyandry weddings. We can fly there and get married. What do you think?" Mikhail proposed.

"That's great news. We can all marry Kaye without any issues. Since polyandry isn't allowed in our country, there, we can marry Kaye at the same time," Raon suggested, with the others nodding in agreement.

"When are we going to fly there and get married? I can't wait to marry Kaye again!" Haru exclaimed eagerly.

"We need to prepare some documents first. Maybe next month when everything is ready," Isaac suggested, planning ahead.

They all smiled at the prospect.

"Finally..." Tristan said, gently holding Kaye's hand, sharing her happiness.

Kaye was overjoyed. She would marry them in this world, and no one could separate them again.

After a month, they flew to the country Mikhail mentioned and got married there in secret. They also enjoyed their honeymoon there, staying for two weeks.

Upon returning to their country, Mikhail's grandpa kept asking him and Kaye when they would get married. To avoid the discovery that they had done a polyandry marriage in another country, Kaye and Mikhail got married again in their own country. Kaye's parents were overjoyed to see her walking down the aisle.

After a few months, Kaye became pregnant and gave birth to dizygotic twins. A DNA test revealed that they were the sons of Mikhail and Isaac, who would become the future heirs of the Fuentebella family. A year later, Kaye became pregnant again and delivered dizygotic quintuplets, all boys. The DNA results showed that the fathers were Haru, Tristan, Kurtis, and Raon. Among the quintuplets, two were Raon's sons.

Kaye desired to bring joy to each of her husbands, so a year later, she gave birth to triplets. The fathers were Kyle, Benjamin, and Warren. Additionally, she welcomed sons with Shin, Ivan, and Troy.

As the years passed, their sons grew into handsome and intelligent young men. When the boys reached their teenage years, Kaye unexpectedly became pregnant with Mikhail's child. She gave birth to a daughter, which made her very happy because she had been wanting to have a daughter for so long. The older brothers were elated to welcome their little sister and vowed to protect her.

Now, they all lived happily in this world, and nothing could tear them apart.




Years later...

"Hey bro, what took you so long?" Harusheen asked as their two brothers arrived.

They were now at the restaurant, waiting for their other siblings. Harusheen was Haru's son and inherited his father's personality; he was the most troublemaker among the siblings.

"Yeah, we've been waiting for you for half an hour," Thane said.

Thane was Tristan's son, gentle, caring, and as smart as his father.

"We thought you fell asleep already," Ineah remarked.

Ineah was Ivan's son, serious like his father but without a fondness for music.

"Tsk. It was all Izak's fault!" Tohru exclaimed.

Tohru was Troy's son, a complete opposite of his father, known for causing trouble.

"Ha! Now you're blaming me. You're the one who insisted on using my car instead of our motorbike," Izak retorted.

Izak, Isaac's son, shared his father's troublesome nature.

Tohru just rolled his eyes.

"That's enough. Stop blaming each other. What's important is that both of you are finally here," Ran intervened.

Ran, Raon's son, was smart and calm but somewhat of a womanizer. Sitting beside him was his brother Rin, who was quietly listening to music. Rin enjoyed annoying his siblings, particularly Harusheen, Izak, and Tohru. He was tough and avoided showing affection, thinking it wasn't cool.

"By the way, why did you all call us here?" Hajee inquired.

Hajee, Kurtis's son, was skilled at managing money. He handled his brothers' allowances because they often overspent, causing their father stress. He was also stingy and inclined to make trades; if you wanted his help, you had to pay him.

"Yeah, it's rare for you to call for a meeting. You're not the type to miss your brother," Shuu teased Maikell.

Shuu, Shin's son, enjoyed teasing his brothers. He was observant but occasionally bullied his siblings.

Maikell raised an eyebrow. "I called you all here to discuss Mom's upcoming birthday."

Maikell, Mikhail's son, was known as the carbon copy of his father—scary, hot-headed, and serious.

"Now that you mention it, it will be on Sunday, right?" Kasey chimed in.

Kasey, Benjamin's son, was the total opposite of his father. Talkative and lazy, he hated studying, resulting in consistently low grades.

"Yeah, and I want us to give her a surprise gift she's never had before," Maikell announced.

"That'll be hard; our dads have already given her everything she wants," Kiko remarked.

Kiko, Kyle's son, was quiet like his dad, avoiding crowded places and socializing. He only ventured out when with family and disliked dirtiness.

TJ was engrossed in his laptop, though he also pondered what gift to give his mom. TJ, Timothy's son, was the eldest and interested in business and politics. He could easily get annoyed if things didn't go according to plan.

"Do you already have a gift in mind?" Imman asked Maikell.

Imman, Warren's son, inherited his father's quiet nature and enjoyed sweets and martial arts.

Maikell shook his head. "That's why I called you all here—to brainstorm a gift for Mom."

They all pondered deeply. Despite helping their dads in business and training as future Fuentebella members, they never forgot their mom. They were all close to her and loved her deeply.

Their contemplation was interrupted when they saw their younger sister emerging from the car outside.

Jinny was their youngest and only sister. As the sole female among the siblings, her brothers were extremely protective of her and granted her every wish.

Jinny spotted them and waved, eliciting smiles from her brothers. She was about to enter the restaurant when a car pulled up, and men forcibly took her inside before speeding off.

