
I, A Grim Reaper, Battle The Heavens!

In the summer of 1978, Tohru Honda, an eleven-year-old boy, is enjoying a peaceful afternoon in Japan. As he lays on his bed, he notices two mysterious figures with dark mist and blue mist surrounding them. Curious, Tohru decides to investigate and finds himself transported to feudal Japan, inhabiting a different body but retaining his appearance. He discovers he is now Ankoku Tenshi, a member of the royal house Kageuta. Tenshi learns that this world is a part of the underworld, where reapers live. They collect souls to become more powerful, but so do the angels. A war what has been going on for the dawn of time, how will Tenshi raise while trying to keep the peace of the three realms.

XRavenX · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Tenshi strolled down the long and dimly lit hallway, his feet echoing against the walls as he made his way to his master.

The moment he stepped into the room, he caught sight of him comfortably seated in his chair, surrounded by a few books that were spread out haphazardly across the table.

"Master!" He said and bowed.

The old man smiled at him and waved him over to the chair opposite his own.

"What is it?" The man asked as he looked up from the book he had been reading. "Have you come to ask your doubts?"

"Yes, master." Tenshi said. "Others in the family use musical instruments to fight, right?"


"But I feel like I don't have any talent in it. I can't mould my kenshin into attacks like the rest of the family can with the instruments."

"Indeed, but what is your point?"

"Is there anything else that could help me?"

"Nope, but who said you had to use musical instruments to mould your kenshin? Remember what I told you about kenshin?"

Tenshi shook his head.

"Think about your older brother, Kyo. He uses his musical instrument, Hyoshigi alongside kenshin. Who said that you had to use your kenshin with music? Kenshin is your spiritual powers, not the music itself."

Tenshi nodded. "But everyone else in the family does it."

His master shook his head. "So? Why don't you try a different path?"

His master got up from his seat.

"Follow me." He said.

Tenshi followed him to the room next door and saw one of the other reapers standing behind the door.

"It's alright Tenshi." His master told him. "Go ahead. Say hello."

The door opened, and a young man walked out of the room.

Tenshi gasped when he saw how handsome the man was and how his kimono hugged his body.

He then noticed the black dagger strapped to his waist. It was a short sword, and the handle of the weapon had a red jewel on it.

Tenshi saw the hilt of the blade. The blade was covered in white scales on the front end where it was covered in pure gold, except for a small spot in the centre where the golden metal ended. That spot was filled with silver.

Tenshi felt his blood boil when he looked at it, and it was like he could dance alongside it.

"This is Reishel." He told Tenshi.

The young man bowed respectfully. "Hello. I have heard so much about you."

Tenshi smiled. "Thank you Reishel-sama," He said with a bow as well.

His master then took a weapon similar to Reishel. But instead of gold and silver scales, he was blue with reds and oranges mixed into the metals.

"What do you feel?" His master asked.

"I feel like I want to dance." Tenshi replied with hesitation.

He feels kind of weird saying that.

"Good. That's your Kenshin Resonating with you. Considering you felt it immediately, your talent for whatever you're feeling is high." His master said.

"Try to spar with Reishel here."

Tenshi nodded. He knew his master wanted to see if he could fight using his own ken.

Reishel bowed. "As you wish, master."

Tenshi attacked first. He swung his blade towards Reishel and saw that it hit him easily, despite how hard he had swung.

"Nice." Reishel complimented him as he fell back from the attack. "You have a lot of power there, but I can feel it."

"Oh?" Tenshi asked.

"It feels like... it's trying to push its way out of you."

Tenshi engaged in another battle with Reishel, but despite using a considerable amount of power, he felt that all his moves were blocked.

It was almost as if the reaper had an uncanny sense of vision that allowed him to see behind his head, regardless of his position.

As Tenshi continued to swing his blade with precision and power, he could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins and his body reacting to each movement.

"What is it?" Tenshi muttered.

"Don't hold back your feelings. Go with the flow." His master commented on the side.

Tenshi nodded. With a feeling of intense emotion, he ran towards Reishel, allowing his body to move with the flow of this feeling.

A look of skepticism crossed Reishel's face as he raised a brow. Tenshi's fighting style had undergone a transformation, resembling more of a dance than anything else.

With Tenshi as his initial target, he swung his blade fiercely, but Tenshi's quick change in direction allowed him to attack Reishel instead.

It was a strange experience for Reishel, but he blocked Tenshi's blade without taking too much damage.

"Impressive." Reishel commented. "For a boy who's in his 20s."

Tenshi nodded. "Thank you."

Tenshi kept attacking, and his moves became more fluid.

The way he moved was so fluid and graceful, almost like he was dancing in the form of water. Every single one of his moves was executed with such flawless smoothness and elegance.

Tenshi relentlessly continued with his attack, striking blow after blow, until Reishel finally caught his hand, overpowering him and forcing him to the ground.

His master clapped.

"Seems like you have a general understanding of your Kenshin."

Tenshi smiled bitterly, getting up from the ground.

"Yes, but I still can't mould it into attacks."

His master shook his head. "Kenshin is a strange thing. You don't need to mould your Kenshin to attack, your Kenshin is helping you auxiliary."

"Maybe if you get stronger, your Kenshin will also have some surprising effects."

Tenshi nodded.

"Well, I'll send you to the reaper school now."

"Reaper school?" Tenshi asked.

"It's a place for training Reapers. And I would like you to go there before you become a true Reaper." His master told him.

"Like your brother Kyo, two years older than you. Considering your royalty, you'll get into the best class."

"I would like to know more about the academy."

His master chuckled. "If you're curious, then let us begin."