

Devils aren’t born, they are created! Well perhaps its true! My own parents who brought me to this world rob everything I had and throw me away! A fu*cking Otaku from a different dimension tried to fu*cking take over my body! Everyone treats me like trash, and even try to kill me at any time. But I survived! I survived and turned into a Devil! The more I act like a Devil though the more I feel I was born as a Devil. It doesn’t really matter, my path is that of the free and unfettered! Doing whatever the fu*ck makes me feel happiest. I will plunge and plunder the whole fu*cking world, making everyone kneel to ME! The women will be mine, the men can only be Eunuchs! I will be the fu*cking Devil Progenitor, and the only one standing, while taking my revenge! So, try to live your lives in peace until I knock on your doors. The moment I show up, is the moment your nightmares are going to catch up. Best of luck surviving THE INEVITABLE ME!

crazy_immortal · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 5: Full-Blown War

 Hearing the people from the Luo Family protecting the guard and not showing the contents of the pouch, the Elders of the Yang Clan already branded them as guilty.


But still, while they still had the pouch in sight, they had no idea where their Young Master was, so the Third Elder couldn't help but jump in front at the moment,


"Well, let us forget of the pouch, we have a more important matter to discuss right now!

Where is our Young Master, bastards of the Luo Clan!


You got what you wanted now release our Young Master!"


The middle-aged man who was leading the Luo Clan forces had no fu*cking idea what these bastards were saying, but he couldn't admit to something he hadn't done.


"What the fu*ck are you trying to say!?

Why would we Luo Clan need to kidnap a trash like him? Is he worthy of our effort!?"


"You are still not going to admit and repent, even on the death's door!?

You are incorrigible!"


With that said, the Third Elder who was trying to keep the situation calm and not exploding made his move.


He disappeared from where he was and appeared in front of the Luo Clan's representative.


Just as the guy was defending himself with a shield skill, and armour artifact, he heard a bang and a crackkk, as he saw his barrier crumble in his eyes.


The Third Elder of the Yang Family had even burned some of his vitality in order to make sure that he killed the opponent in one strike, and pick up the pouch.


What he didn't expect was that the opponent didn't only have a defensive martial skill, and the armour, but also another protective artefact.


Despite him lowering himself to do a sneak attack, the opponent had managed to survive leaving him in a really bad spot.


"These bastards want a war, then a war they will get!

Fu*cking kill them all!"


With that said, the middle-aged man run towards the end, as he left his underlings fight the elders of the Yang Family.


Right now, delivering the pouch successfully to the Patriarch was of outmost importance, and he couldn't delay or have the situation reversed later.


His underlings were certainly surprised and startled by his actions, but they knew they had no other option but to do as they were told.


So, a full blow out war with between the Yang and Luo Families started, disrupting the peace of No.12 Flower Petal City.



The screams of battle and death continued for the whole night, as Luo Clan lost 200 disciples, while the Yang Family lost their 2 of their Elders.


The disturbance that happened during the night earned the attention of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect as well, as the next day they sent an Elder to mediate the situation.


While a little bit of competition was good, the Sect couldn't allow full blown out wars within its territory.


Otherwise, who knew how many Clans and families would turn their cities upside down, causing substantial losses and issues for the Sect.


The problem with the arriving Elder, was that he belonged to the faction of the Sect Master of the Sect, and also the expert who killed the Yang Family's Ancestor.


From the moment he was informed the guy already had an idea in mind how to deal with the situation, and the moment he received the good news at Luo Clan he became even more determined.


After all, in order to strike good backing for their disciples in the Sect, the Luo Family gave the Yang Clan cultivation method to the current Sect Master.


While he already had his own, there was word in the streets that he was obsessed with the Yang Family Cultivation Manual.


The only shocking surprise that the mediator encountered though was the fact that the Young Master of the Yang Family had been kidnapped.


This information made everyone release why the Yang Family would dare to make such a show of strength, and at the same time bring out their cultivation manual.


Unfortunately, it didn't help much either, as the Luo Family never agreed to something that they hadn't done by right.