Maikell and his brothers sprang into action, rushing to their cars to pursue the kidnappers. Being well-trained and intelligent, and having handled tasks for the Fuentebella family before, chasing the kidnappers would be a breeze. Besides, this wasn't the first time Jinny had been kidnapped.

"They made a grave mistake by messing with us," Maikell declared as he drove, his brothers all wearing smirks.

TJ whipped out his phone and called Chester. He was Kaye's adopted son, whom she encountered during a visit to the orphanage. Struck by pity, Kaye asked Mikhail to adopt him. Chester bore a resemblance to Cedie, which piqued Kaye's curiosity. However, it was later confirmed that his parents were deceased, and he had no known relatives or connection to Cedie. Skilled in monitoring city CCTV cameras, hacking systems, and gathering information, Chester was the youngest among the brothers.

Maikell also dialed Terry, who was Kira and Rubie's son, and served as his right-hand man. They were all surprised when Kira and Rubie became a couple. After Rubie discovered her boyfriend's infidelity, she coincidentally met Kira at Kaye's wedding, and they fell in love.

Gathering intel from Chester, they swiftly located the kidnappers' hideout and apprehended them, rescuing Jinny in the process.

"You guys are quicker than ever," Jinny remarked, surveying the defeated kidnappers.

Though only seven years old, Jinny had grown accustomed to such incidents. While she initially disliked her family's involvement in dangerous affairs, she now understood the protection it afforded her.

Terry arrived to assist Jinny into the car, while Maikell instructed him to clean up the scene before they departed.



Kaye stared at the painting, a smile playing on her lips. Troy had painted them in their attire from their time in the Serolf Empire. Kaye, with her golden hair, sat in the middle, while her husbands, Nikolai and Hachi were positioned both beside and behind her. They all looked extravagant in their royal clothes. Although they thought Timothy didn't belong to the Serolf Empire, Troy still included him in the painting.

As she gazed at the painting, she began to miss their lives in the Serolf Empire and wondered how her other children were faring there. She had left their world while they were still young.

"Wifey..." Mikhail's voice broke her reverie as he approached, his gaze falling on the painting.

"Isn't it beautiful?" she remarked.

Mikhail nodded, then asked, "Do you miss the empire?"

Kaye's smile widened. "Yes..."

"Would you like to dress as we did in the empire?" Mikhail suggested.

Her eyes lit up in surprise. "Really?"

Mikhail smiled and nodded in affirmation.



Kaye's birthday arrived, and they decided to theme the party as a royal banquet. The guests all wore noble outfits. Although it was a private party, Kaye felt like she had returned to the Serolf Empire. Kaye was stunned to see her husbands dressed in attire resembling of their time in the empire, evoking memories long cherished. With joy in her heart, she danced happily with her husbands.

After the dance, her children approached her, presenting their gift. Kaye couldn't contain her joy upon receiving the gift—a music box playing her favorite song from her days in the Serolf Empire, the one Hadrian had always played for her.

"H-How did you know this song?" she asked, her voice choked with emotion.

"Dad and Uncle Ivan helped us," Izak explained.

"I remembered how you used to call for Hadrian to play music for you. I could hear the song from my office, and the melody lingered in my memory. So, I asked Ivan to replicate it using his violin and record it," Isaac elaborated.

"It wasn't too difficult, especially with Isaac providing the details," Ivan added.

Tears of gratitude welled in Kaye's eyes as she wiped them away, smiling through her tears. "Thank you so much," she said, embracing her children. "You've made your mom incredibly happy."

The children beamed with joy, seeing their mother's happiness.

As the banquet came to an end, everyone left with hearts full of happiness, none more so than Kaye, who felt grateful for the chance to once again embody the role of empress, if only for one night.




Ten years later, Thane found himself gazing at the painting of their parents, a creation by their uncle Troy. In the painting, they all appeared regal, as if they belonged to an ancient royal family. However, he couldn't shake his confusion about why their eldest brother, Cedie, had wolf ears and a tail in the painting.

"What are you doing here?" Maikell suddenly appeared.

"Can't you find this painting interesting?" Thane questioned.

Maikell furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, I can't explain it. It's just... This painting gives off ancient vibes," Thane explained.

Maikell also turned his attention to the painting. Thane was right; it emanated a peculiar aura.

"Hey bros, what's up!" Harusheen's arrival broke the silence.

Their other brothers trailed in behind him.

"What are you guys doing?" Ran inquired.

"This painting has piqued our curiosity," Thane replied.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Izak chimed in.

They all directed their gaze toward the painting.

Jinny, as she made her way back to her room, noticed her older brothers staring at the painting. She hid and watched them cautiously, not wanting to disturb them and risk provoking their anger once more. Ten years ago, following the accident, she became part of this family, but she often felt the weight of her older brothers' hostility, perhaps due to the death of the real Jinny...

"Oh! Did you see that? It suddenly lit up!" Harusheen exclaimed.

"Yeah, I noticed it shining," Shuu confirmed.

"Is it magic?" Tohru wondered aloud.

The boys turned their attention back to the painting, only to be engulfed by a blinding light emanating from it.

What was happening?

They screamed in terror as they felt themselves being dragged inside the painting.




The End...

Stay tuned for the upcoming sequel focusing on the adventures of their children in another world. Thank you for reading!

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