
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Too weak

The disappearance of the sound frightened Dai even more than the sound itself. His heart sank with fear. He wanted to close his eyes, and then hide, hide, dig in, do everything possible to hide from an unknown threat.

However, something inside Dai still continued to fight against fear and he prepared to run at any moment.

- What are you doing here, boy? - Suddenly, a voice came from above.

Dai almost screamed in fright and jerked his head up to see the face of some adult uncle.

- I'm lost... - Dai answered honestly, realizing that all this time the sound was made not by a monster, but by a man.

- Lost? Here? In the Forest of Death? - Uncle said with some doubt in his voice.

Might Dai quickly got up from the ground, brushed himself off, and then told how he got here.

- I see... By the way, can you tell me what your name is? - his uncle asked.

- Might Dai.

For reasons unknown to Dai, his uncle fell silent for a while and stared at him intently.

His gaze seemed very strange to Dai, however, like everything about this unfamiliar uncle.

- So, Dai, do you want to become a Shinobi? - Uncle suddenly said.

Dai answered without hesitation:

- Certainly!

- I don't want to upset you, but you don't have any talent for Ninjutsu and Chakra in general. - the words of the unfamiliar uncle dug like a thousand needles into Dai's heart.

Not wanting to believe his uncle's words, Dai yelled heart-rendingly:

- You are lying! How do you know if I have talent or not?

The stranger sighed heavily.

- Unfortunately it's true. You may not believe it, but it's true.

- So I won't be able to become a Shinobi...? - Dai said, very upset.

The stranger shook his head and then explained:

- I said that you have no talent for ninjutsu. - However, that doesn't mean you can't become a Shinobi.

- But if I can't use ninjutsu, then how can I be a Shinobi? - Dai asked a little confused.

Instead of answering, the stranger smiled strangely and a little eeriely. There wasn't much of a smile on his face.

- Watch me closely. Having said this, the stranger turned to the tree.

Suddenly, the air around the unfamiliar uncle began to tremble, similar to how the air above a fire is distorted due to heat.

- Gates of Healing... Open! - roaring, the stranger struck a tree.


From one blow of a stranger, the tree, or rather its remains, flew many meters ahead.

With his mouth wide open, Dai stared dumbfounded at the unfamiliar uncle.

- Uncle, how did you do it? The tree... It was so big! And heavy!

The unknown uncle whimpered loudly.

- What I just used was the Eight Gate Technique. And call me Danzo.

Dai repeated Danzō's name to himself several times, trying to remember where he'd heard the name, but he couldn't.

- And your Technique... Eight Gates, is it Ninjutsu?

- Not. It would be more correct to call it a Taijutsu skill. - the stranger replied to Dai.

Dai was silent for a while, then asked sharply with a noticeable hope in his voice:

- Can you teach me?

However, to his great disappointment, the stranger shook his head.

- You're not ready yet. Too weak.

*more than 39 chapters are available at my pat reon

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