This left the mediator in a terrible situation, as he didn't have a way to resolve the issue, until the Luo Clan told him about the trash of the Yang Family.


"In light of this depressing and difficult to understand situation, the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect has decided to allow the Second Young Master of the Yang Family get in the sect as an Inner Gate Disciple.


At the same time, we are going to make sure that we investigate the case until the end, and provide the Yang Family with a satisfactory answer as well!"


This was the conclusion of the mediator of the Sect, which made the faces of the people from the Yang Family, darker than black.


It was clear that the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect had completely abandoned their Yang Clan, and that they were thrown amidst four roads.


As for the fact that the Sect was allowing Yang Trash to enter the Sect as an inner disciple without any examination, nobody cared.


Everyone understood that this was the way that the mediator was showing off as an impartial man in front of the masses, but ridiculing and scorning the Yang Clan at the same time.



The one who suffered the biggest shock upon hearing the news was Yang Trash himself, as he had never expected such a good deal to fall from the sky.


He was unhappy that he couldn't deal with the Yang Family at the moment, as he would need to leave the place, but he could get back in the future and deal with them the same way.


With those thoughts in mind, he just hid his possessions carefully within his lousy clothing before waiting for the mediator from the Sect to pick him up.


Of course, in order to go down to the very end of his acting the mediator had to pick him up and send him to the Sect.


Unaware that he was being followed from an eagle behind!


He had the sensation of a piercing gaze on his back, but no matter how many times he turned around he couldn't find anything.


Surprisingly, there were also 4 beautiful female disciples from the Luo Clan that the Elder had picked up as they were a present and also an extra gift from the Luo Clan for the Vice Sect Master.


The trip to the Sect wasn't a long one, it took only about 5 hours, Yang Trash had been 'collected' withing a trash bag, so he hadn't been able to see anything on the way.


And even the beauties of the Luo Clan, he had only been able to know of their presence by hearing their conversations with the Elder.


Apparently, this mediator Elder was nothing more but the main bootlicking servant of his Master, doing all the dirty work for him while he got occasional benefits.


His greatest pride was that his Master had greatly appreciated him by 'honouring' his wives and his daughters, helping them in their cultivation.


Basically, he was a happy cuckold, perhaps he had that fetish.


Well, it didn't matter much to Yang Trash, as he was more concerned about that sensation of being followed that didn't leave his side.


It seemed that unless he took care of that person, or died, he wouldn't be able to get rid of him or her.


Taking care of such a person was easier said than done, as he wasn't even able to sense his/her location, or strength, and even less be able to deal with her.


So, the only remaining option seemed to be dying a believable death!


While he was thinking like that, the trash bag he was inside was thrown into a smelly place, a place that smelled like horse dung.


And he wasn't wrong, as the next moment he heard the cuckold bastards voice,


"You are going to deal with cleaning the horse dung from now on, don't even think of getting out of this place in your life!"


So much for being an inner disciple of the Yin-Yang Prairie Sect, he was just going to do the same shitty work he did at the Clan, the only difference being that he was now cleaning animal shit.


Still, even if he wanted to say or do anything, he couldn't!


The current him was too weak, too useless, and too trashy to be able to make even the smallest of changes.


He could only lower his head, and do as he was told, and start cleaning the horse dung from the floor, not even raising his head to look at the motherfu*cker who brought him here.


The whole situation made the cuckold elder startled, but he just thought that his pressure and ability were just that great to make Yang Trash no dare say a word.


At the same time, the moment that the cuckold Elder left Yang Trash could finally sense that even the feeling of being watched had left as well.


Still, this didn't seem to be a solution either, as it would most probably return soon.


For that reason, all he could do was lower his head and start thinking of a plan on how scene out his own death.


First, he would need to have an 'opponent' to kill him, and secondly, he would need to check the situation on what would happen with his body after death.


Either that, or he would need to 'die' from a place where his body wouldn't be found.


But he had no idea where he could find such a place…

Hello Everyone This is my most recent work.

Hope you like it and become part of the journey.

Have a great ride!

crazy_immortalcreators' thoughts